

Study content:

The German-language Master’s programme Materials Chemistry provides you with the skills to develop the brainstorming, synthesis, chracterisation and development processes of these efficient and ressource-saving high-tech materials on multiple levels. It therefore perfectly meets the growing demand of companies in the chemical industry for graduates with training in goal oriented bottom-up design and the synthesis of functional materials, including their computer-aided modelling and modern analytical characterisation methods. Augsburg’s facilities, lecture halls and laboratories are designed to meet state-of-the-art standards. Additionally, an extremely favourable supervision ratio (students per scientist) guarantees optimal development opportunities.




Career prospects:

  • chemical industry
  • materials research and development
  • product development
  • quality assurance
  • technical sales in industrial companies
  • automotive industry
  • aerospace
  • medicine
  • environmental protection
  • science and research
About the degree programme
Degree programme: Materials Chemistry
Official Designation: Materialchemie
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Study mode: Full-time
Language of instruction: German
Start of studies: winter semester, summer semester
Standard study duration: 4 semesters
Admission type: Open admission
Minimum German language skills: B 2
Please note: It is recommended to start the programme in the winter semester. Admission requirements according to § 4 of the exam regulations in the current consolidated edition. Introductory events take place closely before the start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…. Start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…
Application deadline for the summer semester: 15. January
Application deadline for the winter semester: 15. June

Contact the study advisory service

Lecturer, Senior research scientist
Chemical Physics and Materials Science



Contact the examinations office

Annemarie Leichtle
Degree Programmes of the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Materials Engineering
Unit I/5: Examinations Office B

