

Taking a leave of absence

Students who are unable to properly complete their studies are generally able to request a leave of absence of up to two semesters.

General information about taking a leave of absence


  • Submitting a request to take a leave of absence

    You can submit a request to take a leave of absence and any supporting documentation (e.g., medical certificates, confirmation of internship) to:


    For reasons relating to authentication, requests to take a leave of absence will only be accepted from student email addresses at the University of Augsburg. Requests can also be submitted via post or in-person during office hours.

  • Re-registration: It is only possible to take a leave of absence if you are re-registered at the University of Augsburg for the relevant semester.
  • University elections: Students on a leave of absence are entitled to take part in university elections.
  • Subject semester: A semester taken as a leave of absence does not count as a subject-semester according to enrolment regulations, irrespective of possible examination regulations.
  • Taking a leave of absence in the first subject-semester: A leave of absence in the first subject-semester of a degree programme is only possible in a master’s degree programme or in an open admission undergraduate degree programme if there is a reason according to §12 (1) Sentence 1 No. 4 of the enrolment regulations (taking a leave of absence due to maternity protection, parental leave, or care for a close family member) or if the reason for taking a leave of absence occurred after enrolment and was not foreseeable.
  • Study and examination achievements: Semesters taken as a leave of absence do not count as a semester of study. This means that study and examination results cannot be counted for the semester in which the leave of absence has been granted. The exception to this is cases of maternity protection, parental leave, or care of a close family member. It is possible to repeat an examination that has not been passed.

    Please note: Examinations that have not been passed (which can be obtained from the Examinations Office) must be retaken within the relevant deadline irrespective of the leave of absence or the reason for the leave of absence. The leave of absence does not interrupt the deadline.?

  • Master’s degree programmes (conditional enrolment): In case of a conditional enrolment in a master’s degree programme, the deadline for fulfilling the conditions is not postponed by the leave of absence. The conditions must be fulfilled by the date stated in the letter of admission.?
  • Taking a leave of absence retroactively: A retroactive leave of absence for an already completed semester is not possible.
  • Other authorities: The potential impacts of taking a leave of absence must be clarified with BAf?G, the child benefits office (Kindergeldkasse), your statutory health insurance provider (Krankenkasse), scholarship providers, or with your employer (if you are employed as a working student) before submitting the application.
  • Legal basis for taking a leave of absence and other information: The legal basis for taking a leave of absence is? § 11 and § 12 of the Enrolment Statutes of the University of Augsburg (in their current consolidated edition). You can also find further information about taking a leave of absence there.


Reasons for taking a leave of absence


An illness that prevents study in the semester in question. Evidence can be provided in the form of a doctor’s certificate, confirmation of a stay in hospital, or other suitable evidence showing the restrictions caused by the illness, the extent and expected duration of these restrictions, and in cases of §11 (3) of the Enrolment Statutes, their recognisability. In cases of multiple leaves of absence due to illness, the university may request a specialist or official medical certificate.

The completion of an internship either within Germany or abroad within the meaning of the Vocational Training Act ( Berufsbildungsgesetz, BBiG) that takes place outside of the University of Augsburg and has a duration of at least two months and includes 30 hours per week at a minimum. Evidence can be provided through an internship contract or a confirmation by the organisation where the internship is being undertaken stating the type, period, and number of hours per week of the internship.

For voluntary degree-related studies at a university abroad, evidence in the form of a confirmation of enrolment from the university abroad stating the time spent there should be provided. For stays abroad as a foreign language assistant, evidence in the form of a contract from the teaching institution abroad should be provided. For stays abroad designed to further foreign language skills in the context of a foreign language-based degree programme or subject (e.g., au pair), evidence in the form of a confirmation from the organisation or an employment contract should be provided.?

