


The admission to the Master's program "Economics and Public Policy" requires a first professional degree from a university or an equivalent degree, obtained in Germany or abroad, with a total of at least 180 ECTS credits as well as the successful participation in an aptitude test. As a rule, applicants must have obtained a first degree in a field of economics. Exceptions, e.g. for political and social science or mathematical and natural science subjects, are possible.

Aptitude test

The aptitude test consists of two stages.


First Stage

The admission committee evaluates the performance in the bachelor's program on a scale from 0 to 100 points. The following two evaluation criteria are used:

  1. Final grade: For the first university degree, a total of 50 points is awarded for a final grade of 1.0. For each tenth of a grade the bachelor's degree is worse than 1.0, the applicant receives a deduction of two points. There are no negative points awarded.
  2. Subject qualification: The curricular analysis of the present subject knowledge is based on competencies that are relevant to the course of study.

Competency parameters are:

  • The ability to work in a scientific manner,
  • sound specialized knowledge from the first degree,
  • ability and interest to efficiently acquire in-depth specialized knowledge and the associated methodological approaches from economics and thus to independently analyze economic problems at the individual and macroeconomic level,
  • the ability to efficiently translate theoretical knowledge into action recommendations, as well as
  • at least a solid knowledge of the German and English languages.

The analysis of existing subject knowledge is based on the basic subject groups listed below:


Subject Group I:

  • Microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance, economic policy
  • Decision theory, game theory
  • Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics

Subject Group II:

  • Fundamentals of business and economics, in particular economics
  • Mathematical-analytical methods, social science methods

The applicant can receive a maximum of 50 points for prior expertise.


An application is possible as soon as less than 40 credit points are missing for the completion of the bachelor's degree. If no degree certificate is available yet, a certificate must be enclosed showing the already completed modules, their individual grades as well as the average overall grade of all achievements made so far.?In this case, the evaluation is based on a fictitiously calculated overall grade. Thereby, the achievements missing for the degree are evaluated with the grade "4.0" and then the weighted average is calculated according to credit points. If the bachelor's degree has already been completed, a copy of the degree certificate must be submitted together with the final transcript of records.

The applicant's score from the first stage of the aptitude test is the sum of the scores according to criteria 1 and 2. Applicants who achieve an overall score of 80 points or more on the first stage of the aptitude test are suitable for the degree program and will receive a letter of admission. Applicants who score less than 50 points on the first level are classified as unsuitable for the master's program "Economics and Public Policy".


Second Stage

Applicants who have achieved at least 50 points and less than 80 points in the first stage of the aptitude test get invited to an interview (second stage of the aptitude test). The aptitude interview is conducted individually for each applicant and has a duration of at least 20 and at most 30 minutes.

The interview should show whether the applicant can be expected to achieve the goal of the study program "Economics and Public Policy" independently and responsibly on a scientific basis. Subject-specific knowledge that is part of the master's program in Economics and Public Policy is not decisive. The aptitude interview covers the aptitude parameters listed above.

The aptitude interview is conducted by two members of the selection committee, at least one of whom must be a professor.? The commission members independently evaluate the extent to which the suitability parameters listed above are present. Each of the members records the result of the aptitude interview on a point scale from 0 to 50, where 0 is the worst and 50 the best result to be achieved.

An applicant is classified as suitable if

  1. at least 80 points have been achieved at the first stage of the suitability procedure, or
  2. at least 50 points were achieved at the first stage and at the second stage of the suitability procedure respectively.

Application documents

The following documents must be attached to your application (copies do not have to be certified):

  1. Fully completed and signed Online Application;
  2. CV;
  3. Proof of confident English language skills (language level B2 or higher). Likewise, proof of German language skills at the C1 level if the university entrance qualification or the first professional university degree was not obtained at a German-speaking educational institution,
  4. Certificate of the successful completed courses.
    (Students of Augsburg University please apply for the certificate early by email ssc(at)zv.uni-augsburg.de at the Student Information Office. You will be notified via your student email address (retrievable with your RZ identifier and RZ password via https://webmail.uni-augsburg.de/) as soon as the certificate can be retrieved);
  5. Proof of bachelor's degree
    • If available: Copy of Bachelor's certificate;
    • If not available: Certification of the current average grade

      (Students of Augsburg University please apply for the certificate early by email ssc(at)zv.uni-augsburg.de at the Student Information Office. You will be notified via your student email address (retrievable with your RZ identifier and RZ password via https://webmail.uni-augsburg.de/) as soon as the certificate can be retrieved);

  6. If applicable, evidence of further achievements that are relevant for the aptitude test


Submit the application in the Application portal (vibs) as follows:

  • Register in the application portal (vibs) and "Start application"

  • "Add application", completely fill in the form and upload the application documents (one PDF document each, if possible) at the required point

  • "Submit application" in the application portal

  • Certified copies must be submitted at the latest upon enrollment.


Optionally, you can send the online application and your documents to the following address:


Universit?t Augsburg
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakult?t
Universit?tsstr. 16
86159 Augsburg



Application Dates

The application procedure is conducted twice a year.

The application deadline for a study place for the winter semester is June 15 of the same year (deadline) and for the summer semester December 15 of the previous year (deadline). Applications received after these dates can not be considered!

  • Therefore, please send your documents in time and completely!
  • Please take into account the postal delivery times, the postmark is not decisive!
  • Only the actual receipt of the application at Augsburg University is relevant to meet the deadline!

Procedure of the selection process

  1. Sending in the application documents on time;
  2. You will then be informed of your suitability for the Economics and Public Policy program after the first stage of the aptitude test and, if necessary, invited to an interview. The interviews are expected to take place in January and July, respectively;
  3. Sending of the admission or rejection notices in July or January: An acceptance for a study place is valid for the following semester (WiSe or SoSe, for which you have applied) as well as for the two following enrollment dates;
  4. Enrollment: Enrollment is only possible with the Bachelor's degree certificate or a confirmation from the examination office that you have passed the Bachelor's degree. Please note the deadlines for enrollment.

Contact person

Doctoral Student
Prof. Dr. Robert Nuscheler: Finanzwissenschaft, insbesondere Gesundheits?konomik
  • Room 2437 (Building J)
