

The ENERGICORPUS project (ANR-DFG) investigates the public debates surrounding the energy transition in Germany and in France from the 1970s to the present day.

? University of Augsburg
Energiewende 2
? University of Augsburg
Energiewende 3
? University of Augsburg


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Project Overview?


Project Start



End of Project

31.03.2021, extended


Project Funding

DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) &

ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche)


Project Manager

Prof. Dr. Reiner Keller


Participating Researchers?of the?Universit Augsburg

Bastien Fond



Alina Becker

Nicolas K?s

Tanja Stockmann





The research proposal pursues two main objectives:

  • The comparative analysis on the long run of the development of public discourses on such ecological challenges in the two countries.
  • The combination of two approaches in discourse analysis, namely the pragmatic sociology of controversies by Chateauraynaud (with the use of the Prospéro software) for France and the sociology of knowledge approach to discourse analysis (SKAD) by Reiner Keller for Germany.

On the basis of a combined heuristic approach, the argumentative trajectories of the discussions on the energy supply's transformation in each country will be reconstructed, while comparing their modalities, mechanisms and effects.

description du projet ? University of Augsburg