Circumstances that give rise to an entitlement to maternity protection ( Maternity Protection Act) or parental leave ( Parental Allowance and Parental Leave) can be evidenced through a doctor’s certificate, or following the birth of a child through the child’s birth certificate, or a current confirmation of the household from the family benefits office.
For periods of time spent caring for a close family member within the meaning of §7 (3) and (4) of the Care Leave Act (Pflegezeitgesetz) evidence can be provided through a confirmation of care needs (Pflegegradbescheid), a doctor’s confirmation of daily care requirements, or other suitable evidence that states the name of the carer and the person being cared for (and their close family relationship), and the scope of the care, which should be approx. 30 hours a week, as well as its expected duration.

A leave of absence due to parental leave can be requested up until the end of the child’s third year. A portion of up to 24 months (= 4 semesters) of the maximum 3-year parental leave can be transferred to the period up to one day before the child’s 8th birthday, provided that at least half of the lecture period is covered. For children in full or adoptive care, a leave of absence can also be taken of up to 6 semesters from the date of taking the child into care up until one day before the child’s 8th birthday.


If you have more than one child, you can claim parental leave for each child even when the time periods overlap. Both parents can also apply for parental leave at the same time.


A maximum of six months can be taken as care leave according to §4 (1) of the Care Leave Act. This means that taking a leave of absence due to caring for a close family member can only be approved for one semester.

Evidence of service on a committee at the University of Augsburg can be provided through a certificate of confirmation from the university.?

Evidence of completion of voluntary service in accordance with Art. 2 of the Bavarian Higher Education Admissions Act (Bayerisches Hochschulzulassungsgesetz) can be provided via a confirmation from the place where the service was undertaken.?

Evidence of membership of a sports squad as an elite athlete can be provided through a confirmation from the German Olympic Sports Federation (DOSB).

Evidence of founding of a company can be provided through the registration of the business, an extract from the commercial register, or other suitable evidence in so far as the activity takes place for a minimum of 30 hours per week. ?

When submitting a request for a leave of absence due to unforeseeable hardship, the difficulties causing the hardship must be described in a letter. If official letters from government authorities are available, please attach them to the request.

Other reasons, in particular cases of hardship, will only be recognised on a case-by-case basis.



Economic reasons cannot be recognised as grounds for taking a leave of absence.?


  • Summer semester 2024

    Deadline for submitting a request for a leave of absence: 30 April 2024

    Deadline for submitting supporting documentation (doctor’s certificates, internship contracts, birth certificates): 15 May 2024

    The submission of late requests:


    Requests to take a leave of absence that are submitted after the 30th of April will only be recognised if the reason for requesting the leave of absence was not foreseeable. The request must be submitted as soon as the reasons justifying the taking of a leave of absence are clear. Credible reasons justifying the permissibility of the late submission of the request must also be provided (see §11 (3) of the Enrolment Statutes in their current version).


    The reason for requesting a leave of absence must cover more than half of the lecture period of the relevant semester (only then is a leave of absence possible). This relates to the following periods of time for the summer semester 2024:

    15 April 2024 until 5 June 2024 (inclusive) OR
    4 June 2024 until 19 July 2024 (inclusive)

    Periods in between must cover more than half of the lecture period.

  • Winter semester 2024/25

    Deadline for submitting a request for a leave of absence: 31 October 2024

    Deadline for submitting supporting documentation (doctor’s certificates, internship contracts, birth certificates): 15 November 2024

    The submission of late requests:


    Requests to take a leave of absence that are submitted after the 31 of October 2024 will only be recognised if the reason for requesting the leave of absence was not foreseeable. The request must be submitted as soon as the reasons justifying the taking of a leave of absence are clear. Credible reasons justifying the permissibility of the late submission of the request must also be provided (see §11 (3) of the Enrolment Statutes in their current version).

    The reason for requesting a leave of absence must cover more than half of the lecture period of the relevant semester (only then is a leave of absence possible). This relates to the following periods of time for the winter semester 2024/25:

    14 October 2024 until 5 December 2024 (inclusive) OR
    4 December 2024 until 7 February 2025 (inclusive)

    Periods in between must cover more than half of the lecture period.


  • Open Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 am to 12:00 pm. Afternoon appointments by prior arrangement.
  • Phone: +49 (0)821 598-1111
