
? University of Augsburg


There will be online informational events via zoom for a start of studies in Winter term 2025/26 in spring. The exact dates for these informational events will be announced here as soon as possible.


Link to


We are looking forward to seeing you there!




Educators and teachers in K-12 education, universities, and beyond are increasingly expected to identify, assess, and analyze educational problems and to solve them in competent and ethical ways. To be able to achieve this, they require current and well-grounded knowledge about the conditions and effects of processes of learning and instruction. In this Master’s program, students acquire profound knowledge and skills related to research on learning and instruction. Through this—and under the guidance of highly qualified instructors—they produce knowledge that is urgently needed in educational practice.?


? University of Augsburg
? University of Augsburg
? University of Augsburg
RLI Info
? University of Augsburg
? University of Augsburg
? University of Augsburg
About the degree programme
Degree programme: Research on Learning and Instruction: An Interdisciplinary Program
Official Designation: Research on Learning and Instruction: An Interdisciplinary Program
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Study mode: Full-time
Language of instruction: English
Start of studies: winter semester
Standard study duration: 4 semesters
Admission type: Open admission (with an aptitude assessment process)
Please note: Admission requirements according to § 5 of the exam regulations. Introductory events take place closely before the start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…. Start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…
Application deadline for the winter semester: 15. June

Main features of the program


  1. Strong research orientation: The teaching concept strongly mirrors the process of empirical research. Students not only discuss, but also produce empirical evidence on the conditions, processes, and effects of learning and instruction (under close guidance of the instructors).
  2. Interdisciplinary focus: The courses take psychological and educational perspectives on learning and instruction. In addition, perspectives from various subject matter didactics and media didactics are included. The courses also build on students’ diverse experiences from their previous study programs.
  3. Internationalization: The students discuss the current state of international research on learning and instruction. Also, they are encouraged to travel to international conferences and to go for research stays abroad.
  4. Intensive guidance: Students’ research projects are closely supervised by the instructors, , with an excellent instructor-to-student ratio. There are also plenty of opportunities for interaction and discussion outside of the boundaries of the courses.
  5. Innovative course formats: The students receive plenty of high-level learning opportunities in authentic contexts (e.g., debates, project seminars, academic retreats, conferences).



The first part of the Master’s program “Research on Learning and Instruction” is characterized by (a) a discursive and theory-based consideration of diverse disciplinary perspectives on learning and instruction (educational psychology, educational science, subject matter didactics, media didactics), and (b) an intensive research methods curriculum.

In the second part of the study program, students specialize in two out of five areas. There, they work on empirical research projects under intensive guidance from their instructors.
The areas of specialization are:


  1. Cognitive and instructional processes of learning and instruction
  2. Motivational and emotional processes of learning and instruction
  3. Teaching and learning with media
  4. Teacher professionalism and heterogeneity
  5. Technology-supported assessment and facilitation of learning and instruction


? University of Augsburg
Jan. 8, 2025

Emiliee Hauser, student in the Master‘s program

The heavy emphasis on empirical research is what makes this program particularly engaging. Even from the first weeks, you feel involved in the research community by having opportunities to engage with various ongoing research projects within the field.

Jan. 8, 2025

Alexander Till, student in the Master‘s program

This study program provides enough basic information in the first semester for a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds to be able to engage in the learning sciences. For those already familiar with many of the concepts due to their prior study program there is enough room to delve into specific topics and deepen their understanding.

Jan. 8, 2025

Emilie Heidenreich, student in the Master‘s program

I like that the program really prepares us for a research-oriented career. It doesn’t only cover methods and content related to learning and instruction, but also focuses on research skills such as presenting and writing.

Jan. 8, 2025

Nomin Jargalsaikhan, student in the Master‘s program

As I near the end of my program, I can confidently say that this program has equipped me with a solid foundation in both theoretical knowledge and research skills, while also building my confidence and work ethics for a smooth transition into my future career. I have gained lots of experiences and valuable personal and professional insights, and have always felt supported throughout the process.

Jan. 8, 2025

Cara Enste, student in the Master‘s program

The program is enriched by amazing, dedicated instructors who are always open to questions, suggestions, and continuous improvement. The supportive and familiar environment at Uni Augsburg creates an ideal atmosphere for personal and academic growth.


This program addresses students with a degree in teacher education or bachelor’s degrees from disciplines related to empirical research on learning and instruction (e.g., educational science, psychology, communication science, etc.). Further requirements are:?

  • Theoretical, domain-specific knowledge (e.g., theories of learning and instruction, motivational theories, teaching and learning with media, teacher professionalism, heterogeneous learning prerequisites, technology-supported assessment and facilitation of learning and instruction)?
  • Methodological knowledge and skills (e.g., data collection and analysis, foundations of diagnostics, basic statistics)?
  • English language proficiency: B2 (e.g., TOEFL; to be handed in by the end of the 1st semester; free courses are available )?


This program prepares students both for careers in empirical educational research (e.g., within PhD programs) and for leading positions in educational practice. So far, about two thirds of the alumni of the program have started a PhD.


The Master’s program “Research on Learning and Instruction: An Interdisciplinary Program” demands English language proficiency on level B2. This proof can be handed in until the end of the first semester. We also strongly recommend that international students develop their German language skills, even though no formal proof of German language proficiency is formally required). Free English and German Language courses are available for all students, offered by the Sprachenzentrum.



As a medium-sized city with a lively past and a booming present, Augsburg offers a high quality of life and plenty of attractive career opportunities. Being part of the Munich Metropolitan Area in an attractive region in the Alpine foothills, Augsburg is well connected to the city of Munich and offers affordable housing opportunities. Students benefit from the amenities that a campus university entails. All facilities are in a compact location south of Augsburg city centre, which includes a spacious park landscape and a relaxed, but focused study atmosphere.?

Application procedure

? University of Augsburg

Applications for the Master’s program “Research on Learning and Instruction: An Interdisciplinary Program”

The qualification test consists of two steps:

Step 1: Written application (via?https://vibs.uni-augsburg.de/)
Step 2: Oral interview (if necessary)


Target group: Graduates of teacher education or bachelor’s programs with a close relation to empirical research on learning and instruction (e.g., educational science, psychology, communication science, etc.)


Terms and deadlines:


Start of studies is every winter semester.

Deadline for applications is?June 15th, each year?(cut-off period).


International applicants, especially those from countries outside the European Union, are strongly recommended to apply by January 15. Only in this case can early admission be guaranteed and only then is there a good chance that you will be able to complete the necessary visa formalities in your home country in time to start your studies.

