

Prof. Dr. Zekeriya Aktürk

Prof. (Erzurum-Atatürk Universit?t), Tip Dr. (Marmara Universit?t), Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Telefon: +49 (0) 821 / 400 - 9546
Adresse: Gutenbergstra?e 7, 86356 Neus??
Postanschrift: Universit?tsstra?e 2, 86159 Augsburg


  • Migrationsforschung
  • Pr?vention und Gesundheitsf?rderung
  • Medizindidaktik?


2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998


Aktürk Zekeriya, Bilgen Sivri Birsen, ?elik Rukiye, ?elik Kemal, ?etiner Mehmet Ali, Mücahit ?ift?i Abdullah, Demirtürk Mustafa, Eryi?it Umut, Gültekin Fazilet, Kabidje Neema, Karak?se Emine, Kunisch Raphael, Kurnaz Ay Merve, Kurt ?ule, Zehirlio?lu Lemye, Schneider Antonius. Medical professionals' migration from Turkey: motivations, legal challenges, and employment barriers. https://doi.org/10.51505/ijmshr.2024.8504
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Kurnaz Ay Merve, Sivri Birsen Bilgen, Burggraf Larissa, Canbaz Merve, ?elik Kemal, ?etiner Mehmet Ali, ?ift?i Abdullah Mücahit, Demirtürk Mustafa, Eryi?it Umut, Gehrmann Jan, Kurt ?ule, Kunisch Raphael, Zehirlio?lu Lemye, Roos Marco, Aktürk Zekeriya. Navigating exodus: understanding the migration dynamics of health care professionals from Turkey. https://doi.org/10.24018/ejsocial.2024.4.1.519
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Wannowius Marie, Karakus Emre, Aktürk Zekeriya, Breuer Janina, Geyer Joachim. Role of the sodium-dependent organic anion transporter (SOAT/SLC10A6) in physiology and pathophysiology. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24129926
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Gehrmann Jan, Barth Niklas, Brandhuber Tom, Ziehfreund Stefanie, Aktürk Zekeriya, Schneider Antonius. "Beste Landpartie Allgemeinmedizin" (BeLA): Effekte des Programms auf die Motive angehender Allgemeinmediziner*innen. https://doi.org/10.53180/zfa.2022.0304-0310
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Kunisch Raphael, Canbal Metin, Aktürk Zekeriya. Almanya da mezuniyet ?ncesi t?p e?itimi ve aile hekimli?i uzmanl?k e?itimi. https://doi.org/10.46629/jms.2022.96
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Ak Muharrem, Aktürk Zekeriya, Bowyer Kristina, Mignon Laurence, Pasupuleti Sasidhar, Glaze Daniel G., Suter Bernhard, Pehlivan Davut. Assessing the burden on caregivers of MECP2 duplication syndrome. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2022.05.008
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Ak M., Suter B., Aktürk Zekeriya, Harris H., Bowyer K., Mignon L., Pasupuleti S., Glaze D. G., Pehlivan D.. Exploring the characteristics and most bothersome symptoms in MECP2 duplication syndrome to pave the path toward developing parent-oriented outcome measures. https://doi.org/10.1002/mgg3.1989
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Linde Klaus, Olm Michaela, Teusen Clara, Aktürk Zekeriya, von Schrottenberg Victoria, Hapfelmeier Alexander, Dawson Sarah, Rücker Gerta, L?we Bernd, Schneider Antonius. The diagnostic accuracy of widely used self-report questionnaires for detecting anxiety disorders in adults. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.cd015292
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Gumustekin Kenan. The impact of decree laws on the performance of Turkish physiology academics. https://doi.org/10.38173/RST.2022.24.2.14:191-202
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Gramer Irina, Karakus Emre, Hartmann Michaela F., Wudy Stefan A., Bauer Natali, Moritz Andreas, Aktürk Zekeriya, Geyer Joachim. Urinary cortisol metabolites are reduced in MDR1 mutant dogs in a pilot targeted GC‐MS urinary steroid hormone metabolome analysis. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvp.13050
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Hosoglu Salih, Classen Annika Yanina, Aktürk Zekeriya. Antibiotic prescription in primary care from the perspective of family physicians: a qualitative study. https://doi.org/10.3855/jidc.13924
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Linde Klaus, Hapfelmeier Alexander, Kunisch Raphael, Schneider Antonius. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in people with migratory backgrounds: a cross-sectional study among Turkish- and German-speaking citizens in Munich. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-021-06940-9
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Tufan Umut Ege, Aktürk Zekeriya. Epidemiyolojide g?zlemsel ?ali?ma raporlarini iyile?tirme: g?zlemsel ?ali?malari raporlama rehberi.
