

Social Sciences: Conflicts in Politics and Society (M.A.)

Study content:

The Master's programme teaches political science and sociological theories and methods of conflict analysis. They enable comprehensive knowledge of conflict causes and processes and also on how to deal with conflicts in politics and society. Students receive a deep education in political science and sociological theories and conflict-specific areas of application. Particular importance is attached to the close linking of research and teaching and the development of career prospects in the application fields of conflict analysis.



Career prospects:

  • association work
  • political consulting
  • organisational consulting
  • public and media relations
  • human resources management
  • science and research
About the degree programme
Degree programme: Social Sciences: Conflicts in Politics and Society
Official Designation: Sozialwissenschaften: Konflikte in Politik und Gesellschaft
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Study mode: Full-time
Language of instruction: German
Start of studies: winter semester
Standard study duration: 4 semesters
Admission type: Open admission
Minimum German language skills: C 1
Please note: Admission requirements according to § 4 of the exam regulations in the current consolidated edition. Introductory events take place closely before the start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…. Start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…
Application deadline for the winter semester: 01. July

Application Documents

  • Proof of completion of a first degree programme (e.g. Bachelor’s degree certificate)
    • Copy of the certificate.
    • If your degree certificate is not yet available at the time of your application and you have already acquired 150 credit points, please submit a certificate of all of your exam performances as well as a confirmation of the preliminary overall grade based on the achievements to date. Your final grade must be at least 2,3 or your final thesis must have been graded with at least 1,7.

      Students of the University of Augsburg?are asked to request this certificate via email to the?Student Service Centre ( ssc@zv.uni-augsburg.de). You will be notified via your e-mail address as soon as the certificate can be collected.
  • Suitable documentation on the degree programme studied (e.g. examination regulations, study plan) showing that at least twelve credit points have been earned in the area of social science methods and at least twelve credit points in the area of social science theories. Use the form SKG-N for this purpose.
  • Proof of decent English language skills (level B2 CEFR)
    Proof usually in form of the German higher education entrance qualification (minimum grade "sufficient").



  • Proof of completion of a first degree programme (e.g. Bachelor’s degree certificate)
    • Copy of the certificate or a certified translation by a translator sworn in Germany (if the originals are not written in German or English).
    • If your degree certificate is not yet available at the time of your application and you have already acquired 150 credit points, please submit a certificate of all of your exam performances as well as a confirmation of the preliminary overall grade based on the achievements to date. Your final grade must be at least 2,3 or your final thesis must have been graded with at least 1,7.
  • Suitable documentation on the degree programme studied (e.g. examination regulations, study plan) showing that at least twelve credit points have been earned in the area of social science methods and at least twelve credit points in the area of social science theories. Use the form SKG-N for this purpose.
  • Proof of German language skills (level C1 CEFR)
    Suitable proof includes are test results DSH 2 or test DaF 4 (at least 4 in all sections).
  • Proof of decent English language skills (level B2 CEFR)




The application documents must be submitted as an upload with the online application.


To the online application

Contact the study advisory service

Allgemeine Studienberatung
Student Advice and Counselling Service



Contact the examinations office

Dorothée Haimerl
Degree Programmes of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
Unit I/4: Examinations Office A

