
  • 12.09.2024: Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning participates in the XXIII. Symposium of the German Economic Association of Business Administration e.V. (GEABA) at the University of Bonn and is a session chair.

  • 12.09.2024: Stephanie Funk and Susanne Warning publish their project “The leadership gap between full-time and part-time female employees” in the “European Management Journal” ( DOI).

  • 23.08.2024: Stephanie Funk publishes her project “Sick of Leading? Supervisory Responsibility and Its Consequences for Sickness Absenteeism and Sickness Presenteeism” in the “Journal of Business and Psychology” ( DOI).
  • 03.07.2024: We congratulate Stephanie Funk on the successful defense of her dissertation “Empirical insights into leadership in corporations”.

? University of Augsburg
  • 11.06.2024: Dr. Pia Lünstroth from the hkp///group helds a guest lecture in the course “Human Resources: Personalmanagement” on the topic “Vergütung & Anreize - Instrumente zur Umsetzung der Unternehmensstrategie”. In her lecture, she gives insights in the HR practice in firms and the work of a Consultant.

? University of Augsburg
  • 28.05.2024: Arnulf Christa (former CEO of BAUER Spezialtiefbau GmbH) helds a guest lecture in the Bachelor course "International Human Resource Management". In his lecture, he reports on the topic "Ein Blick in die Praxis des Personalmanagements im internationalen Kontext:
    Ein Gro?projekt in Bangladesch".

? University of Augsburg
  • 15.05.–17.05.2024: The Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management takes part in the 19th International (Post-)Doc Workshop "Personnel, Education and Organizational Economics" in Gaienhofen/Hemmenhofen (Lake Constance) where doctoral students and post-docs from the Universities of Paderborn, Tübingen, Zurich and Augsburg have the opportunity to present their research results. Patricia-Isabella Aich, Stefan Bruckmeyer, Stephanie Funk and Stefanie Sundermeyer present current results of their research projects. Professor Susanne Warning presents the chair and news of the team. In addition to the scientific program there is time for networking as well as a tour of Stein am Rhein and a hike to Hohenklingen Castle.
? University of Augsburg
  • 01.04.2024: Stephanie Funk pubslihes her project “Does being a leader make them stay? Short- and long-term effects of supervisory responsibility on turnover intentions“ in the “Human Resource Management Journal“ ( DOI).
  • 20.03.–22.03.2024: Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning participates in the annual meeting of the Bildungs?konomischer Ausschuss in Wiesbaden.
  • 03.03.–08.03.2024: The Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning) and the Chair of Economic Policy and Industrial Economics (Prof. Dr. Peter Welzel) participate in the 21th Research Colloquium “Wirtschafts- und Unternehmenspolitik“ which took place in the houses of the Kurt-B?sch-Foundation in Sion (Switzerland). The event offered the opportunity to present and discuss current research projects. Patricia-Isabella Aich, Stefan Bruckmeyer, Stephanie Funk and Stefanie Sundermeyer present current results from the dissertation projects. All participants appreciated the stimulating discussions and valuable feedback. The research colloquium highlighted the importance of collaboration and knowledge transfer within economics.
? University of Augsburg
  • 14.02.–16.02.2024: Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning, Patricia-Isabella Aich, Stefan Bruckmeyer, Stephanie Funk and Stefanie Sundermeyer participate in the 26th Colloquium on Personnel Economics (COPE) at the University of Zurich (Switzerland). Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning is a guest reviewer and session chair for the COPE 2024. Stefanie Sundermeyer presents her project “Time will tell: Working from home and job satisfaction over time”.
? University of Augsburg
  • 23.11.2023: Nicole Dürrenberger and Susanne Warning publish their project Psychological needs at work and job satisfaction: is there a divide between the public and private sectors?” in the Public Management Review” ( DOI).

  • 08.11.2023: Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning was re-elected as Deputy Women’s Representative of the University of Augsburg. You can find an overview of the work of the Women’s Representative here.