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Betül Aktürk Fatma, Aktürk Zekeriya. Personality types and their relationships with expectations from preschooling: a cross-sectional study. https://doi.org/10.51505/ijmshr.2021.5101
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Linde Klaus, Hapfelmeier Alexander, Kunisch Raphael, Schneider Antonius. The Effects of an educational intervention on COVID-19 knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in people with migratory background: a before-after study. https://doi.org/10.24018/ejmed.2021.3.4.974
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Demir Abdullah, Rakhmanov Ochilbek, Tastan Kenan, Dane Senol, Aktürk Zekeriya. Development and validation of the Nile personality assessment tool based on enneagram.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Ta?tan Kenan. Frequency of personality types based on enneagram in a Turkish sample: a web-based cross-sectional study. https://doi.org/10.21601/ortadogutipdergisi.722751
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Tufan Umut Ege. The impact of decree laws on the performance of Turkish academic family physicians: a repeated cross-sectional study.
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Ba?türk Fadime, Aktürk Zekeriya. Reflection of the views of patients and employees on the management system for continuous process coordination: an indicator development study. https://doi.org/10.24874/PES01.02.004
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Ulas Ali Bilal, Eroglu Atila. Delayed diagnosis of a case of Zenker’s diverticulum. What may happen when a family physician does not visit his family physician. https://doi.org/10.1080/13814788.2018.1464556
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Y?lmaz Bilal, Av?ar ?mmü Zeynep. Eczac?l?k fakültesi program iyile?tirme ?al??malar? ?er?evesinde ??retim elemanlar?n?n g?rü?leri.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Acemo?lu Hamit, Ak?ay Fatih, I??k Memet. Aktürk Zekeriya, editor. Sa?l?k ?al??anlar? i?in Ara?t?rma ve Pratik istatistik: ?rnek problemler ve SPSS ??zümleri.
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Set Turan, I??k ?mit, Aktürk Zekeriya. Breastfeeding duration of mothers: a cross-sectional study from an Eastern city of Turkey.
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Set Turan, Aktürk Zekeriya, Ate? Elif, Av?ar ?mit, Ta?tan Kenan. Mezuniyet ?ncesi aile hekimli?i e?itimi: WONCA ve ?EP ?er?evesinde bir program ?nerisi.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Ate?o?lu Derya, ?ift?i Esra. Patient satisfaction with family practice in Turkey: three-year trend from 2010 to 2012. https://doi.org/10.3109/13814788.2015.1048681
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Set Turan, Ta?tan Kenan, Da?deviren Nezih, ?ahin Erkan Melih, ?zer Cahit. The role of family medicine in undergraduate medical education.
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Kaya Abdülkadir, Aktürk Zekeriya, ?ayir Yasemin, Ta?tan Kenan. 2007-2013 aras? t?pta uzamanl?k smavlar?: bir trend analizi. https://doi.org/10.17098/amj.76679
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Khan Abdul Sattar, Isik Memet, Set Turan, Aktürk Zekeriya, Avsar Umit. A 5-year trend of myocardial infarction, hypertension, stroke and diabetes mellitus in gender and different age groups in Erzurum, Turkey. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtumed.2014.04.002
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Cayir Yasemin, Ozdemir Gokhan, Celik Mine, Aksoy Hulya, Aktürk Zekeriya, Laloglu Esra, Akcay Fatih. Acupuncture decreases matrix metalloproteinase-2 activity in patients with migraine. https://doi.org/10.1136/acupmed-2014-010612
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Cayir Y., Aktürk Zekeriya. Clinical effectiveness of group-based education with individual counseling in obese women.
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Cayir Yasemin, Isik Memet, Aktürk Zekeriya. Recommendations for the management of obesity. https://doi.org/10.5455/medscience.2014.03.8129
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Vancelik Serhat, Set Turan, Aktürk Zekeriya, Calikoglu Oksan, Kosan Zahide. The changing rate of suspected rabies bites after begin to act animal shelter in Erzurum city. https://doi.org/10.5152/eajm.2014.49
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Cayir Yasemin, Aslan Secil Menekse, Aktürk Zekeriya. The effect of pedometer use on physical activity and body weight in obese women. https://doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2014.940558
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Cansever Zeliha, Acemoglu Hamit, Avsar Ummu Zeynep, Aktürk Zekeriya, Set Turan, Avsar Umit, Cayir Yasemin. What do trainers think about trainer training courses?.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Y?lmaz Bilal, Cansever Zeliha. ??renciler e?itimi de?erlendiriyor: bir eczac?l?k fakültesi uygulamas?.
