

Conditions for the participation


  • The doctoral project at one of the three humanities / social science faculties of the University of Augsburg and enrollment for one of the structured doctoral programs
  • Submission of the application form (Bewerbungsbogen), a brief description of the doctoral project with a provisional working title, and preliminary timetable, as well as a copy of the diploma.



Application and costs?


? Application can be made at any time.

? Admission takes place at the beginning of the semester.

? There will be no additional costs.



Period of participation


With the completion of the sixth semester (after three years) your regular participation in graduate school ends. If you have not finished your doctorate by then, you can apply twice for an extension of two semesters each time by submitting the extension form (Verl?ngerungsantrag). Please think about the submission in time, as the speaker group has to decide on your application. Anyone who has submitted their dissertation after three years (or four or five years with a proper extension) will receive a final graduation grant upon application. You can have your participation at the GGS certified even without submitting it in due time. For this purpose, an informal letter together with evidence of attendance or organization of courses, conferences, seminars, etc. is sufficient. Leaves of absence due to illness granted by the speaker group are not counted towards the six or ten semesters, so they lead to an extension. The same applies to periods of pregnancy/maternity leave or parental leave. Important: You must inform GGS about this.




Offers and promotions


During your participation in the GGS, you can borrow a laptop including equipment, receive a key to one of the four individual workspaces in the BCM and activate a book lending function, that allows bringing reading room literature to the individual workspace at BCM. Corresponding forms are available for download below and in the office of the Graduate School. Every doctoral candidate at GGS can apply for a small grant for research trips, conferences, or workshops. For this purpose, please send a short application letter stating the reason for the event to the spokesperson at the graduate school, enclose original invoices and send it to the coordination office along with your bank and address details. In particular cases of hardship (childcare, barrier-free equipment, etc.) or to pay for publication and printing costs in the last phase of the doctorate, additional funding can be applied for. Again, please submit a letter stating the reasons and evidence and do not forget your bank and address details.




? Please fill out and sign the forms and submit them to the coordinator of the graduate school.?

Address: University of Augsburg


86159 Augsburg


? You find the forms to download on the german site:

  • application form (Bewerbungsformular für die Teilnahme an der GGS?pdf)?
  • extension form (Antrag für die Verl?ngerung der Teilnahme an der GGS?pdf)?
  • Certificate of attendance for workshops (Teilnahmebescheinigung über besuchte Workshops pdf)?
  • UB- reading room literature- book lending function (UB-Pr?senz-Ausleihfunktion?docx)?
  • Borrowing laptops (PC-Leihschein?pdf)?
  • Borroring keys (Schlüssel-Leihschein?pdf)
