


De-registration from the university (Exmatrikulation) can occur at any time following a student request or due to reasons set out in the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz). Following de-registration, student rights and duties expire. A corresponding confirmation of de-registration (Confirmation of academic progress) will be issued. This serves as evidence for the Deutschen Rentenversicherung (German pension insurance) or for enrolment at another university.


De-registration is regulated by Art. 94 of the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (BayHIG) in conjunction with ¡ì 13 of the Enrolment Statutes of the University of Augsburg.

Reasons for de-registration

Students are de-registered when:

  1. ... they have passed a final examination. De-registration occurs at the end of the respective semester according to legal regulations.

    Please note: This means that de-registration does not occur following the submission of the bachelor¡¯s or master¡¯s thesis or the completion of another examination, but rather at the end of the semester in which all examinations have been passed, corrected, and the final degree certificate issued. An examination is only considered to have been passed when the responsible examination body has determined it to be the case.

  2. ... they have definitely failed an examination upon final review, which is required by the examination regulations, for reasons for which they are responsible. This also applies if students are definitely no longer able to fulfil the requirements for registering for an examination unless they change to another degree programme.

    De-registration occurs at the end of the semester in which the confirmation of the failure to pass an examination takes regulative effect. De-registration will only not take place if re-registration for the following semester occurs through the timely transfer to another degree programme in the context of a change of subject.
  3. ... they cannot provide evidence of having paid the semester fee at the time of re-registration.

  4. ... they do not apply to re-register in a timely manner.

  5. ... an obstacle to enrolment subsequently occurs according to Art. 91 of the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act or ¡ì 6 of the Enrolement Statutes of the University of Augsburg

  6. ... when it is factually proven that enrolment and re-registration has fraudulently taken place.


Please note:?If students are officially de-registered by the University of Augsburg, they have two weeks to return the Campus Card Augsburg in person or send it postage paid to the University of Augsburg.



  • Students can request to de-register with immediate effect either in person or in writing at any time. This takes place through the submission of a request to de-register accompanied by the Campus Card Augsburg (CCA) (without the reimbursement of funds). The misuse of certificates of enrolment or the CCA, which are evidence that a person is enrolled in a course of study, when de-registration has already taken place constitutes a criminal offence.
  • If de-registration occurs due to a change of university or a leave of absence, it is recommended to de-register at the end of the current semester so that there is no break in your insurance cover. You can apply to de-register at the end of the semester from the middle of February or the middle of July for the respective semester.
  • A legal guardian must sign the request to de-register form for underaged students.
  • Following de-registration, students will receive a confirmation of academic progress (Studienverlaufsbescheinigung). Please keep this in a safe place as it can be used as evidence for pension insurance or for enrolment at another university. Access to the VIBS Portal?will be available for a short period of time following de-registration.

Reimbursement of semester fees

The reimbursement of already paid fees (Studierendenwerk fee, semester ticket) can be requested at the Registrar¡¯s Office. Please provide a receipt of the respective fees paid and, if necessary, an official university receipt. The reimbursement of fees is only possible in certain cases if the Campus Card Augsburg is returned at the latest two weeks after a corresponding letter from the Registrar¡¯s Office. Please note that fees can only be reimbursed if the request for reimbursement is submitted in a timely manner and then approved.


Reimbursement of funds on the Campus Card Augsburg (CCA)

If you have a credit balance on your CCA, please have it paid out by Studierendenwerk Augsburg before you de-register. Amounts of up to €50.00 can be paid out via the vending machines. Amounts over €50.00 can be paid out at the information point of the Studierendenwerk in the Mensa at the University of Augsburg. Only in exceptional cases can the reimbursement of amounts over €5.00 be requested in writing together with the form requesting de-registration and the CCA.

Please note: The University of Augsburg takes no responsibility for CCAs sent via post with a credit balance!
