


Publication list??Dr. Tobias Baur (incomplete):

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012


Alexander Heimerl, Silvan Mertes, Tanja Schneeberger, Tobias Baur, Ailin Liu, Linda Becker, Nicolas Rohleder, Patrick Gebhard and Elisabeth André. in press. "GAN I hire you?" - A system for personalized virtual job interview training. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2206.03869
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Alexander Heimerl, Silvan Mertes, Tanja Schneeberger, Tobias Baur, Ailin Liu, Linda Becker, Nicolas Rohleder, Patrick Gebhard and Elisabeth André. 2022. Generating personalized behavioral feedback for?a?virtual job interview training system through adversarial learning. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-11644-5_67
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Lucas Bernhard, Fabrizio Nunnari, Amelie Unger, Judith Bauerdiek, Christian Dold, Marcel Hauck, Alexander Stricker, Tobias Baur, Alexander Heimerl, Elisabeth André, Melissa Reinecker, Cristina Espa?a-Bonet, Yasser Hamidullah, Stephan Busemann, Patrick Gebhard, Corinna J?ger, Sonja Wecker, Yvonne Kossel, Henrik Müller, Kristoffer Waldow, Arnulph Fuhrmann, Martin Misiak and Dieter Wallach. 2022. Towards automated sign language production: a pipeline for creating inclusive virtual humans. DOI: 10.1145/3529190.3529202
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Alexander Heimerl, Katharina Weitz, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2022. Unraveling ML models of emotion with NOVA: multi-level explainable AI for non-experts. DOI: 10.1109/taffc.2020.3043603
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Patrick Terhürne, Brian Schwartz, Tobias Baur, Dominik Schiller, Steffen T. Eberhardt, Elisabeth André and Wolfgang Lutz. 2022. Validation and application of the Non-Verbal Behavior Analyzer: an automated tool to assess non-verbal emotional expressions in psychotherapy. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1026015
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Markus Langer, Cornelius J. K?nig, Rudolf Siegel, Therese Fredenhagen, Alexander G. Schunck, Viviane H?hne and Tobias Baur. 2022. Vocal-stress diary: a longitudinal investigation of the association of everyday work stressors and human voice features. DOI: 10.1177/09567976211068110
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Alexander Heimerl, Linda Becker, Dominik Schiller, Tobias Baur, Fabian Wildgrube, Nicolas Rohleder and Elisabeth André. 2022. We've never been eye to eye: a pupillometry pipeline for the detection of stress and negative affect in remote working scenarios. DOI: 10.1145/3529190.3534729
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Tanja Schneeberger, Mirella Hladky, Ann-Kristin Thurner, Jana Volkert, Alexander Heimerl, Tobias Baur, Elisabeth André and Patrick Gebhard. 2021. Towards a deeper modeling of emotions: the deep method and its application on shame. DOI: 10.1109/acii52823.2021.9597446
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Alexander Heimerl, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2020. A transparent framework towards the context-sensitive recognition of conversational engagement.
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Hannes Ritschel, Thomas Kiderle, Klaus Weber, Florian Lingenfelser, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2020. Multimodal joke generation and?paralinguistic personalization for a socially-aware robot. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-49778-1_22
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Tobias Baur, Sina Clausen, Alexander Heimerl, Florian Lingenfelser, Wolfgang Lutz and Elisabeth André. 2020. NOVA: a tool for explanatory multimodal behavior analysis and its application to psychotherapy. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37734-2_47
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Tobias Baur, Alexander Heimerl, Florian Lingenfelser, Johannes Wagner, Michel F. Valstar, Bj?rn Schuller and Elisabeth André. 2020. eXplainable cooperative machine learning with NOVA. DOI: 10.1007/s13218-020-00632-3
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Tobias Baur, Alexander Heimerl, Florian Lingenfelser and Elisabeth André. 2019. I see what you did there: understanding when to trust a ML model with NOVA. DOI: 10.1109/ACIIW.2019.8925214
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Alexander Heimerl, Tobias Baur, Florian Lingenfelser, Johannes Wagner and Elisabeth André. 2019. NOVA - a tool for eXplainable Cooperative Machine Learning. DOI: 10.1109/ACII.2019.8925519
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Chi Tai Dang, Ilhan Aslan, Florian Lingenfelser, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2019. Towards somaesthetic smarthome designs: exploring potentials and limitations of an affective mirror. DOI: 10.1145/3365871.3365893
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Johannes Wagner, Tobias Baur, Yue Zhang, Michel F. Valstar, Bj?rn Schuller and Elisabeth André. 2018. Applying cooperative machine learning to speed up the annotation of social signals in large multi-modal corpora.