  • 25.09.–27.09.2023: Patricia-Isabella Aich, Stefan Bruckmeyer, Stephanie Funk and Stefanie Sundermeyer participate in the Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik" at the Regensburg University. On September 26, 2023, Stephanie Funk presents her project Sick of leading? Supervisory responsibility and its consequences for sickness absence and presenteeism”. On September 27, 2023, Stefan Bruckmeyer presents his project “Is country leaders' education relevant for policy-making? The case of the Covid-19 pandemic”.

? University of Augsburg
  • 05.09.–06.09.2023: Stephanie Funk attends the British Academy of Management Conference” in Brighton. On September 05, 2023, she presents her project Sick of leading? Supervisory responsibility and its consequences for sickness absence and presenteeism”.

? University of Augsburg
  • 04.08.–08.08.2023: Stephanie Funk attends the?83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Boston.?On August 07, 2023, she presents her project Sick of leading? Supervisory responsibility and its consequences for sickness absence and presenteeism.
? University of Augsburg
  • The Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management organizes a team workshop in the Tannheim valley, Austria. The event offers the doctoral students of the chair the opportunity to present and discuss current research results, exchange ideas and receive feedback from Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning. In addition, participants were able to work on joint projects, which led to stimulating discussions and valuable feedback. The team workshop is rounded off by different team building activities.
? University of Augsburg
  • 14.06.–16.06.2023: Stefan Bruckmeyer and Stephanie Funk attend the European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) in Dublin, Ireland. Stefan Bruckmeyer presents his project “Is country leaders' education relevant for Policy making? The case of the Covid-19 pandemic” and Stephanie Funk presents her project Sick of leading? Supervisory responsibility and its consequences for sickness absence and presenteeism.
? University of Augsburg
  • 13.06.2023: Dr. Pia Lünstroth from the hkp///group helds a guest lecture in the course “Human Resources: Personalmanagement” on the topic “Strategische Steuerung durch Vergütung”. In her lecture, she gives insights in the HR practice in firms and the work of a Consultant.
? University of Augsburg
  • 25.05.2023: The members of the chair Global Business and Human Resource Management participate in the “12th M-net Firmenlauf Augsburg”.
? University of Augsburg
  • 11.05.–13.05.2023: The Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management takes part in the 18th?International (Post-)Doc Workshop "Personnel, Education and Organizational Economics" in Paderborn where doctoral students and post-docs from the Universities of Paderborn, Tübingen, Zurich and Augsburg have the opportunity to present their research results. Patricia-Isabella Aich, Stefan Bruckmeyer, and Stefanie Sundermeyer present current results of their research projects. Stephanie Funk presents the chair and news of the team. In addition to the scientific program there is time for networking and a city tour through Paderborn.
? University of Augsburg
  • 05.–10.03.2023: 19. Forschungskolloquium Wirtschafts- und Unternehmenspolitik
From March 5 to 10, 2023, the “19. Forschungskolloquium Wirtschafts- und Unternehmenspolitik“ took place in the houses of the Kurt-B?sch-Foundation in Sion. The event offered the opportunity to present and discuss current research projects. Stefanie Sundermeyer presented current results from her research project “Time will tell: Working from home and job satisfaction over time” (March 06, 2023). On March 08, 2023, Stephanie Funk presented her project ?Sick of leading? Supervisory responsibility and its consequences for sickness absence and presenteeism“ and Stefan Bruckmeyer showed current results from his project ?Employee (mis)perceptions and employee mobility“. Patricia-Isabella Aich presented her project on the topic “Short- and long-term wage effects of international student mobility: Variations in country characteristics“. The colloquium was attended by the Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning) and the Chair of Economic Policy and Industrial Economics (Prof. Dr. Peter Welzel). All participants appreciated the stimulating discussions and valuable feedback. Overall, the colloquium was a great success and offered the opportunity for the exchange of ideas on the topic of economic and business policy. The colloquium highlighted the importance of collaboration and knowledge transfer within economics.
? University of Augsburg
  • January 2023: Susanne Warning is a new member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Elite Network of Bavaria. The Elite Network of Bavaria aims to support and promote talented young students and outstanding doctoral students. The eight members of the Scientific Advisory Board support the "Max Weber-Programm Bayern" and the "Marianne-Plehn-Programm" in terms of content and program.

