

Zoom series for students

Studying with confidence (in German)

Winter semester 2024/25?


The Student Advice and Counselling Service offers all students at the University of Augsburg a free and diverse range of talks.

The thematically organised talks offer an introduction to each topic and the possibility to exchange ideas and ask questions.
Participation without registration due to the desire for anonymity for each of the free individual events/dates is available with the following Zoom link. ( Flyer on anonymous Zoom participation, in German ).



Zoom link (click here)


Dates (all in German)


Monday, 28 October rom 14:00 pm - 15:30 pm

Creating a learning plan? (Sonja Eser)

Avoiding exam stress by planning your learning workload early on



Wednesday, 6 November from 16:00 pm - 17:30 pm

Too much? Too little? Eating disorders and addiction in everyday student life (Tanja Weier)

Recognising conspicuous eating and consumer habits and intervening early. Information, suggestions, and exchange on the topic of (addiction) prevention and development of risk competence.



Monday, 11 November from 10:00 am - 11:30 am

ADHD (Katrielle Wesley)

Information and strategies for studying successfully



Monday, 18 November from 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Self-motivation and learning (Sonja Eser)

Strength and perseverance in the examination phase



Wednesday, 20 November from 13:00 pm - 14:30 pm

Time management (Thomas Haskamp)

For more structure and efficiency in studying



Monday, 25 November from 14:00 pm - 15:30 pm

Procrastination (Florian Re?)

Who hasn’t experienced it? The persistent tendency to postpone the completion of necessary tasks. This Zoom event provides information on the background to procrastination and offers some strategies and solutions for change.



Monday, 2 December from 14:00 pm - 15:30 pm

Healthy sleep is worth its weight in gold (Florian Re?)

What makes for ‘healthy’ sleep in terms of quantity and quality? When can we talk about sleep disorders and what can we do about them? How can I optimise my sleep?



Monday, 16 December from 17:00 pm - 18:30 pm

Doubts about studying!? (Thomas Haskamp)

Are my doubts normal? Am I capable of studying? Should I quit? What options do I have? Information, suggestions, and exchange.



Friday, 10 January from 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Writing seminar papers (Sonja Eser)

Don’t be afraid of seminar papers!



Monday, 13 January from 9:00 am – 10:30 am

Be fit for exams (Sonja Eser)

Advisory workshop for (first semester) students based on the information videos (accessible via a link in Digicampus; key word “Lernfit”)



Tuesday, 21 January from 16:00 pm – 17:30 pm

Don't panic! Overcoming examination anxiety (Tanja Weier)

Take the fear out of exams: ideas, suggestions, and dialogue on how to deal with exam anxiety and the fear of failing.



Alongside these Zoom events, we also offer a range of face-to-face workshops.