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Tobias Baur. 2018. Cooperative and transparent machine learning for the context-sensitive analysis of social interactions.
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Patrick Gebhard, Tanja Schneeberger, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2018. MARSSI: Model of Appraisal, Regulation, and Social Signal Interpretation.
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Johannes Wagner, Tobias Baur, Dominik Schiller, Yue Zhang, Bj?rn Schuller, Michel Valstar and Elisabeth André. 2018. Show me what you've learned: applying cooperative machine learning for the semi-automated annotation of social signals.
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Hannes Ritschel, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2017. Adapting a robot's linguistic style based on socially-aware reinforcement learning. DOI: 10.1109/roman.2017.8172330
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Hannes Ritschel, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2017. Personalisierung der Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion durch sozial-sensitives Lernen.
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Angelo Cafaro, Johannes Wagner, Tobias Baur, Soumia Dermouche, Mercedes Torres Torres, Catherine Pelachaud, Elisabeth André and Michel Valstar. 2017. The NoXi database: multimodal recordings of mediated novice-expert interactions. DOI: 10.1145/3136755.3136780
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Michel Valstar, Soumia Dermouche, Catherine Pelachaud, Eduardo Coutinho, Bj?rn Schuller, Yue Zhang, Dirk Heylen, Mari?t Theune, Jelte van Waterschoot, Tobias Baur, Angelo Cafaro, Alexandru Ghitulescu, Blaise Potard, Johannes Wagner, Elisabeth André, Laurent Durieu and Matthew Aylett. 2016. Ask Alice: an artificial retrieval of information agent. DOI: 10.1145/2993148.2998535
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Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2016. Measuring the impact of multimodal behavioural feedback loops on social interactions. DOI: 10.1145/2993148.2993174
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Tobias Baur, Dominik Schiller and Elisabeth André. 2016. Modeling user’s social attitude in a conversational system. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31413-6_10
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Ionut Damian, Chiew Seng (Sean) Tan, Tobias Baur, Johannes Sch?ning, Kris Luyten and Elisabeth André. 2015. Augmenting social interactions: realtime behavioural feedback using social signal processing techniques. DOI: 10.1145/2702123.2702314
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Tobias Baur, Gregor Mehlmann, Ionut Damian, Florian Lingenfelser, Johannes Wagner, Birgit Lugrin, Elisabeth André and Patrick Gebhard. 2015. Context-aware automated analysis and annotation of social human-agent interactions. DOI: 10.1145/2764921
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Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur, Birgit Lugrin, Patrick Gebhard, Gregor Mehlmann and Elisabeth André. 2015. Games are better than books: in-situ comparison of an interactive job interview game with conventional training. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-19773-9_9
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Gregor Mehlmann, Markus H?ring, Kathrin Janowski, Tobias Baur, Patrick Gebhard and Elisabeth André. 2014. Exploring a model of gaze for grounding in multimodal HRI. DOI: 10.1145/2663204.2663275
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Patrick Gebhard, Tobias Baur, Ionut Damian, Gregor Mehlmann, Johannes Wagner and Elisabeth André. 2014. Exploring interaction strategies for virtual characters to induce stress in simulated job interviews. DOI: 10.5555/2615731.2615838
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Hazael Jones, Nicolas Sabouret, Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur, Elisabeth André, Kaska Porayska-Pomsta and Paola Rizzo. 2014. Interpreting social cues to generate credible affective reactions of virtual job interviewers.