  • 05.12.–07.12.2022: Stepahnie Funk attends the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM) at the Griffith University in Southport, Australia. She presents her paper "Does being a leader make them stay? Short- and long-term effects of supervisory responsibility on turnover intentions“

  • 29.11.2022: The Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management participates together with the Max Weber Scholarship Groups of the Chairs of Prof. Dr. Klein and Prof. Dr. Warning in a tour of the Amazon Fulfillment Center in Graben near Schwabmünchen.

  • 21.11.2022: Nicole Dürrenberger receives the Wissenschaftspreis der Universit?tsstiftung Augsburg for her doctoral thesis "Too smart for your job? Determinants and consequences of overqualification in labor markets".

  • 26.09.–30.09.2022: Patricia-Isabella Aich, Stefanie Sundermeyer and Stefan Bruckmeyer attend the course "Personnel and Labor Economics for Education Economists" of the Swiss Leading House at the University of Zurich. The course addresses theoretical and empirical aspects of personnel economics.

  • 12.09.–16.09.2022: Stefan Bruckmeyer participates in the course "Apprenticeship Training: Institutions and Markets" of the Swiss Leading House as part of the "Course Program for Doctoral Students in Economics of Education".

  • 28.06.–01.07.2022: Stephanie Funk participates in the "Ph.D. Discussion Workshop: Personnel Economics and Economics of Education" in Laax, Switzerland. As part of the course, she presents the recent research paper "The part-time gap in leadership: contractual working hours, overtime culture, and work-from-home policies".

  • 22.06.–24.06.2022: Stephanie Funk virtually attends the Gender, Work & Organization Conference (GWO) where she presents the joint paper with Susanne Warning "The part-time gap in leadership: contractual working hours, overtime culture and work-from-home policies".

  • 20.06.2022: We congratulate Nicole Dürrenberger on the successful defense of her dissertation "Too smart for your job? Determinants and consequences of overqualification in labor markets".

? University of Augsburg
  • 15.06.–17.06.2022: Stephanie Funk attends the European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) in Winterthur, Switzerland. She presents the joint paper with Susanne Warning "The part-time gap in leadership: contractual working hours, overtime culture and work-from-home policies" and receives the Best Paper Award of the Leadership Track of EURAM 2022.

? University of Augsburg
  • 14.06.2022: Dr. Laura Bundle and Dr. Pia Lünstroth from the hkp///group held a guest lecture in the course "Human Resources: Personalmanagement" on the topic "Vergütung erfolgreich gestalten". In their lecture, they give insights in the HR practice in firms and the work of a Consultant.
? University of Augsburg
  • 03.06.2022: The paper "The part-time gap in leadership: contractual working hours, overtime culture, and work-from-home policies" by Stephanie Funk and Susanne Warning is nominated among 900 papers as one of three papers for the Best Paper Award at EURAM 2022.
  • 02.06.2022: The members of the chair Global Business and Human Resource Management participate in the “11th M-net Firmenlauf Augsburg”.
? University of Augsburg
  • June 2022: Susanne Warning is a new member of the Evaluation Commission for Postdoc.Mobility of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

