

Prof. Dr. Peter H?nggi

Professor im Ruhestand
Theoretische Physik I
Telefon: Kontakt per E-Mail
Raum: 507 (R)
Adresse: Universit?tsstra?e 1 (Physik Nord), 86159 Augsburg


2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1975 | 1974


Shuang Lu, Zhongwei Zhang, Yong Li, Peter H?nggi und Jie Chen
Phononic metagrating for lattice wave manipulation

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Jakub Spiechowicz, Ivan G. Marchenko, Peter H?nggi und Jerzy ?uczka
Diffusion coefficient of a Brownian particle in equilibrium and nonequilibrium: Einstein model and beyond

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Jakub Spiechowicz, Peter H?nggi und Jerzy ?uczka
Velocity multistability vs. ergodicity breaking in a biased periodic potential

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Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Colloquium: statistical mechanics and thermodynamics at strong coupling: quantum and classical

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K. Bia?as, J. ?uczka, Peter H?nggi und J. Spiechowicz
Colossal Brownian yet non-Gaussian diffusion induced by nonequilibrium noise

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Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Comment on "Measurability of nonequilibrium thermodynamics in terms of the Hamiltonian of mean force"

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Peter H?nggi, J. ?uczka und J. Spiechowicz
Many faces of non-equilibrium: anomalous transport phenomena in driven periodic systems

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Sergey Denisov, Olga Vershinina, Juzar Thingna, Peter H?nggi und Mikhail Ivanchenko
Quasi-stationary states of game-driven systems: a dynamical approach

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Noah Van Horne, Dahyun Yum, Tarun Dutta, Peter H?nggi, Jiangbin Gong, Dario Poletti und Manas Mukherjee
Single-atom energy-conversion device with a quantum load

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J Spiechowicz, Peter H?nggi und Jerzy ?uczka
Coexistence of absolute negative mobility and anomalous diffusion

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Xiang Yang, Qian Zhu, Chang Liu, Wei Wang, Yunyun Li, Fabio Marchesoni, Peter H?nggi und H. P. Zhang
Diffusion of colloidal rods in corrugated channels

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T. V. Lyutyy, Stanislav I. Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Dissipation-induced rotation of suspended ferromagnetic nanoparticles

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Timo Wagner, Peter Talkner, Johannes C. Bayer, Eddy P. Rugeramigabo, Peter H?nggi und Rolf J. Haug
Quantum stochastic resonance in an a.c.-driven single-electron quantum dot

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A. S?apik, Jerzy ?uczka, Peter H?nggi und Jakub Spiechowicz
Tunable mass separation via negative mobility

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Luca Magazzù, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Asymptotic Floquet states of a periodically driven spin-boson system in the nonperturbative coupling regime

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Michele Campisi und Peter H?nggi
Comment on “Experimental verification of a Jarzynski-related information-theoretic equality by a single trapped ion”

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Luca Magazzù, Juan D. Jaramillo, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Generation and stabilization of Bell states via repeated projective measurements on a driven ancilla qubit

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Luca Maggazù, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Quantum Brownian motion under generalized position measurements: a converse Zeno scenario

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Luca Magazzù, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Asymptotic Floquet states of non-Markovian systems

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Michael Hartmann, Dario Poletti, Mikhail V. Ivanchenko, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Asymptotic Floquet states of open quantum systems: the role of interaction

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Valentin D. Volokitin, Alexey V. Liniov, Iosif B. Meyerov, M. Hartmann, Mikhail V. Ivanchenko, Peter H?nggi und Sergey Vadimovich Denisov
Computation of the asymptotic states of modulated open quantum systems with a numerically exact realization of the quantum trajectory method

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Jiawen Deng, Juan D. Jaramillo, Peter H?nggi und Jiangbin Gong
Deformed Jarzynski Equality

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Julián I. Pe?a Rosselló, Horacio S. Wio, Roberto R. Deza und Peter H?nggi
Enhancing energy harvesting by coupling monostable oscillators

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Xiang Yang, Chang Liu, Yunyun Li, Fabio Marchesoni, Peter H?nggi und H. P. Zhang
Hydrodynamic and entropic effects on colloidal diffusion in corrugated channels

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Jiawen Deng, Alvis Mazon Tan, Peter H?nggi und Jiangbin Gong
Merits and qualms of work fluctuations in classical fluctuation theorems

