

The University of Augsburg has to take special considerations into account with respect to underaged students. According to §12 Para. 1 No. 1 of the Bavarian Administrative Procedures Act (Bayerischen Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetzes, BayVwVfG), underaged students have only limited capacity to act. If they are not considered capable of acting, they are unable to independently submit applications or request forms, register for courses, or be the point of contact for decisions taken by the University of Augsburg.


In order to enable them to study at the university, a declaration of consent from a legal guardian must therefore be provided with the initial enrolment request. The declaration of consent covers the capacity to act in all ways relevant to an underaged student studying at the University of Augsburg (e.g., the signing of declarations and the undertaking of all corresponding actions, as well as being the point of contact for all relevant declarations and decisions taken by the University of Augsburg). Accordingly, from the perspective of the University of Augsburg, the declaration of consent covers underaged students in performing the following actions:


  • applying to, enrolling, and re-enrolling in the degree programme referred to in the declaration of consent.
  • registration for and participation in lectures, seminars, and examinations of the degree programme in which enrolment has been granted, including laboratory experiments.
  • registration and participation in examinations of the degree programme for which enrolment has been granted, including access to examination records.
  • the exercise of active and passive voting rights.
  • use of the university library and IT services at the University of Augsburg in accordance with the relevant conditions.
  • registration and participation in courses and programmes offered by university sport.

The declaration of consent from a legal guardian is valid until the University of Augsburg receives a declaration to the contrary. For underaged students, legal guardians nevertheless retain the right to submit their own applications and requests for students, to express themselves on behalf of underaged students, and to request that they are notified of decisions quite in spite of the declaration of consent provided at enrolment.

However, the declaration of consent from a legal guardian does not cover all matters faced by underaged students during their studies. The following matters are not covered by the declaration of consent submitted with the enrolment request:


  • change of degree programme or subject,
  • withdrawal from examinations,
  • requests to extend examination deadlines, and
  • the signing of a student assistant (studentische Hilfskr?fte) contract.

For each of these actions a special declaration of consent from the legal guardian of the underaged student is required. It is the duty of the body responsible for the matter to decide if the student is of age or if a special declaration of consent is required.

As teaching staff do not have any special duties of care for underaged students, as outlined below, legal guardians should contact teaching staff regarding any of the following matters:


  • registration and participation in excursions,
  • registration and participation in external events, and
  • registration and participation in evening events.

In relevant cases, the regulations of the Youth Protection Act (Jugendschutzgesetz) apply. This applies above all else to university parties.

Information will only be provided to legal guardians with the consent of the child studying and with evidence of legal guardianship (e.g., personal ID, passport, confirmation of child custody, etc.), as well as a confirmation of enrolment of the child studying.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the head of the Registrar’s Office, Carolin Wirth.


Head of the Registrar’s Office
Registrar's Office


