




  • When will the PHD program start?

The program starts on October 1, 2021.


  • When will it be possible to apply for the program?

You can apply now!


  • What is the application deadline?

The deadline for applications is April 15, 2021.


  • Am I eligible to apply to the program?

Applicants must have a completed degree (M.A., M.Sc. or equivalent) with above average grades in one of the participating disciplines. We particularly encourage interdisciplinary proposals.


  • What language will the program be taught in?

The program will be taught in English and in German.


  • Do I need to speak German/English?

Applicants are expected to speak either German or English fluently upon entering the program. If you have no knowledge of one of them, you are expected to acquire basic skills in that language during the first year of the program (both universities offer language courses).


  • What do I need to include in my application?

Submissions should include the online application form (available from our website), a letter of motivation (400 words max.), a short CV (max. 2 pages), a PhD proposal (max. 1800 words, including abstract and timeline), certified copies of your university degree(s), a recent publication (e.g. peer-reviewed article, book chapter), or your final thesis if applicable. The application may be written in either English or German. Please make sure to send all documents and certificates electronically as a single pdf file (up to 8 MB).


  • My diploma / official documents are written in a language other than English or German. Do I have to hand in a certified translation?

Yes. Official documents in any language other than English, German, or a Romance language must be submitted with certified translations. A certified true copy or translation is a copy or translation of a document which is certified to be a true copy or translation of the original, thus not edited or forged in any way. Certified true copies or translations are necessary for your application so that we can be sure your documents are real copies or translations. Depending on your country, certification of copies or translations can be done by your university institution, embassies, the police, a notary public, or (state or municipal) administration agencies. Documents can be certified as true copies or translations only by someone who has the legal authority to do so.?


  • What are the requirements for international students?

International students must submit all regular application documents to the program. In addition, once accepted into the program, international students must complete all application procedures required by the International Offices at Augsburg University and LMU Munich. Further enrolment requirements for international students outside of the EU, depending on your country of origin, can be found on the website of the Augsburg University International Office and the LMU Munich International Office.


  • Is it still possible to consider my application after the deadline?

No. We regret that we cannot consider any applications received after the deadline.


  • When will I be notified whether my application was successful?

The top candidates are selected based on the strength of their applications and will be invited to an interview. All applicants are informed via email as soon as a decision has been made (expect to be informed no later than August 2021).


  • Can I apply if my discipline is not mentioned in the associated disciplines?

Yes, as long as there is a clear connection in your project to the program and its theme.





  • What is the basic structure of the program?

Please consult the “Structure and Curriculum” information on our website.


  • Can I choose a supervisor myself?

There will be a team of supervisors with one main supervisor who also represents the discipline in which you will receive your doctoral degree. Which persons fits best with your project and your individual needs will be discussed with you in person if you are accepted.


  • Can I decide at which university I am enrolled?

No, you will be enrolled at the institution where your supervisor is located.


  • How can I become an affiliate if I already have funding?

If you already have funding, you can apply for an affiliate position via the application form. Please note: like the positions themselves, affiliations, too, will be decided upon quality and overall fit with the program. Please contact our coordinators if you have further questions.


  • Will I need to move to Augsburg/Munich?

We highly recommend that you move to the city where your office will be located. We will try to build the two groups in such a way as to create ideal synergy effects on each site. Please note: both cities are close, and commuting is part of how the program works.


  • How will I get from Augsburg to Munich and vice versa and will I have to pay for it myself?

Commuting costs are part of our budget. You will travel as a group to either Augsburg or Munich to visit seminars, lectures, etc.


  • Will the program provide accommodation?

No, unfortunately we cannot provide accommodation. Further information on enrolment for international doctoral candidates and accommodation as well as life in Augsburg and Munich can be accessed through the International Offices at Augsburg University and LMU Munich.


  • Can I study this program part-time?



  • Is there financial aid available?

The TVL-13 65 % positions cover your rent and costs of living. No additional funding is available through our universities. ?


  • I have family. Will they be able to join me?

Unfortunately, we cannot cover additional costs for spouses and/or families. Coordinators will try their best to support you in terms of infrastructure.


  • I have a disability. Will I be able to participate in the program?

We strongly support diversity and seek to accommodate the needs of handicapped doctorate students.