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Sunay Didem, ?engezer Tijen, Oral Meltem, Aktürk Zekeriya, Schulz Kenneth F., Altman Douglas G., Moher David. CONSORT 2010 raporu: randomize paralel grup ?al??malar?n?n raporlanmas?nda güncellenmi? k?lavuzlar.
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Alshammary Sami Ayed, Ratnapalan Savithiri, Aktürk Zekeriya. Continuing medical education as a national strategy to improve access to primary care in Saudi Arabia. https://doi.org/10.3352/jeehp.2013.10.7
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Esen Figen, Turgut Akin, Erdal Muhammed, ?enkal Sezin, Gürel Serdar, Aktürk Zekeriya, I?ik Memet, Ungan Mehmet, Tekiner Selda, Ceyhun Peker Gülsen, ?nal Mustafa. Aktürk Zekeriya, Turgut Akin, editors. Sa?l?kl? ya?am.
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Cayir Y., Set T., Aktürk Zekeriya. The effect of acupuncture in a patient with Bell's palsy: a case report.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, I??k Memet. The need for medical doctors in Turkey: a projection plan from 2013 to 2033 with emphasis to family medicine.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Acemoglu Hamit, Set Turan, Cansever Zeliha, Avsar Ummu Zeynep. Turkish reliability and validity of the Index Learning Styles instrument.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Set Turan, Erdal Muhammed, Khan Abdul Sattar. Türkiye’de 2008-2011 y?llar? aras?nda aile hekimlerinin tahud, ?zlük haklar? ve sevk zinciri hakk?ndaki g?rü?leri: zamanla neler de?i?ti?.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Khan Abdul Sattar. A DIAMOND approach for keeping medical curriculum live and healthy.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Acemo?lu H.. Aile hekimli?inde kapsaml? bak?m yeterlili?i ve de?erlendirilmesi.
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Khan Abdul Sattar, Acemoglu Hamit, Aktürk Zekeriya. An objective structured biostatistics examination: a pilot study based on computer-assisted evaluation for undergraduates. https://doi.org/10.3352/jeehp.2012.9.9
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Aktürk Zekeriya, I??k Memet. Besin de?eri ve sa?l?k a??s?ndan hurma (Phoenix dactylifera).
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Set Turan, Aktürk Zekeriya, Av?ar ?mit, I?ik Memet. Climatic effects on chest pain, headache, and pain in joint: results from an hospital at an altitude of 1900 meters. https://doi.org/10.5336/medsci.2011-23837
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Cansever Zeliha, Avsar Zeynep, Avsar Umit, Ozyildirim Ercan, Eryilmaz Gulsen, Sener Mustafa Talip. Climatic effects on hospital admissions.
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Set Turan, Aktürk Zekeriya. Erkeklerde komplike üriner sistem enfeksiyonlar?.
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Vancelik Serhat, Avsar Umit, Aktürk Zekeriya. Erzurum ili k?rsal?nda halk?n k?r?m kongo kanamal? ate?i hakk?nda bilgi, tutum ve davran??lar?. https://doi.org/10.5152/tpd.2012.37
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Al Megbil Tarek, Khan Abdul Sattar, Aktürk Zekeriya, Al-Twijri Abdulmohsen, Al-Khudhair Basema. Family Medicine Essentials (FAME): an effort to put clinical practice guidelines into practise in Saudi Arabia.
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Khan Abdul Sattar, Aktürk Zekeriya. Family medicine in pre-clinical years of medical school: fruitful or futile.
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Aktürk Zekeriya. ICPC ve psikiyatrik sorunlar.
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Set Turan, Aktürk Zekeriya, Büyüklü Mutlu, Cansever Zeliha, Av?ar ?mmü Zeynep, Av?ar ?mit, I?ik Memet, Acemo?lu Hamit. Improving electrocardiogram interpreting skills among primary care physicians in Turkey. https://doi.org/10.3906/sag-1201-29
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Vancelik Serhat, I?ik Memet, Toraman Ahmet Ruhi, Aktürk Zekeriya. Infant mortality in northeastern Anatolia and associated factors. https://doi.org/10.3906/sag-1008-1069
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Acemoglu H.. T?bbi ara?t?rmalarda güvenilirlik ve ge?erlilik. https://doi.org/10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.02.0150
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O'Riordan Margaret, Dahinden Andre, Aktürk Zekeriya, Ortiz Jose Miguel Bueno, Dagdeviren Nezih, Elwyn Glyn, Micallef Adrian, Murtonen Mikko, Samuelson Marianne, Struk Per, Tayar Danny, Thesen Janecke. Dealing with uncertainty in general practice: an essential skill for the general practitioner.
