

General information

For most courses of study at the University of Augsburg, you will need a very good knowledge of German. There are only a few courses of study that are purely in English.

Which language level is required and which language certificates are recognized can be found on the page of the respective course of studies. You can find the entire range of courses here: Study programs

Basic studies: Bachelor, State Examination

If you want to study a course of study with restricted admission ("with NC"), you must be able to present this language certificate by the application deadline.


For degree programmes with open admission ("zulassungsfrei" / "nicht zulassungsbeschr?nkt"), it is possible to submit the language certificate later or to apply by mid-March/September. In the case of open-admission degree programmes, you can also take our DSH exam as proof of sufficient German language skills. To do so, you must submit a German language certificate by 15 July or 15 January that is one level below the one you need to study.


master programs

For information on language level and deadlines, please refer to the website of the respective program. If you have any questions, please contact the respective academic advisor.


If you need an assignment for the Studienkolleg, regardless of the course of study, you must have proof that you have successfully participated in a B2 course in German by July 15 (application for a winter semester) or January 15 (application for a summer semester).
