Christian Gahm, Chantal Ganschinietz, Florian Denz and Axel Tuma
A flexible approach for the dimensioning of on-site energy conversion systems for manufacturing companies
Computers & Industrial Engineering 159, 107470 (2021)
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Michael Bitzer, Nicolas Brinz and Philipp Ollig
Disentagling the concept of information security properties - enabling effective information security governance
in: ECIS 2021 - European Conference on Information Systems, June 14-16, 2021, Marrakech, Morocco: Research Papers, 134 (AISeL, 2021)
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Sandra Boldoczki, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
Does increased circularity lead to environmental sustainability? The case of washing machine reuse in Germany
Journal of Industrial Ecology 25, 864-876 (2021)
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Lars Wietschel, Lukas Me?mann, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
Environmental benefits of large‐scale second‐generation bioethanol production in the EU: an integrated supply chain network optimization and life cycle assessment approach
Journal of Industrial Ecology 25, 677-692 (2021)
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Corrigendum published at https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.13255
Markus Natter, Martin Rohleder and Marco Wilkens
Maturity-matched bond fund performance
Financial Analysts Journal 77, 83-96 (2021)
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Antonia Heberle and Heribert Gierl
Should companies use tattooed models in their advertisements?
in: Designing and communicating experience, ed. by M. Waiguny and S. Rosengren, (Advances in Advertising Research ; XI) 151-166 (Springer Gabler: Wiesbaden, 2021)
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Lukas Me?mann, Victoria Zender, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
How to quantify social impacts in strategic supply chain optimization: state of the art
Journal of Cleaner Production 257, 120459 (2020)
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David B. Audretsch, Erik E. Lehmann, Matthias Menter and Katharine Wirsching
Intrapreneurship and absorptive capacities: the dynamic effect of labor mobility
Technovation 99, 102129 (2020)
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Christoph Helbig, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
Quantitative assessment of dissipative losses of 18 metals
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 153, 104537 (2020)
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Tam P. Dinh Thi', Wolfgang Schultze, Thomas List and Nadine Zbiegly
R&D disclosures and capitalization under IAS 38 - evidence on the interplay between national institutional regulations and IFRS adoption
Journal of International Accounting Research 19, 29-55 (2020)
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Sebastian Koch and Robert Klein
Route-based approximate dynamic programming for dynamic pricing in attended home delivery
European Journal of Operational Research 287, 633-652 (2020)
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Sandra Boldoczki, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
The environmental impacts of preparation for reuse: a case study of WEEE reuse in Germany
Journal of Cleaner Production 252, 119736 (2020)
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Antonia Kraus and Heribert Gierl
Are incomplete advertisements more effective? A test of the generation effect and the amiguity effect
in: Advances in advertising research X: multiple touchpoints in brand communication, ed. by Enrique Bigne and Sara Rosengren, (European Advertising Academy Book Series (EAA)) 93-106 (Springer Gabler: Wiesbaden, 2019)
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Tanja Steinhart and Heribert Gierl
Are your products arranged in a good shape? The effect of entitativity on the attitudes toward family brands
in: Advances in advertising research X: multiple touchpoints in brand communication, ed. by Enrique Bigne and Sara Rosengren, (European Advertising Academy Book Series (EAA)) 163-176 (Springer Gabler: Wiesbaden, 2019)
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Jochen Mackert
Choice-based dynamic time slot management in attended home delivery
Computers & Industrial Engineering 129, 333-345 (2019)
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Robert Keller, Philipp Ollig and Gilbert Fridgen
Decoupling, information technology, and the tradeoff between organizational reliability and organizational agility
in: Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, June 8-14, 2019, 118 (AISeL, 2019)
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Moritz Bradel, Dennis M. Steininger and Daniel Veit
How can digital start-ups successfully recruit IT professionals?