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Aktürk Zekeriya. Equip: recent quality-related developments in the Turkish health sector. https://doi.org/10.3109/13814788.2010.550612
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Caylan A., Aydemir I., Dagdeviren N., Aktürk Zekeriya, Set T., Oztora S., Can F. Enec. Evaluation of health related quality of life among perimenopausal Turkish women.
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Alp Hamit Hakan, Gülnihal Emrem, ?smail Can, Ebru ?ener, Hilal Balta, Ebru Orsal, ?zgeri? Betül, Kurt Nezahat, Gündo?du Betül, Erdemci Burak, Ayan Arif Kür?ad, Aktürk Zekeriya. ICPC kodlama kursunun ?e?itli sa?l?k personellerindeki ba?ar?s?.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Set Turan. Aile hekimli?i ve kalite: f?rsatlar ve uygulanmay? bekleyen ara?lar.
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Aktürk Zekeriya. Aile hekimli?inde bilimsel ara?tirma.
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Khan A. Sattar, Aktürk Zekeriya. An appraisal of Saudi Diploma in Family Medicine (SDFM) from the Perspective of the SPICES Model.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Da?deviren Nezih, Ene? Can Fatmanur, Aydemir Ilkay, Ta?tan Kenan. An exercise facility connected to family practice offices as a solution for female obesity.
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Akcay F., Aktürk Zekeriya. Bilimsel ?al??malarda akupunktur: 1970-2010 aras? literatürün g?zden ge?irilmesi.
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Ak?ay Fatih, Aktürk Zekeriya. Gastrointestinal sistem hastal?klar?nda tamamlay?c? ve alternatif tedaviler.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, D?nmez Hilmi, Gü?lü Metin, Koru Canan. Riyad uluslararas? türk okulu ??rencilerinde sa?l?k taramas?: en yayg?n sorunlar di? ?ürükleri ve uyku düzensizlikleri. https://doi.org/10.5336/medsci.2008-9568
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Aktürk Zekeriya. ?nsan sa?l??? a??s?ndan biyokütle enerjisi ve miscanthus x giganteus.
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?elik Selim, Aktürk Zekeriya. Klasik sinif ortaminda ??renci ba?arisini artirmak i?in bir giri?im: oturma düzeni ve ?dev yapmanin etkisi.
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Hosoglu Salih, Aktürk Zekeriya, Cam Lokman, Gencer Mehmet, Dane Senol. A cross-sectional study of risk factors for Malaria among Turkish expatriates in Nigeria.
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Khan Abdul Satter, Al-Sweilem Maisa, Aktürk Zekeriya. Knowledge of hepatitis B and vaccination status of some expatriate ethnic groups of blue collar workers in Northern Saudi Arabia.
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Jamil Syed A., Khan Abdul S., Aktürk Zekeriya. Predictors of outcome for non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage.
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Dagdeviren Nezih, Set Turan, Aktürk Zekeriya. Sexual activity among Turkish adolescents: once more the distinguished male. https://doi.org/10.1515/ijamh.2008.20.4.431
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Can Fatma Nur Ene?, Aydemir Ilkay, Set Turan, Aktürk Zekeriya, Da?deviren Nezih. Ailesel fakt?rler depresyonda ne kadar etkili?.
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Ture Mevlut, Kurt Imran, Aktürk Zekeriya. Comparison of dimension reduction methods using patient satisfaction data. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2005.12.003
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Hamdi Kara I. H., Aydin S., Gemalmaz A., Aktürk Zekeriya, Yaman H., Bozdemir N.. Habitual tea drinking and bone mineral density in postmenopausal Turkish women: investigation of prevalence of postmenopausal osteoporosis in Turkey (IPPOT Study). https://doi.org/10.1024/0300-9831.77.6.389
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Please see the publisher's website for a complete authors list.
Al-Tuwijri Abdulmohsen Ali, Al-Doghether Mohammed Hasan, Aktürk Zekeriya, Al-Megbil Tarek Ibrahim. Quality of life of people with diabetes attending primary care health centres in Riyadh: bad control – good quality?.
