

The Doctoral Committee (“St?ndiger Promotionsausschuss”) coordinates and implements the doctoral examination procedure in the Faculty of Business and Economics according to the new Doctoral Regulations (“Promotionsordnung” - came into force in May 2014).

Members of the Doctoral Committee

Ordinarius (Full Professor)
Faculty of Business and Economics



Prof. Dr. Axel Tuma: Production & Supply Chain Management



Faculty of Business and Economics



Head of Chair
Prof. Dr. Daniel Veit: Information Systems und Management



Faculty of Business and Economics



Certificate for doctorate courses

The Doctoral Committee issues a certificate for doctoral candidates who have attended at least three doctorate courses. Further information can be obtained by sending a request to the Doctoral Committee??

The doctorate process

The following (simplified) flow chart gives a brief overview of a successful doctorate process. Further information and form templates for admission to the Doctoral Examination as well as the Doctoral Request (for initiation of the Doctoral Procedure; “Promotionsgesuch”) and information on publication of the dissertation are available on? request to the Doctoral Committee??




1. Admission to the Doctoral Examination and enrollment as a doctoral student


a) Admission to the Doctoral Examination

  • Within the first 12 months of the doctorate process you should apply to the Doctoral Committee for your admission to the Doctoral Examination.

  • The necessary forms and further help are available from the Doctoral Committee on request.

  • Since the start of the winter semester 2017/18, the Doctoral Committee will make its decisions regarding admissions to the Doctoral Examination on fixed dates: This will be the case in October, January, April, July, etc. All documents for the respective admission must therefore be submitted to the Doctoral Committee in full by October 1, January 1, April 1, July 1, etc. at the latest.

b)?Enrollment as a doctoral student

  • As soon as you have been admitted for the Doctoral Program you can enroll as a doctoral student.
  • The necessary form is available on the website of the Registrar’s Office (“Studentenkanzlei”), is signed by the Chairman of the Doctoral Committee, and is submitted by you for enrollment as a doctoral student.


2. ?Doctoral Request (for initiation of the Doctoral Procedure) and completion of the dissertation through thesis defense


a)????? Doctoral Request (for initiation of the Doctoral Procedure) and submission of the dissertation

  • To submit the dissertation, a Doctoral Request must be submitted.
  • The necessary forms and further help are available from the Doctoral Committee on request.
  • After all necessary documents have been received, the Doctoral Committee decides whether to accept the Doctoral Request and if so, forwards the review copies of the dissertation to the examiners.
  • Since the start of the winter semester 2017/18, the Doctoral Committee will make its decisions regarding admissions to the Doctoral Examination on fixed dates: This will be the case in October, January, April, July, etc. All documents for the respective admission must therefore be submitted to the Doctoral Committee in full by October 1, January 1, April 1, July 1, etc. at the latest.

b)????? Review of the dissertation

  • The examiners assess the scientific quality of the dissertation.

c)?????? Display of the dissertation

  • In case of a positive review, the dissertation is put on display. Different display periods must be noted depending on whether the display period is during the lecture period or the lecture-free period.

d)????? Acceptance of the dissertation and thesis defense

  • If no objections are raised against the dissertation, it is deemed to be accepted.
  • The Doctoral Committee, together with the doctoral candidate and examiners, coordinates a date for the thesis defense.

e)????? Publication of the dissertation

  • The dissertation must be published within two years of successful thesis defense.

Data protection information regarding the Doctoral Examination Procedure

All doctoral candidates are asked to note the following information requirements:


