

Award criteria for the promotion of young researchers at GGS

Gef?rdert werden:

1. Own-initiative research projects:
  • ??? Organization of conferences, colloquia, symposia, summer schools (travel and accommodation costs of external guest researchers, auxiliary staff, advertising and material resources, fees)
  • ??? Invitation of guest researchers or experts
  • ??? High-profile research communication projects (exhibition concept, podcasts...)
  • ??? Short-term research projects in connection with the qualification work, the results of which are presented to the public (exhibition, online content (online seminar or similar), conference...)
2. Networking and advisory trips:
  • ??? Trips for consultation meetings (with potential mentors, proven experts in your field of research) and
  • ??? Trips that serve to network young researchers

?????? - Research stays with recognized experts in the field
?????? - Participation in conferences with the opportunity to consult within the research field

3. Travel, accommodation and daily allowances can be applied for in accordance with the BayRKG guidelines


4. Software licenses that you need for your research project

5. Printing costs:

  • ??? for publications produced within the scope of GGS membership (preference is given to funding editorships and monographs within the scope of own-initiative projects (pillar 5) or research presentations (pillar 4))
  • ??? Funding of an open access publication (scientific article on your research project)


Funding amount
Funding amounts depend on the format and size of the project applied for and are variable.
Guidance grid: Own-initiative knowledge transfer projects: up to €2000 for smaller national conferences; up to approx. €5000 for international conferences.
In the case of larger projects, please contact the GGS coordination office before submitting your application.

Application submission deadlines:

  • ??? Applications seeking a sum of less than or equal to € 500: continuous decision, no deadlines to be observed
  • ??? Applications seeking a sum of more than € 500: quarterly decisions; deadlines for submitting applications in SoSe 24 and WiSe 24/25:
    • ??????? 15.7.2024
    • ??????? 21.10.2024
    • ??????? 13.1.2025
    • ??????? 28.4.2025


Applications that are submitted after the project has been completed cannot be considered. Please submit your applications in good time and in compliance with the deadlines.



After successful implementation of your projects and trips or after using the in-kind support, please submit a brief summary of the results of the funded project together with a cost breakdown to the GGS coordination office.


Eligibility requirements



  • ??????? Members of the GGS (doctoral candidates) and post-docs of the faculties involved in the GGS can apply
  • ??????? The planned format must be approved by the supervising professor at the University of Augsburg
  • ??????? Submission of a formally correct application form with all necessary documents (statement, cost calculation)
  • ??????? It must be clear both from the application text and from all announcements about the project (printed matter) that the project is primarily carried out and organized by the young researchers submitting the application and serves them for further academic qualification
  • ??????? Preference is given to funding cooperative projects by early career researchers (joint applications by doctoral candidates and/or postdocs, transdisciplinary/interdisciplinary projects are also possible). The maximum funding amount is doubled per applicant

??? Requirements for the funding of self-initiated projects:


  • ??????? For all project funding, the GGS must be named as the funding institution and be clearly recognizable. (In the case of events, the key visual of the GGS must be displayed on all announcements, and the GGS must also be named as the funding institution in letters of invitation, when moderating panels, etc.)
  • ?For billing reasons, the GGS acts as the organizer if the applicant is employed at the University of Augsburg, and the costs are billed via the GGS. The complete organization (invitation, communication, application, implementation and preparation of the billing forms) is the responsibility of the applicant. Non-employees (¡°external doctoral candidates¡±) receive a lump-sum expense allowance (reimbursement of expenses) after approval and implementation of the funding of a self-initiated project by the GGS
  • ??? All expense receipts must be submitted to the GGS coordination office retrospectively

Requirements for funding networking and consultancy trips:

  • ??? The trip must serve your research project and be related to it
  • ??? The trip to (renowned) scientists or conferences must serve the purpose of scientific networking and have added value for your academic career and your research
  • ??? Employees must submit a business trip application after approval and before starting the trip
  • ??? All expense receipts must be submitted to the GGS Coordination Office retrospectively. Costs will be reimbursed after submission

?Requirements for the funding of material costs (software licenses)


  • Upon application, the GGS can cover the costs of software required by members of the GGS and post-docs of the participating faculties as part of their qualification work and/or own-initiative projects. In addition to the general requirements listed above, the GGS must also cover the costs of licenses:
    • ??? Relevance for research project
    • ??? Software is not available via the affiliation to the University of Augsburg
    • ??? Software cannot be obtained via the chair/professorship/employment position

?Requirements for funding printing costs:

  • ??? the publication is produced as part of or in connection with a knowledge transfer project you are carrying out (pillar 5)
  • ??? the publication serves to present your research within the framework of the GGS structural model (pillar 4)
  • ??? Editors may only be researchers in early career phases (pre-, postdoc & W1 professorships)


Selection and evaluation criteria:?????

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  • ??? On the basis of the supervisor's statement
    • ??????? high quality of the project to be funded
    • ??????? Added value for the applicant's own (academic) career (e.g. network expansion)
    • ??????? (technical) relevance of the project (for the applicant's own research project)
  • ??? Based on the formal assessment with regard to the GGS funding guidelines:
    • ??????? Degree of personal initiative in terms of project organization (personal responsibility and feasibility, elaboration of the project in terms of the applicant's involvement)
    • ??????? idealiter: cooperative (cross-faculty and transdisciplinary) project
    • ??????? idealiter: fit of the project into the overall GGS program (thematic focus, format, openness and benefits for other members of the GGS)

Selection committee:


  • ??? Steering committee of the GGS
  • ??? Deans of the participating faculties (Phil.-Hist., Phil.-Soz., KThF)
  • ??? Advisory: for projects by doctoral students, elected representatives of the doctoral students, for projects by postdocs, an elected representative of the postdocs
