

Language tandem

Students with an interest in improving their foreign language skills can register for the language tandem program which is organized by the International Office. We will allocate you to a partner who is a native speaker in the language you want to improve and who is interested in learning your native language. You and your partner will then freely meet up to help to improve each other’s desired language. Time and frequency of the meetings are up to you. To take part in the tandem program we ask for basic knowledge (A1/A2) in your desired foreign language.

Seven good reasons for learning languages in tandem

  1. You improve your foreign language skills with the help of a native speaker who, unlike a traditional language course, can concentrate entirely on you and your needs.
  2. Through your tandem partner, you will not only get to know their native language better, but also their culture and thus have the opportunity to establish close ties with the country and its people. A tandem can be an ideal preparation for study abroad!
  3. Your tandem partner is usually a fellow student who would like to improve his or her knowledge of your mother tongue and will make mistakes - just like you probably do. Your own mistakes will be less unpleasant due to the informal atmosphere.
  4. You will get to know other fellow students, exchange information on topics of interest to you and at the same time broaden your intercultural outlook.
  5. By letting your tandem partner participate in your own culture, you make an important contribution to the internationalization of the University of Augsburg.
  6. A language tandem is uncomplicated: Together with your tandem partner, you agree when, where and how often you want to meet. You can also decide for yourself which topics you would like to discuss with your tandem partner. This allows you to be largely flexible and to improve your skills in autonomous (self-directed) learning process.
  7. Language learning tandems are free for both participants.


If you have not yet found a language tandem partner, you can register in order to be assigned a suitable language tandem partner by the International Office.

If you would like the language tandem to be credited to the ZIS, please use the language tandem learning diary.

If you have any questions about the language tandem and/or the registration form, you can contact the language tandem program advisors?at any time.

Sign up!

Language tandem registration
