

Before you can wrap up your exchange stay, please bear in mind that there are some important things to take care of. Here you can find an overview of the administrative steps you have to complete at the end of your Erasmus exchange:


Your Last Steps in Augsburg

When: As soon as you can


Please indicate when your mobility period will end (date of last exam/assignment is relevant!) as soon as we open that step for you in your Mobility-Online workflow.
The date is relevant in order to schedule your check-out appointment at the International Office.


When: 2-3 weeks before you leave

Arrange the hand over of your dormitory apartment:

  • Schedule an appointment for the room hand over with your caretaker (Hausmeister) as early as possible since the Hausmeister may be very busy and not available at short notice. We recommend that you contact them at least two weeks before your intended departure.
  • You will need the "?bergabezertifikat" (certificate of delivery) that you received when you moved into your dormitory room.
  • Please clean your room thoroughly! If you leave something in your room behind, or if it is not completely cleaned or there are defects, the Studierendenwerk will have to clean and repair it.?The cost of this is rather expensive and will be deducted from your security deposit.
  • Please plan accordingly on your day of departure so that you will have enough time. The inspection of your room can take from 15-60 minutes. If you are not fluent in German, we suggest that you ask your Buddy to be present as most of the Hausmeister are not fluent in English. To avoid any dispute later, it's important that you can communicate about possible defects of the room (if it has to be painted again etc.) at the time of the hand over.?Please make sure to get a copy or at least take a photo of the "Abnahmeprotokoll" (certificate signed at the hand over about the condition of the room).


Request the reimbursement of your deposit:

  • Fill out the “Antragsformular Rückzahlung Kaution” (Request form for reimbursement of deposit) you should have received from the Studierendenwerk 1-2 months before the end of the semester.
  • Send this document via email to Wohnen@stw-a.de
  • If no defects are found in your room, the deposit will be transferred back to the account you indicated within 3 months after the end of the contract period (i.e. until 30?June for the winter semester, 31 December for summer semester)

When: Around the time of your last exam / official end of your mobility


Send an email to? erasmus.incoming@aaa.uni-augsburg.de letting us know when you wish to do the check-out (preferably during our office hours!). Please attach your Erasmus Certificate of Attendance/Departure form, so it can be prepared before your check-out.?If it's the same certificate you handed in at the start of the mobility, it's already at the International Office.

Please bear in mind that your check-out date should be shortly before or after your last university activity (i.e. exam/assignment) - not more than 5 days in advance!


When: Up to 2 weeks after your move-out (EU and Non-EU) OR?in the week before your move-out (EU only)


You will have to de-register your residence at the City of Augsburg. The process differs for EU and Non-EU citizens:
  • EU Citizens: You can use an Online-Formular to de-register from the city. If you have trouble with the German form, you can use your browser's automatic translation function or ask your buddy for help.?You should do this?within 2 weeks after your departure.?It's possible to fill out the form in the week before your move-out date (= up to 7 days in advance), but not any earlier.

    If you wish to receive your Meldebest?tigung (confirmation of city de-registration)?immediately so you can proceed with point?5, you can instead make an appointment at a "Bürgerbüro" (citizens' office) to de-register in person. Please make an?appointment online?a few weeks in advance. Your appointment can't be earlier than one week before your move-out date. If you're not confident in German, you can use our instructions?to make the appointment. As the the civil servants might not speak English well, it might be best to bring along a German friend or your buddy to help with the de-registration.
  • Non-EU Citizens:?You have to fill out the Abmeldungsformular. Please use the fill-in manual . If you still have trouble with the German form, ask your buddy or the Erasmus+ team for?help.

    Please send the filled in form by email?to? aufenthalt.uni@augsburg.de?along with a scan of your passport, including your Visa if you entered Germany with a Visa. If applicable,?you should also attach a scan of your residence permit, your ?Fiktionsbescheinigung“ or your REST-Bescheinigung.?

    You should do this?within 2 weeks after?your departure.?

When: Right after you receive the confirmation of city de-registration (see point 4.)


As soon as you receive the confirmation that you have de-registered with the city (it will be sent to you by postal mail to the address you indicated on the "Abmeldungsformular" or given to you immediately if you de-register in person), you need to de-register with the Rundfunkbeitrag (broadcasting licence fee) to end your public media subscription. If you do not de-register, the fee will continue to be deducted from your bank account.


Please note: If you don't immediately receive your confirmation of city de-registration, you will be refunded any extra months you were charged after your move-out after you de-register from the broadcasting licence fee.

To de-register, you need to fill out a German online form which you can find here.

Here is a guide on how to de-register step by step:

? ? 1. On the first page, click on the upper button on the right (“ich dauerhaft ins Ausland ziehe.”)

? University of Augsburg

??????2. Click on the button “Weiter".

? ? ? 3. On the next page, fill in the required information:
? ? ? ? ? ? a.? ?“Beitragsnummer”: you can find the number at the top of the letter you received from the GEZ at the beginning of the semester
? ? ? ? ? ? b.? ? Your name
? ? ? ? ? ? c.? ? Your former address in Augsburg
? ? ? ? ? ? d.? ? Your move-out date

? ? ? ? ? ? e.? ? Optional: Tick the box under "Abmeldebest?tigung" and enter your new adress (indicate "Ausland" for an adress outside of Germany)?
???????????????????if you wish to receive a confirmation of de-registration by postal mail.?
? ? ? ? ? ? f.? ? ?Optional: Your phone number & Email-address
? ? ? ? ? ? g.? ? Click on the button "Weiter"

? ? 4.?Double-check your information, then click on the button “Weiter”.

? ? 5. Upload the confirmation you received after de-registering with the city of Augsburg (“Meldebest?tigung”).

When: Until 31 March (for the winter semester) or 30 September (for the summer semester) at the latest

Once all your exams have been graded, you can download your Transcript of Records in STUDIS under “Documents (verifiable)”. Next to “Format” choose “Transcript of Records only for Incoming Exchange Students” and click “create”:


Please note that your access to STUDIS expires shortly after your official exmatriculation date (for the winter semester this is 31 March, for the summer semester this is 30 September). So it is very important that you download your verifiable Transcript before that date!


Please upload your Transcript to your Mobility-Online workflow and submit it to the proper authority at your home university. They can verify the Transcript’s authenticity digitally for a period of three months.


  • Terminate your German Health Insurance


If you have a German health insurance, please remember to terminate it before your departure. If you have registered for your health insurance via an online provider, you can terminate your health insurance online as well. You might need to attach some form of proof that you have finished your studies in Augsburg (such as flight tickets or the proof of de-registration from the university). If in doubt about this, please ask the Erasmus+ team.


  • Close your German Bank Account (Girokonto)
If you opened a German bank account that you no longer need after leaving Augsburg, remember to close it. Make sure there are no open direct debits / transactions for the account. Depending on the bank, you might be able to close the account online or in-person.
  • Close your Blocked Account (Sperrkonto)
If you had to open a Sperrkonto for your visa process, please remember to close it at the end of your mobility, so the rest of your funds can be returned to you again. You can find instructions how to initiate the closing process on the website of the provider you chose for the Sperrkonto. Please keep in mind that the closing process might take up a few weeks.
  • Cancel Ongoing Subscriptions
If you have any ongoing subscriptions in Germany, for example to the non-discounted "Deutschlandticket", a fitness studio, etc., make sure to cancel them in time to avoid further charges after you've gone back home.
The discounted student Deutschlandticket will be cancelled automatically at the end of semester. However, if you leave Germany at least a month before the official semester end, you should still cancel it yourself to avoid paying the fee until March/September.
