

Here you will find more extensive, one-off and recurring offers from the University of Augsburg for further education and continuing training. In the future, you will also find relevant courses and modules here.

Further qualification for educational professions in Germany, a country of immigration

One-semester further training courses for educational professions take place regularly as a bridging measure for academics who have acquired their actual qualifications abroad. The aim of the further qualification is to supplement existing knowledge, skills and abilities with specific content in the German context. This should make it easier for them to gain access to the German labour market in line with their qualifications.


IQ Network Bavaria

Further qualification at the University of Augsburg

Participants in numbers





Video Uni Augsburg: Regulated vs. non-regulated professions

Certificate for Intercultural Key Qualifications


Since 2019, the Certificate for Intercultural Key Qualifications (ZIS) is available at the University of Augsburg. This certificate can be obtained by German and foreign students of all disciplines if they have achieved at least 20 points in each of the three modules "Language and Communication", "Experience Abroad" and "Activities at Augsburg University in the Intercultural Field".

Participation is open to German students of all subjects who complete their entire studies at the University of Augsburg, foreign students of all subjects who complete their entire studies at the Universit?t Augsburg,
students who have already been abroad and / or have been involved at the university before registering for the CIS. These achievements can also be recognized retrospectively if the relevant evidence can be presented and were performed during the period of enrollment at Augsburg University.

In the context of the CIS, foreign students are understood to be those students who have acquired their university entrance qualification outside of Germany.
Points can be earned by participating in various intercultural offerings that exist at Augsburg University. It is up to the certificate holders to decide which of these offers they wish to take advantage of.

Exchange students who complete only one semester at the University of Augsburg cannot participate in the CIS.


More information


The university’s further education programme, Professional Teaching, has included the “Inclusive University Teaching” certificate to its range of courses. (Prospective) lecturers learn here various measures that make it easier for people with disabilities to study, work and live at the university and help enable them to participate.


Website Bavarian Centre for Didactics


The university offers various courses of study that focus more on diversity issues. Here are a few options:


Educational Science - Focus on Heterogeneity in Upbringing and Education (MA)


Master of Social Sciences Conflicts in Politics and Society??

KLeVer - Workshops for diversity and female scientists

Courses on the topic of diversity are also held as part of the “KLeVer” further education programme for female academics.

See: Events of the current? KleVer programme.
