

Dr. Sonja Kralj

Research Fellow
Faculty of Business and Economics
Phone: +49 821 598-4247
Fax: +49 821 598-4242

PhD Project

?Akkulturation von Konsumierenden: Gesellschaftliches Klima und individuelle Strategien“

Curriculum Vitae

Sonja Kralj studied International Cultural and Business Studies (Bachelor of Arts) at the University of Passau and the University of Limerick, and International Management (Master of Science) at the University of Klagenfurt and the University of Zagreb. After graduating with a master thesis on consumer ethnocentrism in a transition economy, Sonja Kralj worked full-time in marketing and admissions at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.

Her primary research interests are consumer culture theory and services marketing.


Journal Articles

Kralj, Sonja N., Andreas T. Lechner, and Michael Paul (2019): Subtle but Spotted? Influencing Factors of Customer-Perceived Weight Discrimination, in: Journal of Services Marketing, 33 (5),?532-546. [ Download]



Conference Presentations

Kralj, Sonja N. and Michael Paul (2021): The Impact of Societal Conditions on Migrants’ Consumer Acculturation Prospects, in 52nd ACR Conference. [ Download ]


Kralj, Sonja N. and Michael Paul (2021): The Dynamics of Repatriate Consumer Acculturation, in: 2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference. [ Download ]


Kralj, Sonja N. and Michael Paul (2020): Familiar Foreigners? Collective Consumer Identity (De)Legitimation Dynamics in the Case of Repatriate Migrants, in: 51st ACR Conference. [ Download ]


Kralj, Sonja N. and Michael Paul (2020): (Il)Legitimate in the Homeland? The Co-Construction of a Collective Consumer Identity of? Repatriate Migrants, in: Georgios Patsiaouras, James Fitchett and Amanda J. Earley, eds. 16th Consumer Culture Theory Conference 2020: Interrogating Social Imaginaries, Leicester, UK. [ Download ]


Kralj, Sonja N. and Michael Paul (2020): Legitimately Illegitimate? Migrants' Consumer Identity in Institutional Complexity, in?Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, 49th EMAC Conference. [ Download ]


Kralj, Sonja N. and Michael Paul (2019): (Il)Legitimate in the Homeland? Repatriate Migrants’ Consumption in a Complex Institutional Environment, in: 50th ACR Conference, Atlanta, GA. [ Download ]


Kralj, Sonja N. and Michael Paul (2019): Institutional Complexity in Migrant Consumption, in: 15th CCT Conference, Montréal, CA. [ Download ]


Kralj, Sonja N. and Michael Paul (2019): Institutional Complexity in Migrant Consumption, in: NITMKG2 Conference, Paris, FR. [ Download ]



Conference Posters

Kralj, Sonja N. and Michael Paul (2018): The Myth of Return - Success or Failure? Consumer Identity and Belonging in the Case of Repatriate Migrants, in: 49th ACR Conference, Dallas, TX. [ Download ]


Kralj, Sonja N. and Michael Paul (2018): Forever Foreign in the Homeland? Repatriates' Consumer Identity and Belonging, in: 14th CCT Conference, Odense, DK. [ Download ]

Doctoral Colloquia & Courses

Consumption, Markets, and Culture Theorization, Middle East Technical University, Zeynep Arsel, Russell Belk, Dominique Desjeux, Eileen Fischer, Güliz Ger, Eminegül Karababa, Olga Kravets, Steve Miles, Summer Term 2019


Consumption Theory: A Canon of Classics, University of Southern Denmark, Eric Arnould, S?ren Askegaard, Julie Emontspool, James Fitchett, Beno?t Heilbrunn, Gry H?ngsmark Knudsen, Jeff Murray, Craig Thompson, Niklas Woermann, Ian Woodward, Summer Term 2018


Qualitative Methods and Research Design, SKEMA Business School, Eric Arnould, S?ren Askegaard, Hélène Cherrier, Maud Herbert, Olga Kravets, Jeff Murray, Melea Press, Meltem Türe, Winter Term 2017


Text Analysis, University of Augsburg, Stephan Ludwig (University of Surrey), Winter Term 2016/2017


Publishing Scholarly Research, University of Augsburg, Dwayne D. Gremler (Bowling Green State University), Summer Term 2016
