

Study content:

This degree programme is aimed at teacher training students and Bachelor graduates who want to further develop their subject didactic competences. Students choose two subjects from the subject didactics German, English, History, Art Education and Political Education. In both subjects, the programme is divided into three module groups: teaching issues, teaching/learning research and subject didactic teaching competences. In addition, there is a profiling area in which students acquire knowledge of further subject didactic and subject-specific focal points.


Career prospects:

  • cultural education
  • public relations
  • tourism
  • advertising
  • school and teaching development
  • university teaching
  • teacher training
About the degree programme
Degree programme: Mediating Culture
Official Designation: Fachdidaktische Vermittlungswissenschaften
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Study mode: Full-time
Language of instruction: German
Start of studies: winter semester, summer semester
Standard study duration: 4 semesters
Admission type: Open admission
Minimum German language skills: C 1
Please note: Admission requirements according to § 4, 26 of the exam regulations in the current consolidated edition. Introductory events take place closely before the start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…. Start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…
Application deadline for the summer semester: 01. March
Application deadline for the winter semester: 01. September

Application Documents

Application for admission to the Master’s degree programme (you will receive this as PDF file after your online application) and following attachments:

  1. A Bachelor's degree or other academic degree acquired at home or abroad at an academic university with a standard period of study of at least six semesters. For at least one of the two selected subject didactics, relevant subject didactic, subject-related or educational science competences must be available, usually to the extent of a minor subject (60 LP).
  2. Alternatively: First state examination (or comparable M.Ed. teaching degree) for a teaching profession at public schools, whose subject specialisation contains relevant subject didactic, subject-related or educational science competences, as a rule to the extent of a minor subject (60 LP), for at least one of the two chosen subject didactics.
  3. Transcript of Records
  4. Language skills: Two foreign languages at level "B1" CEFR. One of the foreign languages can be Latin at level "gesicherte Kenntnisse". The Latinum, the Latin examination of the Faculty of Philology and History of the University of Augsburg or equivalent achievements (e.g. achieved in a foreign educational system) are considered as proof of knowledge of Latin.
  5. German language skills: For applicants who have not acquired their study qualification at a German-speaking institution, the required knowledge of the German language is to be proven by the DSH examination level 2 or the TestDaF level 4.

Two subjects must be chosen from the following:

??? Didactics of German Language and Literature (= D)
??? Didactics of English (= E)
??? Didactics of History (= G)
??? Art Education (= K)
??? Didactics of Political Education (= P).


The study in the chosen subjects takes place in the three sub-areas or module groups:

  • The sub-area of mediation issues is taught in the form of advanced seminars as an in-depth study of exemplary topics related to the current state of research.
  • The sub-discipline of teaching/learning research consists of subject-related colloquia and seminars on research methods.
  • The sub-discipline of subject didactic teaching skills is taught in a combination of an internship and practical teaching courses.


The internship takes place either in the form of a school internship in one subject or at extracurricular institutions, here also in both subjects. In a profiling area, the students choose modules with subject didactic and, if applicable, subject scientific focal points.


Application for admission to the Master’s degree programme (you will receive this as PDF file after your online application) and following attachments:

  1. A Bachelor's degree or other academic degree with a standard period of study of at least six semesters. For at least one of the two selected subject didactics, relevant subject didactic, subject-related or educational science competences must be available, usually to the extent of a minor subject (60 LP).
  2. Alternatively: First state examination (or comparable M.Ed. teaching degree) for a teaching profession at public schools, whose subject specialisation contains relevant subject didactic, subject-related or educational science competences, as a rule to the extent of a minor subject (60 LP), for at least one of the two chosen subject didactics.
  3. Transcript of Records
  4. Language skills: Two foreign languages at level "B1" CEFR. One of the foreign languages can be Latin at level "gesicherte Kenntnisse". The Latinum, the Latin examination of the Faculty of Philology and History of the University of Augsburg or equivalent achievements (e.g. achieved in a foreign educational system) are considered as proof of knowledge of Latin.
  5. German language skills: For applicants who have not acquired their study qualification at a German-speaking institution, the required knowledge of the German language must be proven by the DSH examination level 2 or the TestDaF level 4.

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Two subjects must be chosen from the following:

??? Didactics of German Language and Literature (= D)
??? Didactics of English (= E)
??? Didactics of History (= G)
??? Art Education (= K)
??? Didactics of Political Education (= P).


The study in the chosen subjects takes place in the three sub-areas or module groups:

  • The sub-area of mediation issues is taught in the form of advanced seminars as an in-depth study of exemplary topics related to the current state of research.
  • The sub-discipline of teaching/learning research consists of subject-related colloquia and seminars on research methods.
  • The sub-discipline of subject didactic teaching skills is taught in a combination of an internship and practical teaching courses.


The internship takes place either in the form of a school internship in one subject or at extracurricular institutions, here also in both subjects. In a profiling area, the students choose modules with subject didactic and, if applicable, subject scientific focal points.

Application Address

Universit?t Augsburg
Universit?tsstr. 2
86159 Augsburg




To the online application

Contact the study advisory service

Didaktik der deutschen Sprache und Literatur



Didaktik der Geschichte



Contact the examinations office

Ramona Mahl
Degree Programmes of the Faculty of Philology and History
Unit I/7: Examinations Office C


Katarina Sertic
Degree Programmes of the Faculty of Philology and History
Unit I/7: Examinations Office C