in: Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden, June 8-14, 2019, ed. by Paul Johannesson, P?r ?gerfalk, Remko Helms, 73 (AISeL: New York, NY, 2019)
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Christoph Helbig
Metalle im Spannungsfeld techno?konomischen Handelns: Eine Bewertung der Versorgungsrisiken und der dissipativen Verluste mit Methoden der Industrial Ecology
Dissertation, Universit?t Augsburg, (2019)
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Henner Gimpel and Fabian Schmid
Risks and side effects of digitalization: a multi-level taxonomy of the adverse effects of using digital technologies and media
in: Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, June 8-14, 2019, 145 (AISeL, 2019)
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Mandy M. Cheng, Tam P. Dinh Thi', Wolfgang Schultze and Maria Assel
The effect of bonus deferral on managers' investment decisions
Behavioral Research in Accounting 31, 31-49 (2019)
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Rouven Schur, Jochen G?nsch and Michael Hassler
Time-consistent, risk-averse dynamic pricing
European Journal of Operational Research 277, 587-603 (2019)
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Robert Klein, Jochen Mackert, Michael Neugebauer and Claudius Steinhardt
A model-based approximation of opportunity cost for dynamic pricing in attended home delivery
OR Spectrum 40, 969-996 (2018)
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Martin Bichler, S?ren Merting and Aykut Uzunoglu
Assigning course schedules: about preference elicitation, fairness, and truthfulness
preprint (2018)
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Maximilian von Welck, Manuel Trenz, Tina Blegind Jensen and Daniel Veit
IT-consumerization: domain control, (reversed) presenteeism, and stress
in: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Human Behavior and IS, 13 - 16 December 2018, San Francisco, California, USA, 8 (AISeL: New York, NY, 2018)
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Tanja Steinhart and Heribert Gierl
Me, myself or the blogger? How to use Instagram as a content platform to promote products from the company's perspective
in: Power to consumers, ed. by Verolien Cauberghe, Liselot Hudders and Martin Eisend, (Advances in Advertising Research ; IX) 43-56 (Springer: Wiesbaden, 2018)
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Dennis M. Steininger, T. Glas and Daniel Veit
Mitigating the negative impacts of social media firestorms - an experimental study
in: 16th pre-ICIS JAIS Theory Development Workshop (TDW), San Francisco, CA, USA, December 2018, 1-30 (2018)
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Martin Rohleder, Dominik Schulte, Janik Syryca and Marco Wilkens
Mutual fund stock-picking skill: new evidence from valuation- versus liquidity-motivated trading
Financial Management 47, 309-347 (2018)
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Online bereits 2017 erschienen
Erik E. Lehmann and Matthias Menter
Public cluster policy and neighboring regions: beggar-thy-neighbor?
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 27, 420-437 (2018)
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Erik E. Lehmann and Matthias Menter
Public cluster policy and performance
The Journal of Technology Transfer 43, 558-592 (2018)
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Christoph Helbig, Alex M. Bradshaw, Lars Wietschel, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
Supply risks associated with lithium-ion battery materials
Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 274-286 (2018)
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Corrigendum published at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.062
Petra Hutner, Christoph Helbig, Dennis Stindt, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
Transdisciplinary development of a life cycle-based approach to measure and communicate waste prevention effects in local authorities
Journal of Industrial Ecology 22, 1050-1065 (2018)
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James A. Cunningham, Matthias Menter and Conor O'Kane
Value creation in the quadruple helix: a micro level conceptual model of principal investigators as value creators
R&D Management 48, 136-147 (2018)
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Sebastian Koch, Jochen G?nsch and Claudius Steinhardt
Dynamic programming decomposition for choice-based revenue management with flexible products
Transportation Science 51, 1046-1062 (2017)
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Maximilian von Welck, Manuel Trenz, Tina Blegind Jensen and Daniel Veit
Empowerment and BYOx: towards improved IS security compliance