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Maurizio Mancini, Laurent Ach, Emeline Bantegnie, Tobias Baur, Nadia Berthouze, Debajyoti Datta, Yu Ding, Stéphane Dupont, Harry J. Griffin, Florian Lingenfelser, Radoslaw Niewiadomski, Catherine Pelachaud, Olivier Pietquin, Bilal Piot, Jér?me Urbain, Gualtiero Volpe and Johannes Wagner. 2014. Laugh when you’re winning. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-55143-7_3
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Gregor Mehlmann, Kathrin Janowski, Tobias Baur, Markus H?ring, Elisabeth André and Patrick Gebhard. 2014. Modeling gaze mechanisms for grounding in HRI. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-419-0-1069
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Ionut Damian, Johannes Sch?ning, Tobias Baur, Chiew Seng Sean Tan, Kris Luyten and Elisabeth André. 2014. Towards peripheral feedback-based realtime social behaviour coaching.
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Ka?ka Porayska-Pomsta, Paola Rizzo, Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur, Elisabeth André, Nicolas Sabouret, Haza?l Jones, Keith Anderson and Evi Chryssafidou. 2014. Who’s afraid of job interviews? Definitely a question for user modelling. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-08786-3_37
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Ionut Damian, Chiew Seng Sean Tan, Tobias Baur, Johannes Schoning, Kris Luyten and Elisabeth André. 2014. [Poster] Exploring social augmentation concepts for public speaking using peripheral feedback and real-time behavior analysis. DOI: 10.1109/ismar.2014.6948440
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Tobias Baur, Ionut Damian, Patrick Gebhard, Kaska Porayska-Pomsta and Elisabeth André. 2013. A job interview simulation: social cue-based interaction with a virtual character. DOI: 10.1109/socialcom.2013.39
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Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur, Patrick Gebhard, Ka?ka Porayska-Pomsta and Elisabeth André. 2013. A software framework for social cue-based interaction with a virtual recruiter.
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Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2013. Investigating social cue-based interaction in digital learning games.
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Rados?aw Niewiadomski, Jennifer Hofmann, Jerome Urbain, Tracey Platt, Johannes Wagner, Bilal Piot, Hüseyin C?akmak, Sathish Pammi, Tobias Baur, Stephane Dupont, Matthieu Geist, Florian Lingenfelser, Gary McKeown, Olivier Pietquin and Willibald Ruch. 2013. Laugh-aware virtual agent and its impact on user amusement.
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Radoslaw Niewiadomski, Maurizio Mancini, Tobias Baur, Giovanna Varni, Harry Griffin and Min S. H. Aung. 2013. MMLI: Multimodal Multiperson Corpus of Laughter in Interaction. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-02714-2_16
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Ka?ka Porayska-Pomsta, Keith Anderson, Ionut Damian, Tobias Baur, Elisabeth André, Sara Bernardini and Paola Rizzo. 2013. Modelling users’ affect in job interviews: technological demo. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-38844-6_37
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Tobias Baur, Ionut Damian, Florian Lingenfelser, Johannes Wagner and Elisabeth André. 2013. NovA: automated analysis of nonverbal signals in social interactions. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-02714-2_14
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Keith Anderson, Elisabeth André, Tobias Baur, Sara Bernardini, M. Chollet, E. Chryssafidou, I. Damian, C. Ennis, A. Egges, P. Gebhard, H. Jones, M. Ochs, C. Pelachaud, Ka?ka Porayska-Pomsta, P. Rizzo and Nicolas Sabouret. 2013. The TARDIS framework: intelligent virtual agents for social coaching in job interviews. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03161-3_35
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Johannes Wagner, Florian Lingenfelser, Tobias Baur, Ionut Damian, Felix Kistler and Elisabeth André. 2013. The social signal interpretation (SSI) framework: multimodal signal processing and recognition in real-time. DOI: 10.1145/2502081.2502223
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Jér?me Urbain, Radoslaw Niewiadomski, Jennifer Hofmann, Emeline Bantegnie, Tobias Baur, Nadia Berthouze, Hüseyin C?akmak, Richard Thomas Cruz, Stephane Dupont, Matthieu Geist, Harry Griffin, Florian Lingenfelser, Maurizio Mancini, Miguel Miranda, Gary McKeown, Sathish Pammi, Olivier Pietquin, Bilal Piot, Tracey Platt, Willibald Ruch, Abhishek Sharma, Gualtiero Volpe and Johannes Wagner. 2012. Laugh machine.
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