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Set Turan, Da?deviren Nezih, Aktürk Zekeriya. Ergenlerde cinsellik.
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ICPC-2-R: birinci basama??n uluslararas? s?n?flamas?.
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Türe Mevlüt, Aktürk Zekeriya, Kurt ?mran, Da?deviren Nezih. The effect of health status, nutrition, and some other factors on low school performance using induction technique.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Da?deviren Nezih, Y?ld?r?m Tolga, Y?lmazer Ay?e Zeynep, Bulut F. G., Suba?? B.. T?p ??rencileri bitkileri ne kadar tan?yor? T?p fakültesi birinci ve alt?nc? s?n?f ??rencileri aras?nda bitkilerin ve sa?l?ktaki kullan?m alanlar?n?n bilinme durumu.
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Türe Mevlüt, Kurt ?mran, Aktürk Zekeriya. T?p ??rencilerinin sigara ve alkol kullan?m?n?n frontal lob ki?ilik ?l?e?i ile ili?kisi.
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Lukas Witold, Teslar Ewa, editors. Aile hekimli?i e?itimi.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Da?deviren Nezih, Türe Mevlüt, Tu?lu Cengiz. Birinci basamak i?in Beck depresyon tarama ?l?e?i’nin Türk?e ?eviriminin ge?erlik ve güvenirli?i.
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Da?deviren Nezih, Aktürk Zekeriya, Set Turan, ?zer Cahit, Mistik S., Durmus B., Unluoglu I.. ECG interpretation skills of family physicians: a comparison with internists and untrained physicians.
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Ko?er Abdülkadir, Aktürk Zekeriya, Maden Emin, Ta??? Atilla. Orthostatic hypotension and heart rate variability as indicators of cardiac autonomic neuropathy in diabetes mellitus.
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?ahin Erkan Melih, ?zer Cahit, Da?deviren Nezih, Aktürk Zekeriya. Physicians smoke as much as their patients in Turkey.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Da?deviren Nezih, editors. Aile hekimli?inin kilometre ta?lar?: Millis ve Willard raporlar?.
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Da?deviren Nezih, Akturk Zekeriya. An evaluation of patient satisfaction in Turkey with the EUROPEP instrument. https://doi.org/10.3349/ymj.2004.45.1.23
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?zer Cahit, Can Fatma Nur Ene?, Tun? Zafer, Aydemir ?mer, Aktürk Zekeriya, Da?deviren Nezih. Birinci basamakta depresyon tedavisinin etkinli?i.
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Mistik Selcuk, Topsakal Ramazan, Aktürk Zekeriya, Ates Gursel, Ozer Cahit. Evaluation of patients with hypertension in the light of the JNC 7 report: use of combination and individualised therapy in unsatisfactory.
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Set Turan, Da?deviren Nezih, Aktürk Zekeriya, ?zer Cahit. More than “just another conversion reaction!” a case of hyperventilation syndrome.
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Topaloglu Umit, Muftuoglu Tolga, Aktürk Zekeriya, Ekinci Huseyin, Peker Onder, Unalmiser Selcuk. Omeprazole is more effective than famotidine for preventing acute gastritis in rats. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00595-004-2800-y
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Da?deviren Nezih, ?zer Cahit, Dalkilic Alican. Physical activity patterns of Turkish adolescents: influence of some social factors.
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?zer Cahit, Da?deviren Nezih, ?ahin E. Melih, Aktürk Zekeriya. Aile hekimli?i uzmanl?k e?itiminde bire bir e?itim.
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Yal??n B. Murat, ?ahin E. Melih, ?zer Cahit, ?ahin ?zlem, ?ner Leyla, Da?deviren Nezih, Aktürk Zekeriya. Edirne aile hekimli?i poliklini?ine ba?vuran hipertansiyon hastalar?n?n s?n?fland?r?lmas? ve koroner risk fakt?rlerinin de?erlendirilmesi.
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Ceran Omer, Akin Mehmet, Aktürk Zekeriya, Ozkozaci Tamay. Normal urinary calcium/creatinine ratios in Turkish children.
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Evans Philip, editor. Aile hekimli?i genel pratisyenlik avrupa tan?m?.