  • 31.05.2022: Simone Gratz and Katja Eser from the Rocket Factory Augsburg held a guest lecture in the course "International Human Resource Management". In their lecture, they report about international recruiting and secondments in practice. Afterwards, students have the opportunity to ask the guest lecturers questions relating to the company and human resources.
? University of Augsburg
  • 19.05.–21.05.2022: Susanne Warning organizes the 17th (Post-) Doctoral Workshop "Personnel, Education and Organizational Economics" in Riederau at the Ammersee. The event offers junior researchers the opportunity to present their projects and discuss with experienced scholars. Patricia-Isabella Aich and Stephanie Funk present current results from their research projects. The scientific program is followed by a joint visit at Andechs Abby and time for networking.
? University of Augsburg
  • 09.05.–12.05.2022: Stefan Bruckmeyer attends the course "Microeconomic Foundations of Economics of Education" at the Swiss Leading House. The course addresses current research in the field of education economics.
  • 17.03.–18.03.2022: Patricia-Isabella Aich, Stefan Bruckmeyer, Stephanie Funk and Stefanie Sundermeyer participate in the 24th Colloquium on Personnel Economics (COPE) at the Aarhus University in Herning (Denmark).?
? University of Augsburg
  • 03.03.–11.03.2022: Patricia-Isabella Aich, Stephanie Funk und Stefanie Sundermeyer attend the " Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics" and take the digital course "Advanced Econometrics" to broaden the methodological skills.

  • 28.02.–04.03.2022: Stefan Bruckmeyer participates at the first course "Econometric Methods of Economics of Education" of the? "Course Program for Doctoral Students in Economics of Education" hosted by Swiss Leading House. The program is addressed to international docotoral students focusing on educational economics.

  • 17.02.2022: Susanne Warning gives an interview about her current research and her scientific career path. Here you can find the interview.
  • 10.01.2022: We welcome our new secretary Birgit Wenzl at the chair!
  • 13.12.2021: We congratulate Stefan Bruckmeyer on the entry into the "Course Program for Doctoral Students in Economics of Education" of the Swiss Leading House. The program assigns a few places to doctoral students from European universities. A group of international doctoral students, that engage in economics of education, participates in the program.

  • 01.10.2021: We welcome our new research assistants Stefanie Sundermeyer and Stefan Bruckmeyer at the chair.

  • 29.09.2021: The members of the chair Global Business and Human Resource Management participate in the “10th M-net Firmenlauf Augsburg”.

? University of Augsburg
  • 17.09.2021: Susanne Warning participates as co-speaker in the GEABA Young Scholars Conference 2021 (organized digitally by the German Economic Association of Business Administration e.V. (GEABA)). She discusses the empirical research paper of a young researcher about “Employees’ Detachment from Work”.

  • 10.06.2021: The last session of this year’s virtual network meeting is organized by the team of professor Backes-Gellner (University of Zürich). The team presents the chair and delivers insight into current research projects. They also show their multilingual skills and present their content i.a. in Swiss German and Italian.

    We look forward to the next network meeting in 2022!

  • 20.05.2021: The content of the fourth appointment of the virtual network meeting 2021 falls to the team of professor Warning (University of Augsburg). All professors and young researchers play a quiz with questions about research, teaching, and news of the chair Global Business & Human Resource Management.

  • 19.05.2021: The content of the third session of the virtual network meeting 2021 with participants of the universities of Paderborn, Tübingen, Zürich, and Augsburg is organized by the chair of professor Frick (University of Paderborn). The team presents the chair and its members as well as a joint research project about the influence of star signs on our lives, in particular on career success.

