

Your way to become an economist

At the beginning of your studies in economics, you will learn the necessary methodological basics and gain fundamental insights into economics and business administration. In the further course of your studies, you will apply this knowledge to many interesting economic questions:

How do we make our pension insurance systems sustainable? How can income taxation be designed to meet the demands of modern lifestyles and family forms? How must economic and monetary unions, such as the European Union, be designed to be beneficial for all parties involved? What are the right economic policy incentives to achieve our climate goals? Will digitization lead to more inequality? Are the Internet giants becoming too powerful and need to be regulated by the government? What are the consequences of banning risk-based insurance premiums in a public health insurance system?



? ... are interested in economic contexts, but would like to start out with a broad focus and specialize later.
? ... enjoy mathematics and complex problems.
? ... are enthusiastic about economic and socio-political as well as international topics.
? ... want to achieve personal success, but also have an eye for social responsibility.


Take the math self-test at Mathematik-Selbsttests.

Details and Downloads

About the degree programme
Degree programme: Economics
Official Designation: Volkswirtschaftslehre
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Study mode: Full-time
Language of instruction: German
Start of studies: winter semester
Standard study duration: 6 semesters
Admission type: Open admission
Minimum German language skills: C 1
Please note: Applications for the 1st subject semester are only possible for the winter semester. Applications for higher subject semesters are possible for the summer semester. The application deadline for the summer semester (listed below) applies only to applications for a higher subject semester. The enrolment deadline will be published on our website: www.uni-augsburg.de… Introductory events take place closely before the start of the lecture period: http://www.uni-augs…; start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…
Application deadline for the summer semester: 15. February


Semester 1-3: Principles

The acquisition of indispensable knowledge of economics and business administration as well as the mathematical and statistical methods needed for them.


Semester 4-6: Specialization

Knowledge and professional competence are further advanced. Within the major economics you are free to choose specializations according to your interests, e.g.:

? ?Environmental Economics

? ?International Economics

? ?Public Economics

? ?Regulatory Economics


Or you become a professional for global issues and pursue one of our international Majors:

?? International Business & Economics

?? German-French Management




In your major economics you will deal with a broad spectrum of economic issues at the micro- and macroeconomic level. You will acquire theoretical and empirical methodological skills of lasting value and learn to apply them to solve economic problems. Within this major, you can specialize in optional tracks.

Menschen als Passanten in einer Fu?g?ngerzone von oben betrachtet


International Business & Economics

For students interested in working internationally, the International Business & Economics major offers them the opportunity to align their economics studies with international contents. The students are simultaneously taught professional language, and intercultural skills. The compulsory stay abroad, as well as the fact that the language of instruction is English, is what differentiates this field of study from other specializations.

Karton mit Füllmaterial und Globus

German-French Management

For students who are interested in our economically and culturally very important neighbor France, the faculty, in cooperation with the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Université de Rennes 1, offers a degree course in German-French Management. The students of the study program get to know France and its economy in situ and can also improve their language skills. With the Double Degree option, this field of study offers a further advantage.

Eine Flagge aus halb franz?sischen und halb deutschen Nationalfarben als komplett gelegtes Puzzle


We offer top quality research and teaching

■ Internationally successful research in the important future areas of digitalization, entrepreneurship, sustainability, health, and transformation

■ International orientation of our degree programs and diverse opportunities to study abroad

■ Regular top positions in rankings (e.g., CHE)

■ Outstanding ratings of our courses by students

Studenten in der Bibliothek mit Bücherregalen und Ausblick

We offer optimal study conditions

■ Top equipped rooms with modern computers, smartboards and software

■ Support in refreshing mathematical knowledge and orientation phase at the start of the degree

■ Individual students advisory service

■ Numerous exercises and tutorials in small groups to consolidate the subject matter

■ Individual supervision of term papers and Bachelor’s theses

■ Additional offers in the areas IT and languages

Studierende und Mitarbeiterin im Gespr?ch

We encourage people and help them develop their own opinions

■ Targeted encouragement of critical reflection of central topics in society and the economy

■ Numerous opportunities to work for a chair or to get involved in student initiatives

■ Numerous opportunities to work for a chair or to get involved in student initiatives

■ Room for the development of a responsible personality through the familiar and open atmosphere on the campus

Professor Lehmann h?lt im Seminarraum Vorlesung

We create future prospects

Excellent career prospects for our students due to our excellent professional, methodological and personal education, the recognized good reputation of the University of Augsburg and the growing demand for people with a degree in Economics.

Weltkugel schwebend auf einer Hand
Robert Nuscheler
In the bachelor's program in economics, our students acquire the analytical tools to be successful in their regional or global careers or in advanced degree programs.

Prof. Dr. Robert Nuscheler, Head of the Bachelor's program in Economics


Suitable Master’s programs

After completion of the program, you have all opportunities to study for a subsequent Master’s degree at the University of Augsburg or at another university in Germany or abroad.

Nahaufnahme von Buch im Gras

The career prospects

You benefit from our optimal mix of sound education in principles and intensive specialization – and not least from the outstanding reputation of the University of Augsburg. Associations and international organizations, government agencies, banks and insurance companies, at home or abroad - we open up worlds for you!

Mann im Anzug macht eine Daumen-hoch Geste


Assistant Professor
Chair of Economic Policy and Industrial Economics


