

Gender Dynamics in STEM Education: An Eye-Tracking Study

Event Details
Date: 24.10.2024, 17:30 o'clock - 19:00 o'clock 
Location: 2108/ Geb. D, Universit?tsstra?e 10, 86159 Augsburg
Organizer(s): Prof. Dr. Markus Dresel, Prof. Dr. Ingo Kollar, Fach Psychologie
Topics: Erziehungswissenschaft, Lehrerbildung und Psychologie
Series of events: Psychologisches Forschungskolloquium
Event Type: Vortragsreihe
Speaker(s): ?zün Keskin, Rebekka Stahnke, Christian Kosel, Sylvia Gabel, Aldin Alijagic, Andreas Gegenfurtner

Im Psychological Research Colloquium berichten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Universit?t Augsburg und aus anderen Forschungseinrichtungen über ihre Arbeit.

Teachers’ professional vision can be defined as the ability of teachers to notice and reason about relevant classroom situations. Studies on professional vision often use eye-tracking technology to record teachers’ eye movements during teaching events and make them accessible for further analyses. The present study extends past eye-tracking research on teacher professional vision by focusing on student heterogeneity. However, the focus in our study is gender as an aspect of heterogeneity. Previous studies show that female students have a higher chance of lack of motivation and interest in STEM and show more educational inequalities like performing poorly or lower school tracks in STEM. In addition, past research determines less cognitive respect and emotional support of teachers towards female students in STEM. This mainly influences the objective judge[1]ment and expectations of the teacher whereupon students’ achievement is also affected. However, it is unclear how teachers perceive female students in STEM teaching situations. For this reason, we conducted an eye tracking-study to record momentary eye movements of in-service and pre-service teachers in classroom situations in STEM and investigate professionalism of in-service and pre-service teachers in heterogenous classrooms. We explored how eye-movement patterns (scanpaths) differ across in-service and pre-service teachers during different teaching phases in STEM. In an eye-tracking experiment, participants watched an authentic video of a STEM lesson. We used gaze patterns as an indicator for visual behavior. We extracted scanpath patterns, compared them qualitatively (common sub-pattern) and quantitatively (scanpath entropy) between in-service and pre-service teachers to represent teachers' visual behavior. These analyses contribute to further understanding biases in teacher professional vision in heterogenous school contexts. Implications for teacher education are discussed.

More events of this series of events "Psychologisches Forschungskolloquium"

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