

Dr. Markus Gahler

Faculty of Business and Economics
Phone: +49 821 598-4247
Fax: +49 821 598-4242

PhD Project

?Customer Experience: Konzeptualisierung und Entwicklung einer text-basierten und grafischen Skala“

Curriculum Vitae

Markus Gahler studied Business Administration at the University of Münster, the University of California, Riverside and Marketing and Channel Management at the Georg-August-University of G?ttingen. From April 2015 to April 2020, he was part of the team at the Chair for Value Based Marketing at the University of Augsburg. From September 2018 until October 2018, he was a visiting researcher at the Tilburg University.


His research project on customer experience was financially supported by the Marketing Science Institute. For this research project, he has won two best paper awards.


For more information see: LinkedIn | Xing


Journal Articles

Gahler, Markus, Jan F. Klein, and Michael Paul (2023): Customer Experience: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Application in Omnichannel Environments, in: Journal of Service Research, 26 (2), 191–211. [ Download]



Working Papers

Gahler, Markus, Jan F. Klein, and Michael Paul (2019): Measuring Customer Experiences: A Text-Based and Pictorial Scale, in: Marketing Science Institute Working Paper Series 2019, Report No. 19-119, 1-53. [ Download]



Conference Papers

Gahler, Markus, Jan F. Klein, and Michael Paul (2020): Measuring Customer Experience with Text-Based and Pictorial Scales, in AMA Winter Academic Conference, San Diego, CA. [ Download ]


Gahler, Markus, Jan F. Klein, and Michael Paul (2019): Measuring Customer Experiences: A Text-Based and Pictorial Scale, in: QUIS16 Conference, Karlstad, SE. [ Download ]


Gahler, Markus, Michael Paul, and Jan F. Klein (2019): Measuring the Customer Experience: Developing a Textual and Graphical Scale, in: 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, GER. [ Download ]


Gahler, Markus, Michael Paul, and Jan F. Klein (2018): The CX Scale: Towards a Holistic Measure of Customer Experience, in: 2018 AMA Summer Academic Conference, Boston, MA. [ Download ] [This paper has won the BEST PAPER IN TRACK AWARD.]


Gahler, Markus, Michael Paul, and Jan F. Klein (2018): The CX Scale: Towards a Holistic Measurement of Customer Experiences along the Customer Journey, in: 10th SERVSIG Conference, Paris, FR. [ Download ] [This paper has won the BEST PAPER AWARD.]


Gahler, Markus, Michael Paul, and Jan F. Klein (2018): Measuring the Customer Experience along the Customer Journey: Development of the CX Scale, in: 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, UK. [ Download ]


Gahler, Markus, Michael Paul, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, and Thomas Rudolph (2017): The Path to Success: Maximizing Customer Equity through Customer Journey Analysis, in: 4th Marketing Edge Summit, New Orleans, LA. [ Download ]


Gahler, Markus, Michael Paul, and Jan F. Klein (2017): The CX Scale: Measuring Customer Experiences throughout the Customer Journey, in: 25th International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing, Munich, GER. [ Download ]


Gahler, Markus, Michael Paul, and Jan F. Klein (2017): Developing a Measurement Scale for the Customer Experience along the Customer Journey, in: 26th Frontiers in Service Conference, New York, NY.?[ Download ]


Gahler, Markus, Michael Paul, and Jan F. Klein (2017): How to Measure the Customer Experience along the Customer Journey, in: 39th ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 118.?[ Download ]




Gahler, Markus (2020): Customer Experience: Konzeptualisierung und Entwicklung einer text-basierten und grafischen Skala, Shaker Verlag, 270 pages. [ Download]


Gahler, Markus (2016): Pay-What-You-Want im Internet: Empirische Analyse der Einflussgr??en auf die freiwillige Zahlungsbereitschaft, BestMasters, Springer Gabler, 103 pages. [ Download]


Other Research Publications

Gahler, Markus, Jan F. Klein, and Michael Paul (2021): Customer-Experience-Tracking im Handel - Echtzeitmessungen wirksam implementieren, in: Marketing Review St. Gallen, 5 (2021), S. 18-25. [ Download ]

Invited Talks

Customer Experience: Measuring Customer Experience, Wissensdurst, Feld M GmbH, GER, November 21, 2019.


Customer Experience: Die Reise des Kunden erlebbar machen, Marketing intensiv, Marketing Club Augsburg e.V., GER, November 21, 2019.


Developing a Measurement Scale for the Customer Experience along the Customer Journey, 3rd Digital Marketing Conference, University of Passau, GER, March 16, 2018.

Doctoral Colloquia & Courses

EMAC Junior Faculty & Doctoral Research Camp, University of Vienna, Adamantios Diamantopoulos (University of Vienna), Gerrit van Bruggen (Erasmus University), Ajay K. Kohli (Georgia Institute of Technology), Udo Wagner (University of Vienna), and Vesna ?abkar (University of Ljubljana), Summer Term 2018


Selected Topics in Consumer Behavior, University of Augsburg, Martin Mende and Maura Scott (Florida State University), Summer Term 2018


Advanced Structural Equation Modeling and Measurement Theory, University of Ljubljana, Adamantios Diamantopoulos (University of Vienna), Summer Term 2017


EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Marketing Research Advanced Track, University of Groningen, P.K. Kannan (University of Maryland), Arvind Rangaswamy (Penn State University), and Arnaud De Bruyn (ESSEC Business School Paris), Summer Term 2017


Text Analysis, University of Augsburg, Stephan Ludwig (University of Surrey), Winter Term 2016/2017


Introduction to Measurement Theory and Scale Development, RWTH Aachen University, Petra Riefler (University of Natural Ressources and Life Sciences, Vienna), Summer Term 2016


Publishing Scholarly Research, University of Augsburg, Dwayne D. Gremler (Bowling Green State University), Summer Term 2016


Computational Statistics, University of St. Gallen, Francesco Audrino (University of St. Gallen), Summer Term 2015
