

About CIHR

The Center for Interdisciplinary Health Research at the University of Augsburg is dedicated to interdiciplinary research, networking, and science communication in the field of health. In the following, we invite you to learn about the development and focus of the reserach center, and for detailed information, we kindly refer you to the statutes of the CIHR.?


Statutes of the CIHR




Emerging from a network for health research at the University of Augsburg, the CIHR was officially established in April 2014 as a central institution. Today, it brings together researchers, institutions from all 8 faculties, and interested individuals from the region. Its members include representatives from all university institutions and faculties, as well as external researchers, who collaborate in interdisciplinary exchange.?


Executive Board? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?3 Individuals

Ordinary Members? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 61 Individuals &

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7 Institutions

Associate Members ? ? ? ???????????????14 Individuals

Affiliated Members? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 10 Individuals

Advisory Board ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8 Individuals

Vision and Mission

The mission of the CIHR is to?conduct and promote modern health research that addresses future-oriented?topics, socially relevant issues, and complex questions, always taking into account their societal, cultural, socio-economic, and historical context and critically reflecting on them. To achieve this, a comprehensive, integrative perspective and innovative exchange among disciplines such as economics, law, social sciences, cultural studies, technology, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, and medicine are required.



Development of the Research Center

1st of May 2023

Hiring of the new managing directors Dr. Andreas Kucher?(start May 2023) and Dr. Elisa Rehic ?(start September 2023)


1st?of February 2023

Start of the two-year term of office of the newly elected Board consisting of Prof. Dr. Robert Nuscheler (Director), Prof. Dr. Benedikt Buchner (Deputy Director) and Prof. Dr. Frank Kramer (additional member of the Board)


1st?of February 2021

Start of the two-year term of office of the newly elected Board consisting of Prof. Dr. Helena Bilandzic (Director), Prof. Dr. Robert Nuscheler (Deputy Director) and Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schl?gl-Flierl (additional member of the Board)


May 2020

Publication of the first special volume of the series G.IP entitled Rationalities of the End of Life.


December 2019

Publication of the first CIHR essay on the topic of reforming living organ donation? (Reform der Lebendorganspende?)


9th?of July 2019

CIHR's network meetings with members, board of directors and advisory board as well as selected research and practice partners.


7th?to?8th?of March?2019

CIHR's First Young Researchers Workshop on Rationalities of the End of Life. Cultures of Dying in the Past and Present.


8th?of?November 2018

First Science Talk on the topic WO/MEN'S HEALTH? Gender Health from an Interdisciplinary Perspective on the occasion of the public presentation of the first volume of the publication series G.IP.


1st?of?August 2018

Prof. Dr. Helena Bilandzic (Communication Studies/ Media Effects and Processes) is elected as the new Director of CIHR.


August 2018

Publication of the first focus volume Gender and Health of the interdisciplinary publication series G.IP (Gesundheitsforschung.Interdisziplin?re Perspektiven), which is the responsibility of a team of editors consisting of CIHR members and the scientific managing director.


18th?of?June 2018

Symposium on the topic of dying culture and care practices of the future.

5th?of May 2018

Participation in the Long Night of Science (Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft) at Augsburg City Hall


8th?of February 2018

In the course of the establishment of the Medical Faculty and the then planned transformation of Augsburg Hospital into a university hospital (Universit?tsklinikum), implementation of a speed dating between members of CIHR and representatives of the hospital for networking and initiation of joint research ideas and projects.


Winter term 2017/2018

First Augsburg Health Dialogue (Augsburger Gesundheitsdialog, AGD) on the topics of compulsory vaccination from an economic, legal and ethical perspective (21.11.2017) and women's health, what helps, what harms, what is superfluous (17.01.2018) as a separate series of events conceived by the company itself and for which it is responsible, to be held continuously from now on and open to the interested public free of charge


October 2017

Enlargement of the CIHR advisory board from six to eight members.


1. April 2017

Hiring two research coordinators in the CIHR administrative office to support raising externally funded research.


Summer term 2016

CIHR conceives and establishes the international event formats ZIG Summer School and ZIG International Lectures. Realization of the first Summer School and the first International Lectures with guest lecturers from Sociology, Communication Studies and European Ethnology.


2nd?to 3rd?of March 2016

Retreat of the CIHR at the Benedictine Abbey in Ottobeuren; formation of the three working groups: WG Prevention, WG Human-Machine Interaction (meanwhile WG Digitalization) and WG Dying and End of Life.


December 2015

Enlargement of the CIHR advisory board from five to six members.


11th?of June 2015

Official founding ceremony of the CIHR in the Golden Hall in the City Hall of Augsburg.


November 2014

Founding of the Advisory board with five members; Director of the advisory board: Prof. Dr. Joachim-Felix Leonhard, Staatssekret?r a.D.


30th?of April 2014?

Founding of the Centre of Interdisciplinary Health Research and appointment of the founding board; Founding director: Vice president Prof. Dr. Werner Schneider


1st?of April 2014

Hiring of managing director Dr. Julia von Hayek
