



Project Overview

The project "PriBizz - Web Analytics Business Models for Privacy-by-Design and the Support of Informational Self-Determination of Citizens" deals with the question of how specific business models and services in the field of web analytics can be designed in a privacy-friendly way in Europe. In contrast to current practice, their use should ensure the protection of privacy and the exercise of informational self-determination by citizens. On the other hand, it should be ensured that the design of new digital forms of economic value creation does not lag behind the possibilities of other regions (e.g. USA and China). Accordingly, the project primarily pursues the goal of developing concrete and implementable concepts that take privacy and data protection into account in the context of specific social and societal situations, particularly with regard to digital advertising. To this end, different research perspectives on the field of investigation will be developed and integrated by the interdisciplinary network of business informatics, law and applied ethics. This makes it possible to take into account technical issues as well as legal and ethical/moral ones. The project team aims to use the findings to derive business models that reconcile economic value generation, data protection and informational self-determination.

Please find further information on the research project here.


Supporting Institution

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)



Members of the consortium

  • Lehrstuhl für Information Systems und Management, University of Augsburg
  • Internationales Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften (IZEW), University of Tübingen
  • Privadsy UG, Freising

ISHARE - Impact of the Sharing Economy in Germany

Project Overview

The project aims at assessing the contribution of the sharing economy for sustainable management in Germany. To address this matter, (1) the sharing economy organizations and their business models are identified and systematized; (2) indicators of the functionality and the economic, environmental and social impacts of different types of business models are developed; (3) contributions to sustainable business practices of sharing economy organizations (as well as those with competing business models) are determined with the help of empirical studies; (4) recommendations for action are derived on how the contribution of individual business models of the sharing economy can be increased through appropriate approaches to disseminate effective models.

Please find further information on the research project here.


Supporting Institution

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)




Annual public symposium containing the research results

Members of the consortium

  • Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (ifm), University of Mannheim
  • Professur für Organisation und Unternehmensentwicklung, University of G?ttingen
  • Hertie School of Governance, Berlin
  • Lehrstuhl für ABWL, Public und Nonprofit Management (NPO), University of Mannheim
  • Lehrstuhl für Information Systems und Management, University of Augsburg
  • Plattform GmbH, Mannheim
  • National and international associated research partner
  • Business Environmental Sustainability Research Group, University of Sydney (Australien)
  • Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, Stanford University (USA)
  • Innovationszentrum für Mobilit?t und gesellschaftlichen Wandel InnoZ (Berlin)
  • Lehrstuhl für Sustainability Management der Universit?t Kaiserslautern
  • Fraunhofer Institut für Bauphysik - Arbeitsgruppe Ganzheitliche Bilanzierung (Stuttgart)
  • Forschungsinstitut für Urban Management and Governance der Wirtschaftsuniversit?t Wien

Representatives from sharing economy organizations

Further experts, e.g.

  • from communities
  • from associations such as the association of medium-sized IT businesses

Adoption of National E-Health Plattforms

Project Overview

Investigation of acceptance and user resistance of national E-Health platforms using the example of the German "electronic health card eGK".


Supporting Institution

PwC, Strategy& (formerly Booz&Company)





Central Publications

Kloecker, P., Bernnat, R., and Veit, D. 2014. "Stakeholder Behavior in National eHealth Implementation Programs,“?Health Policy and Technology?(4:2), pp. 113-120. [ Download]


Kloecker, P., Bernnat, R., and Veit, D. 2014. "Implementation through Force or Measure? How Institutional Pressures Shape National eHealth Programs," in?Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 9.-11. June 2014,?Tel Aviv, Israel, Winner of the ECIS 2014 Best Paper Award. [ Download]

Cloud Exchange

Project Overview

Investigation of acceptance factors of a stock market for cloud services using the example of the EUREX subsidiary DB-Cloud-Exchange. Qualitative study on influence factors of motivation and acceptance by providers, consumers and the cloud marketplace operator.


Supporting Institution

EUREX Deutsche B?rse AG



Central Publications

Hauff, S., Huntgeburth, J., and Veit, D. 2014. “Exploring Uncertainties in a Marketplace for Cloud Computing: A Revelatory Case Study,” Journal of Business Economics (84:3), pp. 441-468. [ Download]

Smart Grid Adoption

Project Overview

Investigation of influence factors on acceptance and permanent use of smart metering technologies in the electricity and energy sector in general.


Supporting Institution




Central Publications

Wunderlich, P., Kranz, J., Totzek, D., Veit, D., and Picot, A. 2013. “The Impact of Endogenous Motivations on Adoption of IT-Enabled Services: The Case of Transformative Services in the Energy Sector,” Journal of Service Research (16:3), pp. 356–371. [ Download]


Wunderlich, P., Kranz, J., and Veit, D. 2013. “Beyond Carrot-and-Stick: How Values and Endogenous Motivations Affect Residential Green IS Adoption,” in Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 15.-18. December 2013, Milan, Italy. [ Download]


Wunderlich, P., Veit, D., and Sarker, S. 2012. “Examination of the Determinants of Smart Meter Adoption: An User Perspective,” in Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 16.-19. December 2012, Orlando, USA. [ Download]


Project Overview

Investigation of a workflow-based implementation of the EU Service Directive (DLR) under consideration and integration of the economic, legal and IT requirements of the directive in the context of the subproject "Germany Online".


Supporting Institution

Bundesministerium des Innern (Federal Ministry of the Interior) and Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg (Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Wuerttemberg)



Central Publications

Huntgeburth, J., Parasie, N., Steininger, D., and Veit, D. 2012. “Increasing the Adoption of E-Procurement Services at the Municipal Level,” eService Journal (8:3), pp. 3-23. [ Download]


Barth, M., and Veit, D. 2011. “Which Processes Do Users Not Want Online? Extending Process Virtualization Theory,” in Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 4.-7. December 2011, Shanghai, China, pp. 1-21. [ Download]


Project Overview

Investigation of decentralized - Friedrich A. von Hayek's Catallaxy - versus central market mechanisms in grid markets using multi-agent-based simulation, agent-based computational economics, market engineering and prototype construction.


Supporting Institution

European Union (precisely: FP6 EU IST FET Open as STREP)



Central Publications

Schnizler, B., Neumann, D., Veit, D., and Weinhardt, C. 2008. “Trading Grid Services - A Multi-Attribute Combinatorial Approach,” European Journal of Operational Research (187:3), pp. 943–961. [ Download]


Project Overview

Investigating the effect of the 2005 introduced Europe-wide CO2 emissions trading and derivation of recommendations for industrial and political decision makers by modeling a electricity market using multi-agent-based simulation and agent-based computational economics.


Supporting Institution

VolkswagenStiftung (precisely: Nachwuchsf?rderprogramm der VolkswagenStiftung)



Central Publications

Veit, D., Weidlich, A., and Krafft, J. A. 2009. “An Agent-Based Analysis of the German Electricity Market with Transmission Capacity Constraints,” Energy Policy (37:10), pp. 4132–4144. [ Download]


Weidlich, A., and Veit, D. 2008. “Agent-Based Simulations for Electricity Market Regulation Advice: Procedures and an Example,” Journal of Economics and Statistics (228:2-3), pp. 149–172. [ Download]


Weidlich, A., and Veit, D. 2008. “A Critical Survey of Agent-Based Wholesale Electricity Market Models,” Energy Economics (30:4), pp. 1728–1759. [ Download]


Veit, D., Weidlich, A., Yao, J., and Oren, S. 2006. “Simulating the Dynamics in Two-Settlement Electricity Markets via an Agent-Based Approach,” International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management (1:2), pp. 83–97. [ Download]
