

Dr. Emmanuel Delille

Affiliierter Mitarbeiter, Wissenschafts- und Medizingeschichte
Ethik der Medizin

PhD (?cole des Hautes ?tudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris)
Habilitation (?cole Normale Supérieure, Paris)

Dr Emmanuel Delille is a historian of science, technology and health. He is the author of numerous papers concerning the history of psychiatry and of social sciences in Canada, France and Germany.
He edited several special issues under his direction:

  • History of Psychiatry, 35, 2024: “Psychiatric Epidemiology in Historical Perspectives.”
  • Archives de Philosophie, 86, 2022: “Philosophie, psychologie, psychanalyse: perspectives sur la transformation sociale.”
  • Revue Germanique Internationale, 30, 2019: “Histoire et philosophie de la psychiatrie au XXe siècle: regards croisés franco-allemands.”
  • History of Psychiatry, 29, 2018: “Historicizing Transcultural Psychiatry.”

Emmanuel Delille received an award from the French Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques in 2022 for his Habilitation : Une histoire comparée de la psychiatrie.


ORCID : 0000-0002-9904-5414


See here a list of publications.
