

How do I receive support from f.au.st e.V.?

For students to receive support, the support application (see downloads) must be completed in full and submitted exclusively online to faust e.V. You can deduce our e-mail address after the consultation at our contact points, which you can find under Contact at the bottom of this page.


Grants are awarded exclusively to foreign students in accordance with the terms and conditions of our award regulations, which you can find in the download area.

The decision on the awarding of grants is made by the awarding committee of faust e.V. in its regularly held meetings.

Current scholarship announcements of faust e.V.


Here you will find current scholarship announcements:




Integration Scholarship

Foto: Pixabay

How to contact us

You may contact us via:

e-mail: vorsitzender@faust-augsburg.de


f.au.st e.V.?
c/o Prof. Dr. Ulrich Eckern

Universit?t Augsburg
Universit?tsstra?e 1
86135 Augsburg

Further information you might get from our contact partners:

Dr. Sabine Tamm, International Office, University of Augsburg, Universit?tsstra?e 2, 86159 Augsburg, phone: +49 (0)821 598 5135, e-mail:?sabine.tamm@aaa.uni-augsburg.de

Adrian Bieniec, International Office, TH Augsburg, An der Hochschule 1, 86161 Augsburg, phone: +49 (0)821 5586 3271, e-mail: international@tha.de


Further support is available from the Student Union: Studierendenwerk Augsburg (b!st).




Application form and further information on the application process

  • Applications are only accepted online, the corresponding e-mail address can be obtained from our contact points (see under Contact); furthermore, only complete applications can be processed: application form


Application for a study grant or a loan

  • Please take note of the regulations regarding the awarding of grants.

Membership and Statutes

  • Please use the membership form if you would like to support us through your membership. In this case, please also note the valid membership fee regulations !


  • Here you will also find our currently valid statutes as of 12.02.2019.