  • 06.05.2021: In the second session of the virtual network meeting 2021 the team of professor Pull (University of Tübingen) presents their chair and current research projects of the team members. The researchers from the universities of Paderborn, Zürich, and Augsburg discuss each research project with the working group of Tübingen in breakout sessions. They also play a quiz with fun facts about the team.
  • 21.04.2021: Susanne Warning organizes the annual network meeting 2021, which addresses topics of personnel, education and organizational economics. Young researchers from the universities of Paderborn, Tübingen, Zürich and Augsburg present their teams and their current research projects. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the meeting takes place online. The content of each of the five appointments (April to June) fall to one of the working groups. The team of professor Schneider (University of Paderborn) starts with presenting the chair and current research projects. They also give a talk on academic writing.
  • 19.03.2021: Nicole Dürrenberger gives a talk about her resesearch project "Social capital and overqualification among immigrants" at a digital research talk series on Education and Personnel Economics from the University of Zurich.
  • Stefan Wolter (University Bern) and Susanne Warning organize the annual meeting of the Bildungs?konomischer Ausschuss. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the meeting took place online. More than 50 participants from the DACH-region discuss presentations and posters about the topic “education and exogenous shocks”, especially about the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis on educational outcomes. The general secretary of the Kulturministerkonferenz, Udo Michallik, gives the keynote speech about PISA and Corona in the educational system of Germany. More information about the committee is available here.
  • Patricia-Isabella Aich attends the “Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis” and takes the digital course “Quantitative Methods for Causal Inference and Policy Evaluation” to broaden her methodological skills.
  • 27.07.2020: We congratulate David Feess on the successful defence of his dissertation "Wachstumsorientierte Unternehmensgründungen – Empirische Analysen zum Wechselspiel individueller und institutioneller Determinanten".
  • 01.04.2020: We welcome our new research assistant Patricia-Isabella Aich at the chair!
  • Stephanie Funk attends the course "Philosophy of Science - Foundations and Implications for Research Designs and Research Methods" of the Association of University Professors of Business Administration in Berlin.
  • Funk attends the "Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis" and takes the course "Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis" to broaden her methodological skills.
  • 12.06.2019:?The Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management participates together with the Max Weber Scholarship Groups of the Chairs of Prof. Dr. Klein and Prof. Dr. Warning in a city tour on the topic "Water in the City - on the Way to World Heritage" in Augsburg.
  • Dr. Susanne Warning, Nicole Dürrenberger and Stephanie Funk take part in the 15th?International (Post-)Doc Workshop "Personnel, Education and Organizational Economics" in Salzburg where doctoral students and post-docs from the Universities of Paderborn, Tübingen, Zurich and Augsburg have the opportunity to present their research results. Nicole Dürrenberger presents current results of her research project. Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning participates in as a commentator on the projects of all (post-)doctoral students. In addition to the scientific program there is time for social activities and networking including a city tour through Salzburg, a visit to the Hohensalzburg Fortress and a brewery tour to round off the three days.
? University of Augsburg
  • 05.11.2018: Nicole Dürrenberger and Susanne Warning publish their project “Where Activity Without Pay Pays Off: International Evidence on Participating in Voluntary Associations and Wages” in “VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations” ( DOI).
  • 05.11.2018: Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning gives a lecture as part of the cooperation series Global Business and Law Brown Bag Lunch organised by the Augsburg Center for Global Economic Law and Regulation (ACELR).
  • 15.10.2018:?We welcome our new research assistant Frederic Kienberger at the chair!
  • Dr. Susanne Warning participates in the XIX Symposium of the German Economic Association of Business Administration e.V. (GEABA) at the Goethe-University Frankfurt and gives a co-lecture.
  • 13.–15.09.2018:?Nicole Dürrenberger attends the European Association of Labour Economists Conference (EALE18) in Lyon and presents a poster.
  • 19.–22.06.2018:?Nicole Dürrenberger attends the European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM18) at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik where she gives a lecture there and takes on the role of a discussant in a series of lectures.
