

Prof. Dr. Robert Nuscheler

Prof. Dr. Robert Nuscheler: Finanzwissenschaft, insbesondere Gesundheits?konomik
Phone: +49 (0)821 598 - 4202
Fax: +49 (0)821 598 - 4232
Room: FW 2434 (J)
Open hours: Thursday 4:00 - 5:00 (pm) and on appointment
Address: Universit?tsstra?e 16, 86159 Augsburg

Curriculum Vitae

Since November 2011 I hold the Chair of Public Economics and Health Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of Augsburg.
I joined the Department in September 2008 to assume a professorship in Health Economics. Before I came to Augsburg I spent two years in Canada, one year at the Economics Department of the University of Waterloo where I worked as an assistant professor and one year at McMaster University and its Economics Department where I held a Postdoc position. I received my graduate economics training in Berlin, first at the Department of Economics at the Free University of Berlin (1998-2001) and alter in the unit Market Processes and Governance of Social Science Research Centre Berlin. I hold a doctorate in economics from the Free University of Berlin (supervisor: Prof. Kai A. Konrad).

Main areas of research

  • Health Economics
  • Public Economics
  • Political Economics
  • Industrial Organization
  • Laboratory Economic Experiments and Applied Microeconometrics


Publications in refereed journals

Binder, Simon and Nuscheler, Robert: Risk-Taking in Vaccination, Surgery, and Gambling Environments - Evidence from a Framed Laboratory Experiment,?Health Economics 26(S3), 76-96,?2017 - download?- revised figures 5 & 6


Nuscheler, Robert and Roeder, Kerstin: To Vaccinate or to Procrastinate? That is the Prevention Question, Health Economics 25(12), 1560-1581, 2016 - download


Nuscheler, Robert and Roeder, Kerstin: Financing and funding health care: Optimal policy and political implementability, Journal of Health Economics 42, 197-208, 2015 ?- download


Grunow, Martina and Nuscheler, Robert: Public and Private Health Insurance in Germany: The Ignored Risk Selection Problem, Health Economics 23(6), 670-687, 2014 ?- download


Nuscheler, Robert and Roeder, Kerstin: The Political Economy of Long-Term-Care,?European Economic Review 62, 154- 173, 2013 -? download


Buckley, Neil; Cuff, Katherine; Hurley, Jeremiah; McLeod, Logan; Nuscheler, Robert and Cameron, David: Willingness-to-Pay for Parallel Private Health Insurance: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment,?Canadian Journal of Economics 45(1), 137-166, 2012 - download


Cuff, Katherine; Hurley, Jeremiah; Muller, Andrew; Mestelman, Stuart and Nuscheler, Robert: Public and Private Health Care Financing with Alternate Public Rationing Rules,?Health Economics 21(2), 83-100, 2012 - dowload


Jochimsen, Beate and Nuscheler, Robert: The Political Economy of the German L?nder Deficits: Weak Governments Meet Strong Finance Ministers,?Applied Economics?43(19), 2399-2415, 2011 -? download


Kuhn, Michael and Nuscheler, Robert: Optimal Public Provision of Nursing Homes and the Role of Information,?Journal of Health Economics?30(4), 795-810, 2011 -? download


Brekke, Kurt R.; Nuscheler, Robert and Odd Rune Straume: Gatekeeping in Health Care,?Journal of Health Economics?26(1), 149-170, 2007 -? download


Kessing, Sebastian G. and Nuscheler, Robert: Monopoly Pricing with Negative Network Effects: The Case of Vaccines,?European Economic Review?50(4), 1061-1069, 2006 -? download


Brekke, Kurt R.; Nuscheler, Robert and Odd Rune Straume: Quality and location choices under price regulation,?Journal of Economics & Management Strategy?15(1), 207-227, 2006 -? download


Knaus, Thomas and Nuscheler, Robert: Risk Selection in the German Public Health Insurance System,?Health Economics?14(12), 1253-1271, 2005 -? download


Nuscheler, Robert: Krankenkassenwettbewerb in der GKV: Evidenz für Risikoselektion?,?Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 73(4), 528-538, 2004 -? download


Nuscheler, Robert: Physician Reimbursement, Time Consistency, and the Quality of Care,?Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics?159(2), 302-322, 2003 -? abstract?-? download

Working papers

Kuhn, Michael and Nuscheler, Robert: Saving the public from the private? Incentives and Outcomes in Dual Practice, mimeo (November 2014). An earlier version appeard as Working Paper ECON WPS 02/2013, Technical University of Vienna - download


Kucher, Andreas; Nuscheler, Robert and Roeder, Kerstin: Is Family Contagious? Transmission of Weight Status (Mis-)Perception.


Hübler, Philipp and Nuscheler, Robert: Maternal Preferences and Child Prevention

Other Publications

Nuscheler, Robert: Ungerechter Wettbewerb - Gesetzliche und Private Krankenversicherung, Research Supplement of the Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung (July 2013, p. 6).


Nuscheler, Robert and Roeder, Kerstin: How to promote social cohesion and address growing inequality within countries? An analysis of conceptual linkages and development of approaches for addressing pro-poor taxation and social protection consistently in practice. Report to the German Association of International Cooperation (GIZ, August 2012).


Himmel, Konrad; Kifmann, Mathias and Nuscheler Robert: Wir haben in diesem Quartal leider keinen Termin mehr frei, in: Jan B?cken, Bernard Braun, Uwe Repschl?ger (Hrsg.), Gesundheitsmonitor 2011, Verlag Bertelsmann-Stiftung, S. 13-31


Nuscheler Robert and Roeder, Kerstin: Impfbereitschaft in Deutschland am Beispiel der Grippe, in: Jan B?cken, Bernard Braun, Uwe Repschl?ger (Hrsg.), Gesundheitsmonitor 2011, Verlag Bertelsmann-Stiftung, S. 93-112

Nuscheler, Robert and Thomasius, Sebastian: IGeL - Angebotsinduktion für Fortgeschrittene,?Public Health Forum?14, Heft 52, 20-22, 2006 -?download


Nuscheler, Robert: On Competition and Regulation in Health Care Systems,?Finanzwissenschaftliche Schriften?Band 112, Peter Lang Verlag, Berlin, 2005 (Dissertation) -?order


Kessing, Sebastian G. and Nuscheler, Robert: Strategie des Impfens,?WZB Mitteilungen?103, 29-31, 2004


Nuscheler, Robert: Mehr Wettbewerb wagen,?WZB Mitteilungen?102, 36-40, 2003