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?zer C., ?ahin E. Melih, Da?deviren Nezih, Aktürk Zekeriya. Birinci basamakta hasta e?itimi.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Da?deviren Nezih, ?ahin E. Melih, ?zer Uz Cahit. E?itimde geri bildirim ara?lar?: south east Thames didaktik ve interaktif kurs de?erlendirme ?l?eklerinin türk?e'ye uyarlanmas?.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Da?deviren Nezih, ?ahin E. Melih, ?zer Cahit, Yaman Hakan, G?kta? Olgun, Filiz T. Müge, Topsever P?nar, Onganer Efe, Aydin Serpil, Yari? Füsun, Mara? ?smail. Hastalar hekimleri de?erlendiriyor: europep ?l?e?i.
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Kocoglu Hasan, Goksu Sitki, Isik Memet, Aktürk Zekeriya, Bayazit Yildirim A. Infrared tympanic thermometer can accurately measure the body temperature in children in an emergency room setting. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0165-5876(02)00129-5
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Akin M., Ceran O., Atay E., Atay Z., Akin F., Aktürk Zekeriya. Postpartum maternal levels of hemoglobin A1c and cord C-peptide in macrosomic infants of non-diabetic mothers. https://doi.org/10.1080/jmf.
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Yorulmaz F., Aktürk Zekeriya, Dagdeviren N., Dalkilic A.. Smoking among adolescents: relation to school success, socioeconomic status nutrition and self-esteem. https://doi.org/10.4414/smw.2002.10011
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Aktürk Zekeriya, Dagdeviren Nezih, Sahin Erkan Melih, Ozer Cahit. Use of quality circles among first year medical students and impact on student satisfaction. https://doi.org/10.4414/smw.2002.09899
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Yazgan Zerrin, Aktürk Zekeriya, Ak?n Mehmet, Enver Atay. Asemptomatik ?ocuklarda bo?az ?rneklerinden izole edilen hemolitik streptokoklarda antibiyotik direncinin ara?t?r?lmas?.
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?ahin E. Melih, ?zer Cahit, Da?deviren Nezih, ?ahin ?zlem, Aktürk Zekeriya. Birinci basamakta somatizasyon bozuklu?una yakla??m.
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Pinarcik Hülya, Aktürk Zekeriya, Akin Fulya, Akin Mehmet, Pinarcik Gülperi. Can cystatin C be used as a marker of microalbuminuria? [Letter].
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?ahin Erkan Melih, Da?deviren Nezih, Aktürk Zekeriya, ?zer Cahit. ??renciler e?itimi de?erlendiriyor: t?bbi prati?e giri? dersi teorik saatler.
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Aktürk Zekeriya, ?ahin E. Melih, Ko?o?lu Hasan, Kolbay Fatih, G?rpelio?lu Süleyman. Ana ?ocuk sa?l??? ve aile planlamas? merkezlerinde hizmet kullan?m?.
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P?narc?k Hülya, Aktürk Zekeriya, P?narc?k Gülperi, Ak?n Fulya, Dülger ?erife, Durmu? Bedri. Diyabetik hastalarda glomerüler filtrasyon h?z?n?n bir g?stergesi olarak serum sistatin-C seviyelerinin olcumu.
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Sak Erbil, Akin Mehmet, Aktürk Zekeriya, Akin Fulya, Atay Enver, Aydogdu Cavit, Yuzkollar Erdogan. Investigation of the relationship between low Apgar scores and early neonatal thyroid function. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1442-200x.2000.01275.x
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Akin M., Aktürk Zekeriya, Dulger S., Sumer B., Inalhan M., Inan S.. Chediak-Higashi syndrome.
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Oral ?zay, Ulusal Zeynep, Tando?an Bülent, Aktürk Zekeriya, ?zarpac? Cemalettin, ???endez Ebru. Endometriomalar?n benign over kistlerinden ayr?t edilmesinde serum CA-125 düzeylerinin yeri.
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Oral ?zay, Aktürk Zekeriya, Tando?an Bülent, Ak? Mehmet, ?zarpac? Cemalettin, ??gendez Ebru. Gestasyonel diabetin fetal mortaliteye etkisi ve takipli ve takipsiz hastalar?n kar??la?t?r?lmas?.
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Ak?n Mehmet, Aktürk Zekeriya, Ak?n Fulya, Ceran ?mer, Y?ld?z Feyza, Say Aysu. Gestasyonel do?um a??rl?klar? farkl? yenido?anlarda kord kan? plazma C peptid düzeyi.
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?zk?l?? Alper, Aktürk Zekeriya, Ak?n Mehmet, H?zal Halil, Y?ld?z Feyza, Say Aysu. Transfüzyon alan talasemi maj?rlü hastalarda hepatit B ve C seropozitifli?i.
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