  • 14.06.2018:?We congratulate Eva Dehnert on the successful defence of her dissertation “Employer Signaling in Sustainability Reporting - An Empirical Analysis”.
  • 04.06.2018:?We congratulate Annika Fr?hlich on the successful defence of her dissertation “Yet Another Credential? The Determinants and Effects of Doctoral Education”.
  • Dr. Susanne Warning, Eva Dehnert, Nicole Dürrenberger, David Feess and Annika Fr?hlich participate in this year's 14th?International (Post-)Doc Workshop “Personnel, Education and Organizational Economics” in Gersau on Lake Lucerne where doctoral students and post-docs from the Universities of Paderborn, Tübingen, Zurich and Augsburg have the opportunity to present their research results. From Augsburg, Eva Dehnert, Nicole Dürrenberger and Annika Fr?hlich present their current research projects. Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning participates as a commentator on the projects of all (post-)doctoral students. In addition to the scientific program, there is time to explore the beautiful landscape around Lake Lucerne.
? University of Augsburg
  • 23.05.2018: Nicole Dürrenberger and Susanne Warning publish their project “Corruption and education in developing countries: The role of public vs. private funding of higher education” in the “International Journal of Educational Development” ( DOI).
  • Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning, Nicole Dürrenberger, David Feess and Lydia Kaufmann participate in the 21st?Colloquium on Personnel Economics (COPE) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning, David Feess and Lydia Kaufmann each take over the session chair of a lecture series.
  • Dürrenberger attends the course "Microeconomic Foundations of Economics of Education" of the "Swiss Leading House on the Economics of Education" to broaden her theoretical knowledge in the field of economics of education. The course takes place at the University of Zurich.
  • Feess attends the XVIII Symposium of the German Economic Association of Business Administration e. V. (GEABA) at the University of Hohenheim and holds a co-lecture on behalf of Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning.
  • Kaufmann participates in the "Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis" and takes the course "Pooled Time Series Cross-Sectional Analysis" to broaden her methodological skills.
  • 20.06.2017:?The Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management visits the Amazon Fulfillment Center in Graben near Schwabmünchen together with the Max Weber scholarship holders of the chairs of Prof. Dr. Jaehn and Prof. Dr. Warning.
  • Dr. Susanne Warning, Eva Dehnert, Nicole Dürrenberger, David Feess, Annika Fr?hlich and Lydia Kaufmann take part in this year's 13th?International (Post-)Doc Workshop "Economics of Personnel, Education and Organization" in Tübingen, where doctoral students and post-docs from the Universities of Paderborn, Tübingen and Zurich have the opportunity to present their research results. From Augsburg, Nicole Dürrenberger, David Feess, Annika Fr?hlich and Lydia Kaufmann present current research results from their projects. Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning also takes part as a commentator on the doctoral projects of all (post-)doctoral students.?
  • Dürrenberger participates in the workshop "Analyzing PIAAC data with multi-level analysis in Stata" and afterwards in the "International Conference on PIAAC and PIAAC-Longitudinal" in Mannheim.?
  • Kaufmann participates in the workshop "Interdisciplinary Conference on Flexible Work in the Digital Age" in Mannheim.
  • Dr. Susanne Warning, Nicole Dürrenberger and Lydia Kaufmann participate in the 20th?Colloquium on Personnel Economics (COPE) at the University of Zurich. Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning takes on the role of session chair of a lecture series.
  • 01.01.2017:?We welcome our new research assistant Lydia Kaufmann to the chair!
  • 29.11.2016:?We congratulate Dominik Wei? on his successful oral exam in the doctoral process. The title of the written paper is "Corporate Governance in the Societas Europaea (SE)".
  • Fr?hlich gives a lecture on one of her current research projects on the excursion "Challenges in the Banking Sector" of the Chair of Economics (Prof. Dr. Peter Welzel) at the University of Augsburg in Grainau.
  • employees and assistants of the Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management support the chair of Prof. Dr. Peter Welzel in the local organization of the annual conference of the Association for Social Politics in Augsburg.
  • Dürrenberger participates in the "Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis" and takes the course "Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis" to broaden her methodological skills.
