
? University of Augsburg

Following an invitation by the Faculty of Philology and History and the Jakob-Fugger-Zentrum, the internationally renowned professor for Islamic religious education Prof. Dr. Mouhanad Khorchide was a guest lecturer at the University of Augsburg in the winter semester 2016/17.


Mouhanad Khorchide spoke in Augsburg about the Koran and the possibilities of its interpretation, reform efforts in Islam and Islamic religious education in Germany.


Mouhanad Khorchide, born 1971 in Beirut, raised in Saudi Arabia, studied Islamic theology and sociology in Beirut and Vienna. He has been Professor of Islamic Religious Education Studies since 2010 as well as Director of the Center for Islamic Theology Münster since 2011, coordinator of the Graduate School of Islamic Theology of the Mercator Foundation and researcher of the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics in the Cultures of Premodernity and Modernity" at the WWU Münster and director of the project "Quran in the Context of Mercy" within this Cluster of Excellence.


The following events were held as part of his guest lectureship:


12.12.2016, 18.30 pm
Was hei?t es, den Koran historisch-kritisch zu lesen? Herausforderungen und M?glichkeiten einer zeitgem??en Koranlektüre
Lecture by Mouhanad Khorchide
Universit?t Augsburg, H?rsaal 1001, Geb?ude H (Jura)


13.12.2016, 18.30 pm
Der Koran im Werden - Zur Prozesshaftigkeit der koranischen Offenbarung als Akt der offenen Kommunikation
Lecture by Mouhanad Khorchide
Universit?t Augsburg, H?rsaal 1001, Geb?ude T (H?rsaalzentrum Physik)


01.02.2017, 18.30 pm
Was bedeutet es, dass der Islam st?ndige Reformen braucht?
Lecture by von Mouhanad Khorchide
Universit?t Augsburg, H?rsaal 1001, Geb?ude T (H?rsaalzentrum Physik)


02.02.2017, 18.30 pm
Zur Zukunft des islamischen Religionsunterrichtes und der Religionslehrerausbildung in Deutschland
Panel discussion with Mouhanad Khorchide and

Johannes Hintersberger, MdL, State Secretary in the State Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Family and Integration

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Naurath, Chair of Protestant Theology with focus on religious education

Host: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Sü?, Spokesman of the Board of Directors of the Jakob-Fugger-Zentrum

Rokoko-Saal der Regierung von Schwaben, Fronhof 10, 86152 Augsburg


