

Foreign students at FAI

This page provides information and assistance for all foreign students (e.g., in ERASMUS or DAAD exchange programs, guest semesters, etc.) at the Faculty of Applied Informatics at the University of Augsburg.


The aim of the project "Promoting the Academic Success of Foreign Students" is to provide optimal support for foreign students at FAI - at the Institute of Computer Science and the Institute of Geography - during their studies, so that they can successfully navigate their academic journey. For further inquiries, in addition to Prof. H?hner, Jeta Kadriu is also available.

Current offers in the summer semester 2022

Further information

Download flyer [german]


Office hours for the summer semester 2022

Thursdays 10:00-11:30 AM

Click here for the Tweedback chat


Session-ID: will be announced here 30 minutes before the start

E-Mail: sebastian.altmeyer@informatik.uni-augsburg.de


Facebook group

Mentoring program

Since the winter semester of 2013/2014, the Department of Computer Science at Augsburg University has implemented a mentorship program to support foreign students during their initial phase of studies. In this program, advanced computer science students (the mentors) accompany newly enrolled foreign computer science students at the Institute of Computer Science. If you wish to participate as a mentor or if you are a foreign student seeking support through the mentorship program, please contact sebastian.altmeyer@informatik.uni-augsburg.de, providing your full name, nationality, degree program, and semester (both overall and at Augsburg University).


Digital office hours for studying Computer Science in Augsburg (Bachelor):?Monday, April 25th, 08:15-09:45 AM

Digital office hours for studying Computer Science in Augsburg (Master):?Monday, April 25th, 11:30-12:15 AM
Introduction event for all students at FAI

Welcome for international students, information about study organization, contact persons at the university and faculty, as well as information about the mentorship program at the Institute of Computer Science


Registration on Digicampus is required (RZ username is necessary). The access links can be found below. If you have not received your RZ username by April 23rd, please contact:

Bachelor programs:? peter.fischer@informatik.uni-augsburg.de

Master programs:? robert.lorenz@informatik.uni-augsburg.de



Click here for the offerings: Introduction Event



July 13, 2022, 6:00 PM, Unikum (Salomon-Idler-Stra?e 24F, 86159 Augsburg) possibly via Zoom
End-of-semester get-together at Unikum
An evening to get to know each other, ask questions about studies and university procedures, and provide suggestions




Thursdays, 10:00 - 11:30 AM, Email, in-person & Tweedback chat. Zoom meeting if needed
Open office hours for international students at FAI

In-depth consultation on topics such as studying, internships, living in Germany; assistance in structuring and organizing program, module, and exam requirements

All questions can be asked in the Tweedback chat during the office hours. The session ID to participate in the Tweedback chat will be announced one hour before the start.

Click here for the Tweedback chat

Zoom-Link: only if necessary
Session-ID: will be announced half an hour before the start here

Contact Persons

Prof. J?rg H?hner
Department of Computer Science


For any questions, feel free to contact:

Jeta Kadriu
E-Mail: jeta.kadriu@student.uni-augsburg.de