  • admission interviews for the bachelor's program Global Business Management (start of winter semester 2016/2017) take place under the direction of Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Augsburg. Prof. Dr. Jens Brunner, Prof. Dr. Florian Jaehn, Prof. Dr. Jennifer Kunz, Prof. Dr. Erik E. Lehmann, Prof. Dr. Yarema Okhrin, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Roeder, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schultze, Prof. Dr. Robert Ullmann, Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning, Prof. Dr. Peter Welzel and Prof. Dr. Marco Wilkens chair the selection committees and conduct interviews with 176 invited applicants. The interviews are accompanied by information on the study programme, presentations on projects and field reports on semesters abroad presented by current students of the GBM programme.
  • 22.07.2016:??Nicole Dürrenberger presents results from a research project conducted together with Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning at the workshop "Leisure Time Activities, Education, and Economic Performance" in Tübingen.
  • Feess gives a presentation at the "Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference" at the Nord University Business School in Bod? (Norway).
  • 08.06.2016:?Presentation by experts of the HR consultancy hkp/// with the title "Strategic corporate management through compensation - effective incentives for top management" in a joint event with the chair of Prof. Dr. Wilkens.
  • 01.04.062016:?Nicole Dürrenberger, David Feess and Annika Fr?hlich participate in a conference in Spain on "Personnel Economics: Research Findings and Study Programmes" organised by the University of Paderborn and the Universitat de les Illes Balears. As part of this event, the 12th?International Doctoral Workshop "Personnel, Education and Organisational Economics" takes place in Palma de Mallorca, where Eva Dehnert, Nicole Dürrenberger, David Feess and Annika Fr?hlich each give a presentation on their current research project.
  • Feess gives a lecture on his current research results at the 78th?annual conference of the Association of University Professors of Business Administration at the Technical University of Munich. The general topic of the conference is "The Role of Entrepreneurs, Corporations and Technology in Innovation - Opportunities for Business Research".
  • April 2016:?The Bachelor's programme "Global Business Management" is the first Bachelor's programme at a state university in Germany to be awarded the extremely rare and correspondingly coveted FIBAA premium seal.
  • Dr. Susanne Warning attends the meeting of the Education Economics Committee of the?Association for Social Politics on the general topic "Education over the course of life" in Bamberg.
  • Dürrenberger participates in the 19th?Colloquium on Personnel Economics at the RWTH University Aachen.
  • 01.02.2016:?We welcome our new research assistant Nicole Dürrenberger at the chair!
  • Dr. Susanne Warning attends the conference of the German Economic Association of Business Administration (GEABA) in Hamburg.
  • Dr. Susanne Warning presents the results of a joint research project with Nicole Dürrenberger at the annual conference of the Association for Social Politics in Münster.
  • August 2015:?Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning becomes a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Business Economics.
  • admission interviews for the bachelor's program Global Business Management (start of winter semester 2015/2016) takes place at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Augsburg under the direction of Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning, Prof. Dr. Florian Jaehn, Prof. Dr. Robert Klein, Prof. Dr. Yarema Okhrin, Prof. Dr. Michael Paul, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schultze, Prof. Dr. Marcus Wagner, Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning, Prof. Dr. Peter Welzel and Prof. Dr. Marco Wilkens, as chairmen of the selection committees, conduct the interviews with 178 invited applicants.
  • Fr?hlich and Dominik Wei? present their current research project at the 77th?Annual Conference of the Association of University Professors of Business Administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. The general topic of the conference is "Unity of research and teaching in business administration: up-to-date or obsolete?”
  • Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management organises the conference "Human Resource Management in a Global Environment" at the University of Augsburg. Participants, especially PhD students and post-docs from the Universities of Paderborn, Tübingen and Zurich present their research results within the framework of the conference topic. From Augsburg, Annika Fr?hlich, David Feess and Dominik Wei? (all from the Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management) and Eva Dehnert present current research results from their projects. Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning not only participates in this year's doctoral workshop as organiser, but also as commentator on the doctoral projects of all doctoral students.
  • Summer semester 2015:?Prof. Dr. Susanne Warning becomes a mentor in the Max Weber Scholarship Program of the Free State of Bavaria and supervises a small group of students.
  • Dr. Susanne Warning attends the meeting of the Education Economics Committee at the Association for Social Politics on the general topic "40 years of Education Economics Committee: Developments and Perspectives" in Berlin.
