

The network of women's representatives

Questions of equality occupy people in all university networks. In order to turn questions and concerns into dialogue and change, various internal and external committees are concerned with the topic of gender and equity.

Here are your contacts at the University of Augsburg, as well as an overview of the most important networks with which they cooperate:

The Faculty women’s representative and his / her deputies are elected by the Faculty Council from among the full-time academic and artistic staff at the university, in accordance with the Bavarian Higher Education Act. He / she is a voting member of the Faculty Council as well as all appointment committees and the Women's Advisory Council. There he / she represents the interests of the faculty and vice versa.


Each faculty elects a women's representative and one or two deputies. These representatives work on a voluntary basis to promote and support women in academic life. Their aim is to reduce the structural disadvantage of women in academic life and to increase the proportion of women in professorships. This was still at 21 % at the University of Augsburg in 2018 and has been increasing slowly since then.

On the one hand, the Faculty women’s representatives represent the interests of their faculty in the Women's Advisory Council and, on the other hand, they bring the suggestions of the Women's Advisory Council to the Faculty Council, among others. One of their main tasks is to participate in the appointment process. They advise the appointment committee and ensure that women are not disadvantaged in the process. They keep an eye on how many women have applied and how many women are invited for interviews. If they have the same qualifications, they will work to ensure that a woman is appointed. In recruitment procedures for mid-level positions, the Faculty women’s representatives are also responsible for reviewing the application documents and ensuring that the procedures are gender-equitable.

The advancement of young women is also an important measure. For example, the Faculty women’s representatives can cover conference or travel costs or finance workshops and coaching. In addition, they design and evaluate measures for reconciling family and career. Further information on support and funding opportunities can be found on the website of the Office for Equal Opportunities.



? University of Augsburg

The Women's Advisory Council consists of the following members:

- The University women’s representative
- The Faculty women's representative
- Representatives of the academic support area
- Representatives of the student body?


The Women's Advisory Council advises and coordinates the work of the women’s representative and the Equal Opportunities Representative and draws up the list of nominees for the election of the University women’s representative.


The Women's Advisory Council is anchored in the constitution of the University of Augsburg and meets once or twice per semester. Here, the women’s representatives discuss gender equality issues with the head of the Office for Equal Opportunities, the equal opportunities officers responsible for academic support staff and representatives? of the student body. Information is exchanged and proposed solutions for specific tasks are developed, e. g. the advancement of young academics, inter-faculty activities, legal questions, anti-discrimination, conflict management and much more. In addition, the Women's Advisory Council proposes candidates for the office of University women’s representative or deputies for election to the Extended University Management.

In 1996 the office of Equal Opportunities Officer was anchored and firmly established in Bavarian law. The appointment is always made for 3 years. The focus of the work is on employees who work in academic support.


Pursuant to § 15, Paragraph 4 of the constitution of the University of Augsburg, the Equal Opportunities Officer is responsible for matters relevant to equality. He / she pays attention to the implementation of equality, the compatibility of work and family and the safeguarding of equal opportunities within the scope of the legally prescribed possibilities.

For more than 30 years, the State Conference of Women’s and Equal Opportunities Representatives at Bavarian Universities (LaKoF Bayern)? Landeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Bayerischen Hochschulen (LaKoF Bayern) represents?the interests of female academics, students and academic support staff at state level. It influences the equal opportunities policy discussion in the field of higher education in Bavaria and beyond by means of statements, recommendations and concepts. LaKoF Bayern meets regularly, at least twice a year. Members are the women’s representatives of the universities and the colleges of applied sciences as well as the Advisory Council, in which the equal opportunities representatives of the Bavarian universities are united.

Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen e.V. (bukof)


Members of bukof are the universities, represented by:

- Women’s representatives / Equal Opportunities representatives / Women’s deputies
- Staff in equal opportunities offices / women's offices at universities
- Officers in the areas of women’s advancement / equality at universities
- Employees of the offices of the regional conferences, provided they are members of a higher education institution under labour law.


The General Meeting has the following tasks in particular:

- Consultation and decision-making on technical and strategic issues and content orientation of bukof
- Establishment of committees, appointment of committee spokespersons and decisions on the continuation of committees
- Adopting the budget
- Acceptance of the annual report of the Executive Board and decision on its discharge
- Election of the Executive Board
- Consultation and decision-making on the by-laws subordinate to the statutes (e. g. election regulations, rules of procedure)

For a long time women were disadvantaged both in law and in reality. Despite legal equality and improvements, there is still an imbalance in many areas. The realisation of actual, equal participation of women in all social tasks is not only a legal mandate, but also the express goal of the city of Augsburg's equality concept.

Together with numerous groups, committees, initiatives, citizens as well as employees and responsible persons of the City of Augsburg, the Office for Equal Opportunities?[ Gleichstellungsstelle} supports this path towards actual equal opportunities for men and women through targeted measures, offers, public relations and networking.

Tasks of the department
- Organisation of various events and projects on the topics of gender and equality, intersectional feminism and anti-sexism
- Networking with other organisations and initiatives (both within the City of Augsburg and nationally)
- Exchange on feminist political developments

The Department of Gender and Equality [? Referat für Gender und Gleichstellung?] organises a varied programme every semester, which is made up of various events. “For example, we show films in a cosy atmosphere, with popcorn, followed by a discussion. We organise various lecture and exchange formats and workshops on current political developments and feminist issues. You can also meet us at our information stand several times during the semester, where we provide information about menstruation, contraception and sexism, among other things."


E-Mail: gleichstellung@asta.uni-augsburg.de
Facebook: facebook.com/GenderGleichstellungAugsburg


Seite der Gleichstellungskommission der Stadt Augsburg


The Equal Opportunities Committee of the City of Augsburg is a city council committee that steers and accompanies municipal processes and measures to implement equality between men and women in the City of Augsburg.
