

Information on restricted admission degree programmes

Enrolment is only possible if all required documents and certificates have been provided and there are no obstacles or grounds for refusing enrolment.

Please note the enrolment checklist for restricted admission degree programmes.


Information on pure online applications (standard application)

Please be aware that if you enrol in a restricted admission degree programme in the first semester at the University of Augsburg via a pure online application (standard application), the data provided about your higher education entrance qualification (the date of acquisition and the final grade of your Abitur examination) as well as the waiting time will be checked at enrolment.?

If the Abitur grade indicated in the online application does not match the grade on the Abitur certificate, enrolment can be refused. This also applies if another type of higher education entrance qualification is indicated in the online application to that presented or if incorrect information has been provided about the waiting time. In accordance with legal regulations, the letter of admission may be revoked if it is based on incorrect information.? ?


Information regarding voluntary service

If you cannot accept an offer to study due to the completion of voluntary service, enrolment in the semester applied for is not possible. The study place can only be reallocated after you have finished your period of voluntary service and reapplied by the deadline. This must occur at the latest by the second application deadline following the completion of the voluntary service. Therefore, it is essential that you keep your letter of admission and attach it to your reapplication. A duplicate copy of the letter of admission cannot be provided by the University of Augsburg. If the study places are allocated according to a dialogue-orientated service process (Dialogorientierten Serviceverfahrens) via hochschulstart.de, you need to ? apply to defer and request a confirmation of deferral?(Rückstellungsbescheid).
