

To promote gender equality in academic career pursuits the University’s Bureau for Equal Opportunities (Büro für Chancengleichheit) in collaboration with the Women’s Representative (Frauenbeauftragte) has established a new Mentoring program called Female High Potentials.


It is geared towards all female junior scientists of Augsburg University (starting at holders of a Master's Degree) and aims at the individual and structural advancement of women in scientific research positions. Participants are connected with a mentor (f/m/d) who is experienced, renowned and connected within their field of scientific career and who can give direct advice, support and share their knowledge. At the center of the program lies the exchange between mentor and mentee. One key goal of this relationship is to develop the mentee‘s career roadmap and to establish concrete goals while considering their current position, past and future projects, interests as well as possible hurdles to overcome.


Applications are accepted until October 1st, 2021.



The Program starts in November with a Get-Together on Nov. 4th at the Leopold Mozart-Centre in Augsburg, and an online Kick-off-Workshop on Nov. 5th where participants will form peer groups and work on finding their preferred mentors, aided by our coordination team.

There will then be another workshop in April 2022 on female leadership and a final workshop in November 2022.


As this is a pilot project, events will be conducted in German. Participation therefore requires the ability to participate and apply in German.


For all remaining questions regarding the Program, its concept and application requirements, please use the german version of this webpage or contact us via Email: femalementoring@chancengleichheit.uni-augsburg.de
