

Welcome to the website of the Finance, Accounting, Controlling & Taxation cluster!

“What can I expect?” – focus of the cluster

In the Finance, Accounting, Controlling & Taxation cluster (“FACT” for short), you will be dealing with different topics, among other things, with the following interesting issues: “How do opportunities and risks affect company value?”, “How do international corporations function?”, “How can a company’s tax burden be optimized?”, “How can financial crises be predicted and counteracted?”. Different techniques and methods are learned so that you can answer these and other questions. A detailed overview of all the cluster’s subareas is available here.


“What can I learn?” – theory and practice

The FACT cluster teaches competencies in business management methods of securities analysis, business valuation and rating as well as in the assessment of different forms of financing and financial products – particularly with regard to taxation. Apart from teaching theoretical content, as well as mathematical and statistical methods, in our lectures, we offer application-oriented seminars, in which the theoretical knowledge is implemented practically. In this way, students receive a comprehensive education in finance, reporting, and taxation.

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“And then...?” – career prospects

After you have completed your degree in the FACT cluster, depending on the focus you opted for and your interests, diverse professional and career opportunities are open to you in different sectors of industry. In particular, graduates find themselves working in the areas of Management Accounting, Auditing, Tax Consulting, Consulting, Accounting or in Finance and Banking. In addition, interesting assignment options result in diverse business departments. A comprehensive overview of your career prospects and the associated choice of suitable modules can be found here.

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Business Taxation
Management Accounting and Management Control
Financial Data Analytics
Finance and Banking
Economic Policy and Industrial Economics
Accounting & Controlling


The programs offered by the chairs involved in the FACT cluster can be found? here.

Recognition of credits in the FACT cluster

All information on the recognition of credits achieved abroad in the FACT cluster are available on the website of the Center for International Relations?of the Faculty of Business and Economics.




Dr. Leonie Nothelfer
Team CIR
Center for International Relations
  • Room 1318 (Building J)
Dr. Diether Maack
Team CIR
Center for International Relations
  • Phone: +49 821 598 - 4414
  • Email:
  • Room 2403 (Building J)

Contact for general questions about the FACT cluster

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Prof. Dr. Robert Ullmann: Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre
  • Room 1305 (Building J)


If you have specific questions, you are welcome to get in contact with the contacts of the individual chairs involved in the cluster.



Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Prof. Dr. Robert Ullmann: Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre
  • Room 1305 (Building J)
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Utz: Finanzwirtschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Climate Finance
  • Room 1206 (Building I)
Research Assistant
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schultze: Chair of Accounting & Controlling
  • Room 2217 (Building J)
Wiss. Mitarbeiter/Research and teaching assistant
Prof. Dr. Jennifer Kunz: Controlling
  • Room 2334 (Building J)
Dr. Dennis R. Metzler
Prof. Dr. Jan Muntermann: Financial Data Analytics
  • Room 2303 (Building J)
Akademischer Rat
Prof. Dr. Marco Wilkens: Finanz- und Bankwirtschaft
  • Room 2204 (Building J)
Assistant Professor
Chair of Economic Policy and Industrial Economics
  • Room 2408 (Building J)
Academic Council
Faculty of Business and Economics
  • Room 2319 (Building J)
