

Scaffolding Reasoning Scripts vs. Providing Theories With Applied Examples: What Works Best in Supporting Pre-Service Teachers’ Evidence-Oriented Reasoning?

Event Details
Date: 23.07.2020, 17:30 o'clock - 19:00 o'clock 
Location: per ZOOM, sofern nicht anders gekennzeichnet, Augsburg
Organizer(s): Prof. Dr. Markus Dresel, Prof. Dr. Ingo Kollar, Fach Psychologie
Topics: Erziehungswissenschaft, Lehrerbildung und Psychologie
Series of events: Psychologisches Forschungskolloquium
Event Type: Vortragsreihe
Speaker(s): Martin Greisel, Christina Wekerle & Ingo Kollar (Lehrstuhl für Psychologie m.b.B.d. p?dagogischen Psychologie)

Martin Greisel, Christina Wekerle und Ingo Kollar stellen in der letzten Veranstaltung des psychologischen Forschungskolloquiums vor, wie Lehrern theoretisch fundierte Entscheidungshilfen für Herausforderungen im Unterricht optimal vermittelt werden k?nnen. Die Veranstaltung kann über ZOOM verfolgt werden.

Teachers are confronted with various pedagogical problems while standing in a classroom, e.g., students are not motivated to learn, do not understand the instructions, are overwhelmed by the learning material, etc. In these cases, teachers have to decide upon their reaction to these problems. For their decisions, they are supposed to take scientific theories and evidence into account in order to improve the quality of their decision making. Previous research indicates that pre- and in-service teachers use this kind of evidence-oriented reasoning to a very small extent only (Demski, 2018; Hetmanek et al., 2015; Zeuch & Souvignier, 2016), though it can be shown that having pedagogical knowledge available actually does foster the quality of teachers’ interpretation of classroom situations (K?nig et al., 2014). Thus, ways to foster teachers’ evidence-oriented reasoning are needed. Therefore, we investigated two kinds of scaffolds for pre-service teachers’ reasoning: a) We prompted single steps (= scriptlets) of the reasoning process in order to facilitate development of a scientifically adequate internal script used to analyze a teaching situation. b) We provided summaries of psychological theories which are appropriate to analyze the teaching scenarios presented to participants during the study. In a 2x2-design, we varied a) the degree of elaboration of the employed prompts (prompting scriptlets with or without subordinate concrete operations) and b) the use of applied examples in the theory summaries (with or without applied examples). N = 157 pre-service teachers intensively analyzed case scenarios including several teaching problems each over the course of 5 sessions. Between-group differences in the quality of these case analyses are going to be presented, along with implications for the practice of teacher education.

Die Veranstaltung kann über den folgenden Link in ZOOM erreicht werden:

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