in: Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2017), December 10-13, 2017, Seoul, South Korea, 23 (AISeL: New York, NY, 2017)
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Alexander Cimprich, Steven B. Young, Christoph Helbig, Eskinder D. Gemechu, Andrea Thorenz, Axel Tuma and Guido Sonnemann
Extension of geopolitical supply risk methodology: characterization model applied to conventional and electric vehicles
Journal of Cleaner Production 162, 754-763 (2017)
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Matthias Menter, Erik E. Lehmann and Katharine Wirsching
Firm performance and regional innovation mechanisms: the moderating role of absorptive capacities
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2017, 243-248 (2017)
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Stefan Thomas and Heribert Gierl
High and light, dark and heavy? Using metaphoric associations to affect perceptions of the nutritional content of food products
in: Challenges in an age of dis-engagement, ed. by Vesna Zabkar and Martin Eisend, (Advances in Advertising Research ; VIII) 123-137 (Springer: Wiesbaden, 2017)
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Antonia Kraus and Heribert Gierl
Increasing co-product evaluations by using integrative logos
in: Challenges in an age of dis-engagement, ed. by Vesna Zabkar and Martin Eisend, (Advances in Advertising Research ; VIII) 169-182 (Springer: Wiesbaden, 2017)
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Simon Binder and Robert Nuscheler
Risk-taking in vaccination, surgery, and gambling environments: evidence from a framed laboratory experiment
Health Economics 26, 76-96 (2017)
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Martina Manouras and Heribert Gierl
Should she hold it or should she eat it? the efficient pose of testimonials to improve perceptions of tastiness of food products
in: Challenges in an age of dis-engagement, ed. by Vesna Zabkar and Martin Eisend, (Advances in Advertising Research ; VIII) 269-282 (Springer: Wiesbaden, 2017)
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Antonia Kraus and Heribert Gierl
The logo matters: the effect of the logo type on the attitude towards co-products
International Journal of Advertising 36, 743-760 (2017)
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Katharina Schweiger
An environmental management informaiton system to support the decision-making process in the recycling sector for end-of-life-vehicles
in: 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems PACIS 2016 Proceedings, June 27 - July 1, 2016, Chiayi, Taiwan, ed. by Ting-Peng Liang, Shin-Yuan Hung, Patrick Y. K. Chau, She-I Chang, 41 (AISeL, 2016)
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Andreas Hoegen, Dennis M. Steininger and Daniel Veit
An interdisciplinary review of crowdfunding investment decisions
in: Proceedings of the IS Cognitive Research Exchange Workshop (Pre-ICIS), Dublin, Ireland, December 2016, (AISeL: New York, NY, 2016)
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Dominik Wei?
Arbeitnehmermitbestimmung und die Europ?ische Aktiengesellschaft (SE): eine empirische Analyse auf L?nderebene
German Journal of Human Resource Management: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung 30, 84-107 (2016)
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Christian Nuss, Dennis Stindt, Ramin Sahamie and Axel Tuma
Eine quantitative Analyse europ?ischer Richtlinien und Verordnungen zur Abfall- und Kreislaufwirtschaft am Beispiel der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie: Implikationen und Empfehlungen für eine transnationale Umweltpolitik
Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik & Umweltrecht 39, 37-69 (2016)
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Christoph Helbig, Eskinder D. Gemechu, Baptiste Pillain, Steven B. Young, Andrea Thorenz, Axel Tuma and Guido Sonnemann
Extending the geopolitical supply risk indicator: application of life cycle sustainability assessment to the petrochemical supply chain of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers
Journal of Cleaner Production 137, 1170-1178 (2016)
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Markus Natter, Martin Rohleder, Dominik Schulte and Marco Wilkens
The benefits of option use by mutual funds
Journal of Financial Intermediation 26, 142-168 (2016)
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Sijmen Duineveld
Bounded rationality in a real business cycle model [Discussion Paper]
in: 21st International Conference on Computing in?Economics and Finance (CEF 2015), June 20- 22, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan, (2015)
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Dominik Wei?
