

International Students


Studying in Augsburg | Preparing & getting started | Intercultural Offers & Events | International Office

Stra?enbahnhaltestelle Universit?t


Welcome to the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences

Gras und Blumen mit Uni-Logo am Y-Geb?ude

Modules that can be studied

Link to the courses offered by all faculties (including the Faculty of Philosopy and Social Sciences)

Schreibtisch mit Arbeitsmaterial

Study abroad


Exchange program of the European Union | within Europe

Ausschnitt einer Karte von Europa


Exchange program | University-wide and subject-specific cooperation agreements between foreign universities and the University of Augsburg

Pinnwand mit Weltkarte und Pins

Free Mover

organize your stay abroad yourself

Ausschnitt einer Weltkarte, auf der Pinnadeln mit Schnüren verbunden sind

Studying Abroad

general information, useful hints & tips from the University of Augsburg

Bücher, Wekcer sowie Tafel mit Aufschrift "Study Abroad"

Internships Abroad

general information, useful hints & tips from the University of Augsburg

Frau vor Moderationskarten an der Wand

International Office

central advisory office for stays abroad

Piktogramm Menschen mit Fragezeichen


International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2013)


Educational Science

Chair of Education Science | Dr. Sina Mayer
(ISCED 0111 Education science)

Elementary School Pedagogy & Didactics

Chair of Elementary School Pedagogy and Didactics | Dr. Ramona H?berlein-Klumpner
(ISCED 0114 Teacher training with subject specialization)

Communication Sciences

imwk | Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger
(ISCED 0320 Journalism and information)

Art Education

Chair of Art Education | Anja Sch?nau
(ISCED 0213 Fine arts)

Social Sciences

Professorship of Sociology with special emphasis on social sciences | PD Dr. Carola Schmid
(ISCED 0310 Social and behavioural sciences)

Sports Science

Sports Center | Lena Kroll & Dr. Jürgen Hofmann
(ISCED 1014 Sports)

Study Programs in English

Research on Learning and Instruction: An Interdisciplinary Program

The Master’s program “Research on Learning and Instruction: An Interdisciplinary Program” is a continuation of the Master’s program “Interdisziplin?re Lehr-Lernforschung” and will be offered in English language, starting in Winter term 2023/2024.

More offers of Augsburg University


Professor - Internationalisation Coordinator
Comparative Education
  • Room 2059 (Building D)
