


Exam Dates & (De)Registration | Exam Corrections | Post-exam Review

Exam Dates, Registration, Deregistration

The dates of our exams are set by the Examination Office of the Faculty of Business and Economics.


Currently, our exams are held on the following dates*, according to the faculty's general exam schedule:


  1. WIW-0019 IT@BWL:?11. Prüfungstag, 2:30 p.m.
  2. WIW-9800 Wirtschaftsinformatik 2:?14. Exam day, 11 a.m.
  3. WIW-5280 Electronic Securities Trading:?7. Exam day, 8 p.m.

* Information without guarantee, the dates set and announced by the examination office apply.


Current information and dates can be found here. Registration and deregistration are only possible during the exam registration periods, which are also centrally determined and are carried out centrally via? STUDIS.


Please note that we have no influence on the set exam registration periods and exam dates and that you are responsible for registering and deregistering on time.

Information on Exam Corrections

Please understand that in order to ensure equal treatment of all students, we cannot offer any pre-corrections. Information about "passed" and "failed" will also not be given in advance.


All students who have taken an exam at the chair will receive their exam results simultaneously via STUDIS. There will be no separate publication of the results by bulletin board or on an individual basis.


We also do not provide any information on the progress of corrections. Please do not inquire about this.?Grades will be sent to the Examination Office and published in? STUDIS?within the deadlines set by the faculty.

Post-exam Review

At the beginning of each semester, the chair offers a fixed time slot for the review of all exams?of the previous semester during a period determined and announced by the faculty.


In order to participate in the exam review, students must registrater?in advance!?


We kindly ask you to refrain from making unscheduled requests for exam reviews.