Codetermination and the European Company (SE) - an empirical analysis on country level
in: 77.?Jahrestagung des Verbandes?der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Wien, ?sterreich, 27. bis 29. Mai 2015, (2015)
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Alain Hamid and Moritz Heiden
Forecasting volatility with empirical similarity and Google Trends
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 117, 62-81 (2015)
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Previously presented at the 34th International Symposium on Forecasting ISF 2014 "Economic Forecasting: Past, Present and Future", 29 June - 2 July 2014, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Martin Lehnert, Maximilian R?glinger, Johannes Seyfried and Maximilian Siegert
ProcessPageRank - a network-based approach to process prioritization decisions
in: Proceedings: 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), May 26-29, 2015, Münster, Germany, ed. by J?rg Becker, Jan vom Brocke, Marco de Marco, 118 (AISeL, 2015)
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Alexander Linhart, Jonas Manderscheid and Maximilian R?glinger
Roadmap to flexible service processes - a project portfolio selection and scheduling approach
in: Proceedings: 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), May 26-29, 2015, Münster, Germany, ed. by J?rg Becker, Jan vom Brocke, Marco de Marco, 125 (AISeL, 2015)
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Gilbert Fridgen and Tirazheh Zare Garizy
Supply chain network risk analysis - a privacy preserving approach
in: Proceedings: 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), May 26-29, 2015, Münster, Germany, ed. by J?rg Becker, Jan vom Brocke, Marco de Marco, 49 (AISeL, 2015)
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Hüseyin Doluca and Marcus Wagner
?The effect of other-regarding behavior on entrepreneurship for the public good: a moderating effect of activated responsibility
in: British Academy of Management / Economic Sciences Research Council Workshop, Southampton, UK, (2015)
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Iris Bergmann
Accounting based valuation and 'other information' – a simultaneous equations approach [Discussion Paper]
in: 2014 20th International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting and Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium of the American Accounting Association, February 20–22, 2014, San Antonio, TX, USA, (2014)
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Stefan Rohrbacher
Aging, the great moderation and?business-cycle?volatility in a life-cycle?model [Discussion Paper]
in: Warsaw International Economists Meeting 2014 (WIEM 2014), 10-12 July 2014, Warsaw, Poland, (2014)
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Hüseyin Doluca
The role of trust regarding entrepreneurship for sustainable development – empirical findings from a laboratory experiment
in: G-Forum-Konferenz, Oldenburg, (F?rderkreis Gründungs-Forschung e.V.: Krefeld, 2014)
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Taras Bodnar and Yarema Okhrin
Boundaries of the risk aversion coefficient: should we invest in the global minimum variance portfolio?
Applied Mathematics and Computation 219, 5440-5448 (2013)
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Torben Klarl
Market dynamics, dynamic resource management and environmental policy in the context of (strong) sustainability
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 23, 861-888 (2013)
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Michael-J?rg Oesterle, Hannah Noriko Richta and Jan Hendrik Fisch
The influence of ownership structure on internationalization
International Business Review 22, 187-201 (2013)
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Jan Huntgeburth, J. F?rderer and Daniel Veit
Up in the cloud: understanding the chasm between expectations and reality
in: Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Information System (ICIS), ICIS 2013, Milano, Italy, December 15-18, 2013, ed. by Richard Baskerville, Michael Chau, 77 (AISeL: New York, NY, 2013)
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Benjamin Mosig and Maximilian R?glinger
A metadata-based approach to leveraging the information supply of business intelligence systems
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7532, 537-542 (2012)
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Conceptual Modeling: 31st International Conference ER 2012, Florence, Italy, October 15-18, 2012; Proceedings. Edited by: Paolo Atzeni, David Cheung, Sudha Ram
Jan Hendrik Fisch, Michael-J?rg Oesterle and Katharina Kertels
Die Erfolgswirkung der Internationalisierung aus Unternehmens- und Kapitalmarktsicht
in: Markteintrittsstrategien: Dynamik und Komplexit?t, ed. by Joachim Zentes, (mir-Edition (MIRED)) 207-225 (Gabler Verlag: Wiesbaden, 2012)
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V. Hüttl and Heribert Gierl
Electronic word-of-mouth: do the number of reviewing customers and the dispersion of ratings affect evaluations?
