

Our research is oriented towards the socially relevant questions of our time. It combines fundamental research with applied research questions and is shaped by Augsburg’s guiding idea of the network university. Initially concentrating on law, economics, social sciences and the humanities, the University of Augsburg has continuously expanded into promising fields in the natural and technical sciences and medicine.


What defines a network university? It is a reform university in the best sense, which is reflective and open-minded towards innovations without forgetting its origins. It looks for inner and outer connections; it shapes a place of creativity and freedom. It deals with the challenges of the time and forms centres, forums, and networks of understanding. It listens to itself. It commits itself to its decisions. Scholarly knowledge and creativity are valuable assets, and universities are institutions that cultivate, protect, and use these assets. At our university, academic scholarship always means—whether in the short or long term—knowledge-based methods and theories related to humans and their environment in keeping with our motto Scientia et Conscienta. For half a century, this motto has guided several generations of researchers, students, and research-support staff. This is what our idea of networks, forums, and centres stands for, which even in times of global challenges helps shape knowledge and guidelines for a humane society.

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Researchers at the University of Augsburg publish the results of their research in order to make them accessible to the scientific community as well as the general public. The University of Augsburg’s publications server OPUS provides a central record of academic publications from the University of Augsburg since its founding in 1970.


