

Our new research associate joins the chair as part of the BRaVE network

BRaVE network
? University of Augsburg


In November 2024, Felix Kotulla joined Prof. Dr. Florian Diekert’s team as a doctoral student and research associate. He is part of the Green Research Network “Building Climate Resilience for a Vital Environment (BRaVE): Identification of Vulnerabilities, Indicators and Implications for Actions” at the Centre for Climate Resilience at the University of Augsburg. The network comprises 12 interdisciplinary research projects and aims to investigate how climate change-related risks and vulnerabilities arise, how these risks can be sustainably mitigated and adapted to, and how to recognise risks in advance using early warning indicators. The network was introduced during a kick-off event at the CCR on 23 January 2025.

Felix is working on the sub-project “Operationalising early warning systems for decision support in water management”. The project explores how early warning systems can support decision makers in tipping point scenarios. In a first step, the topic will be examined in an experimental study to understand how the presence of a warning system influences individuals in resource extraction decisions. This study is currently being prepared and designed.

Felix Kotulla is originally from Heidenheim an der Brenz and obtained his education in Italy, Denmark and the USA. He completed a bachelor’s degree in economics and social sciences at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in Italy. He later earned a master’s degree in international business and politics at Copenhagen Business School in Frederiksberg, Denmark. In his thesis, he analysed the German energy transition from a subnational perspective, focusing on the energy policy developments in Baden-Württemberg and Brandenburg over the last 30 years. He spent exchange periods at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA, and at the University of Bologna in Italy. For his research, he is currently interested in how to enable and encourage the transition of the economy to a climate-resilient future and how early warning signals can be used to incentivise more efficient resource use.

More information on the Green Research Network BRaVE can be found here: /en/forschung/einrichtungen/institute/zentrum-fur-klimaresilienz/research/research-network/

Additional information on Felix Kotulla at BRaVE: /en/forschung/einrichtungen/institute/zentrum-fur-klimaresilienz/research/research-network/our-doctoral-candidates/felix-kotulla/

Contact information Felix Kotulla: /en/fakultaet/wiwi/prof/vwl/diekert/team/felix-kotulla/