in: 11th ICORIA International Conference on Research in Advertising, Stockholm, Sweden, June 28 –June 30, 2012, (European Advertising Academy: Amsterdam, 2012)
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Erik E. Lehmann, Thorsten V. Braun and Sebastian Krispin
Entrepreneurial human capital, complementary assets, and takeover probability
The Journal of Technology Transfer 37, 589-608 (2012)
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Sven Overhage and Sebastian Schlauderer
How sustainable are agile methodologies? Acceptance factors and developer perceptions in Scrum projects
in: Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Barcelona, Spain, June 10-13, 2012, 8 (AISeL, 2012)
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Jan Hendrik Fisch
Information costs and internationalization performance
Global Strategy Journal 2, 296-312 (2012)
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Christoph Dorsch and Bj?rn Hackel
Integrating business partners on demand: the effect on capacity planning for cost driven support processes
in: 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 4-7 January 2012, Maui, HI, USA, ed. by Ralph H. Sprague, Jr., 4796-4805 (IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, 2012)
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Sven Overhage and Sebastian Schlauderer
Investigating the long-term acceptance of agile methodologies: an empirical study of developer perceptions in Scrum projects
in: 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-45), 4-7 January 2012, Maui, HI, USA, ed. by Ralph H. Sprague Jr., 5452-5461 (IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, 2012)
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Key Pousttchi and Yvonne Hufenbach
Mobile payment in the smartphone age: extending the mobile payment reference model with non-traditional revenue streams
in: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia - MoMM '12, Bali, Indonesia, 3-5 December 2012, ed. by Ismail Khalil, 31-38 (ACM Press: New York, NY, 2012)
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Julia Heidemann, Mathias Klier and Florian Probst
Online social networks: a survey of a global phenomenon
Computer Networks 56, 3866-3878 (2012)
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Jan Hendrik Fisch and Emanuel Varga
Product innovation and foreign competition: a real-option perspective
in: International Product Development Management Conference, Manchester, UK, 17-19 December 2012, (2012)
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Jan Hendrik Fisch and Miriam Zschoche
The effect of operational flexibility on decisions to withdraw from foreign production locations
International Business Review 21, 806-816 (2012)
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Jan Hendrik Fisch and Miriam Zschoche
The role of operational flexibility in the expansion of international production networks
Strategic Management Journal 33, 1540-1556 (2012)
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Burkhard Heer and Stefan Franz Schubert
Unemployment and debt dynamics in a highly indebted small open economy
Journal of International Money and Finance 31, 1392-1413 (2012)
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V. Hüttl and Heribert Gierl
Visual art in advertising: the moderating effect of hedonic vs. utilitarian product positioning
in: Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), May 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, (European Marketing Academy: Amsterdam, 2012)
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S. Bombe and Heribert Gierl
When self-referencing cues are harmful: the effect of "for you" statements in advertisements on product attitudes
in: 11th ICORIA International Conference on Research in Advertising, Stockholm, Sweden, June 28 –June 30, 2012, (European Advertising Academy: Amsterdam, 2012)
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Torben Klarl
A spatially-related note on entrepreneurship and economic growth
in: , (Volkswirtschaftliches Institut, Universit?t Augsburg: Augsburg, 2011)
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Also presented at the Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES), Zurich, Switzerland, April 12-13, 2012
Jan Hendrik Fisch and Miriam Zschoche
Analyse von internationalen Produktionsnetzwerken mit dem Konzept der Operationalen Flexibilit?t
in: Au?enhandel im Wandel: Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Reinhard Moser, ed. by Jonas F. Puck and Christoph Leitl, 239-257 (Physica: Heidelberg, 2011)
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Jan Hendrik Fisch and Katharina Kertels
Can firms extend the maximum level of processing diversified knowledge? The moderating dffects of R&D cooperation and foreign direct investment
in: Academy of International Business, Nagoya, Japan, 24-28 June 2011, (2011)
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V. Hüttl and Heribert Gierl
How does event-sharing affect product evaluation?
in: 40th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 24-27 May 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia, (2011)
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Sebastian Schlauderer and Sven Overhage
How perfect are markets for software services? An economic perspective on market deficiencies and desirable market features
in: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June 9-11, 2011, Helsinki, Finland, ed. by Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Matti Rossi, Joe Nandhakumar, 110 (AISeL, 2011)
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Jan Hendrik Fisch and Katharina Kertels
Increasing the diversification of technological knowledge through R&D partnerships and foreign subsidiaries
in: Entrepreneurship in the global firm, ed. by A. Verbeke, A.T. Tavares-Lehmann and R. Van Tulder, (Progress in International Business Research ; 6) 275-290 (Emerald: Bingley, 2011)
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Jan Hendrik Fisch, Katharina Kertels and Michael-J?rg Oesterle
Integrating the performance effects of internationalization from a viewpoint of information costs - evidence from heterogeneous empirical settings
in: Academy of International Business, Nagoya, Japan, 24-28 June 2011, (2011)
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Jan Hendrik Fisch
Real call options to enlarge foreign subsidiaries – the moderating effect of irreversibility on the influence of economic volatility and political instability on subsequent FDI
Journal of World Business 46, 517-526 (2011)
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C. Stock and Heribert Gierl
Should reversed price reductions be accompanied by promotion campaigns?
