
Picture of Serena in front of a castle
My Erasmus period in Augsburg was amazing (even despite of the Covid situation). I had the opportunity to visit amazing cities in Bavaria at very cheap prices thanks to the efficient organisation of ESN. My German improved significantly and I became much more fluent in English. But what made this period perfect were the people, with whom I built strong and trustful bonds! What are you waiting for?

Serena from Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, winter semester 2021/22

My time in Germany was truly a blast, and much more than I had expected (due to Covid situation). I got to know a lot of other students, we travelled, learned German better and really enjoyed the summer. It was the best experience of my life!

Karoliina from LUT University, Finland, summer semester 2021

Photo of Tilen on the highest building in Frankfurt
My semester abroad in Augsburg was one of the best experiences of my life. I met so many new friends from all around the world and we made unforgettable trips together. I also improved a lot on my German language skills, as well as stepping out of my comfort zone and growing personally. I deeply recommend anyone to go on Erasmus to Augsburg, which was just the perfect city for me.

Tilen from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, summer semester 2022


If you have any questions regarding your Erasmus exchange at Augsburg University, please feel free to contact the International Office at any time:


Anne Hanik M.A.
Erasmus Incoming
International Office
  • Room 237 (Building M2)

You can find my office hours and consulting services here.