in: 10th ICORIA International Conference on Research in Advertising, June 23–25, 2011, Berlin, Germany, (European Advertising Academy: Amsterdam, 2011)
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Thomas Ziesemer and Peter Michaelis
Strategic environmental policy and the accumulation of knowledge
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 22, 180-191 (2011)
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Verena Hüttl and Heribert Gierl
The effect of the size of advertising models on consumer appearance self-esteem and product evaluations
in: 10th ICORIA International Conference on Research in Advertising, June 23–25, 2011, Berlin, Germany, (European Advertising Academy: Amsterdam, 2011)
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Sven Overhage, Sebastian Schlauderer, D. Birkmeier and J. Miller
What makes IT personnel adopt Scrum? A framework of drivers and inhibitors to developer acceptance
in: 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-44), 4-7 January 2011, Kauai, HI, USA, ed. by Ralph H. Sprague Jr., 1-10 (IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, 2011)
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Laura Goeke and Key Pousttchi
A scenario-based analysis of mobile payment acceptance
in: 2010 Ninth International Conference on Mobile Business and 2010 Ninth Global Mobility Roundtable (ICMB-GMR), 3-15 June 2010, Athens, Greece, ed. by George M. Giaglis, Vladimir Zwass, Patrick Y. K. Chau, Nikos Mylonopoulos, Panos Kourouthanassis, Christos K. Georgiadis, 371-378 (IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, 2010)
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Marco C. Meier and Dieter Reinwald
A system dynamics approach to value-based complaint management including repurchase behavior and word of mouth
in: Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2010, Pretoria, South Africa, June 7-9, 2010, ed. by P. M. Alexander, Marita Turpin and J. P. van Deventer, 55 (AISeL, 2010)
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Dominik Hartmann, Andreas Pyka and Horst Hanusch
Applying comprehensive neo-Schumpeterian economics to Latin American economies
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 21, 70-83 (2010)
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Jan Hendrik Fisch, Michael-J?rg Oesterle and Katharina Kertels
Does internationalization impact on performance differently in an organizational vs. an investor's view?
in: AIB 2010 Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 25-29, 2010, (2010)
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Jan Hendrik Fisch and Katharina Kertels
How can firms extend their limits to processing diversified knowledge? The effects of foreign direct investment and R&D cooperation
in: European International Business Academy, Porto, Portugal, 9-11 December 2010, (2010)
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Sven Overhage, Sebastian Schlauderer, Dominik Birkmeier and Jonas Miller
On the developer adoption of Scrum: a new acceptance model for agile methodologies
in: Proceedings of JAIS Theory Development Workshop (Pre-ICIS Workshop), St. Louis, MO, USA, Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, 12-15 December 2010, 368 (AISeL, 2010)
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Jan Hendrik Fisch and Miriam Zschoche
Performance effects of international diversification through risk reduction and exploitation of operational flexibility
in: AIB 2010 Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 25-29, 2010, (2010)
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Sebastian Kloeckner and Dominik Birkmeier
Something is missing: enterprise architecture from a systems theory perspective
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6275, 22-34 (2010)
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Service-Oriented Computing: ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009 Workshops; International Workshops, ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009, Stockholm, Sweden, November 23-27, 2009, Revised Selected Papers. Edited by: Asit Dan, Frédéric Gittler, Farouk Toumani
Michael-J?rg Oesterle, Hannah Noriko Richta and Jan Hendrik Fisch
The influence of ownership structure and owner identity on internationalization
in: AIB 2010 Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 25-29, 2010, (2010)
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Sven Overhage and Sebastian Schlauderer
The market for services: economic criteria, immaturities, and critical success factors
in: 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-43), 5-8 January 2010, Honolulu, HI, USA, ed. by Ralph H. Sprague Jr., 1-10 (IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, 2010)
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Jan Hendrik Fisch and Miriam Zschoche
The role of flexibility in the expansion of international production networks
in: Strategic Management Society, Rome, Italy, 12-15 September 2010, (2010)
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Sven Overhage and Sebastian Schlauderer
What’s in a service? Specifying the business semantics of software services
in: Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Saint Louis, MO, USA, December 12-15, 2010, ed. by Mary Lacity, Sal March, Fred Niederman, 156 (AISeL, 2010)
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