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Luca Magazzù, Peter H?nggi, Bernardo Spagnolo und Davide Valenti
Quantum resonant activation

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Alexander Geiseler, Peter H?nggi und Fabio Marchesoni
Self-Polarizing Microswimmers in Active Density Waves

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Alexander Geiseler, Peter H?nggi und Fabio Marchesoni
Taxis of artificial swimmers in a spatio-temporally modulated activation medium

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Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Aspects of quantum work

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T. V. Laptyeva, Eugene A. Kozinov, Iosif B. Meyerov, Mikhail V. Ivanchenko, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Calculating Floquet states of large quantum systems: a parallelization strategy and its cluster implementation

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Alexander Geiseler, Peter H?nggi, Fabio Marchesoni, Colm Mulhern und Sergey E. Savel’ev
Chemotaxis of artificial microswimmers in active density waves

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Adi Rebenshtok, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Peter H?nggi und Eli Barkai
Complementary densities of Lévy walks: typical and rare fluctuations

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Tatsuhiko Shirai, Juzar Thingna, Takashi Mori, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Peter H?nggi und Seiji Miyashita
Effective Floquet–Gibbs states for dissipative quantum systems

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Christopher Grossert, Martin Leder, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Peter H?nggi und Martin Weitz
Experimental control of transport resonances in a coherent quantum rocking ratchet

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Peter H?nggi und Sergey Vadimovich Denisov
Irrfahrten der Atome

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Alexander Geiseler, Peter H?nggi und Gerhard Schmid
Kramers escape of a self-propelled particle

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Peter H?nggi, Stefan Hilbert und J?rn Dunkel
Meaning of temperature in different thermostatistical ensembles

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Jakub Spiechowicz, Peter Talkner, Peter H?nggi und Jerzy ?uczka
Non-monotonic temperature dependence of chaos-assisted diffusion in driven periodic systems

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Yuanjian Zheng, Peter H?nggi und Dario Poletti
Occurrence of discontinuities in the performance of finite-time quantum Otto cycles

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Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Open system trajectories specify fluctuating work but not heat

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Wolfgang P. Schleich, Kedar S. Ranade, Christian Anton, Markus Arndt, Markus Aspelmeyer, Manfred Bayer, Gunnar Berg, Tommaso Calarco, Harald Fuchs, Elisabeth Giacobino, Markus Grassl, Peter H?nggi, Wolfgang M. Heckl, Ingolf-Volker Hertel, Susana Huelga, Fedor Jelezko, Bernhard Keimer, J?rg P. Kotthaus, Gerd Leuchs, Norbert Lütkenhaus, Ueli Maurer, Tilman Pfau, Martin B. Plenio, Ernst Maria Rasel, Ortwin Renn, Christine Silberhorn, J?rg Schiedmayer, Doris Schmitt-Landsiedel, Kurt Sch?nhammer, Alexey Ustinov, Philip Walther, Harald Weinfurter, Emo Welzl, Roland Wiesendanger, Stefan Wolf, Anton Zeilinger und Peter Zoller
Quantum technology: from research to application

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Lei Wang, Nianbei Li und Peter H?nggi
Simulation of heat transport in low-dimensional oscillator lattices

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Jakub Spiechowicz, Jerzy ?uczka und Peter H?nggi
Transient anomalous diffusion in periodic systems: ergodicity, symmetry breaking and velocity relaxation

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Yunyun Li, Sha Liu, Nianbei Li, Peter H?nggi und Baowen Li
1D momentum-conserving systems: the conundrum of anomalous versus normal heat transport

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Hangbo Zhou, Juzar Thingna, Peter H?nggi, Jian-Sheng Wang und Baowen Li
Boosting thermoelectric efficiency using time-dependent control

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Jakub Spiechowicz, Peter H?nggi und Jerzy ?uczka
Brownian motor efficiency enhanced by nonequilibrium noise

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Dirk Hennig, Colm Mulhern, Lutz Schimansky-Geier, G.P. Tsironis und Peter H?nggi
Cooperative surmounting of bottlenecks

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Xue Ao, Pulak K. Ghosh, Y. Li, Gerhard Schmid, Peter H?nggi und Fabio Marchesoni
Diffusion of chiral Janus particles in a sinusoidal channel

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Dario Bercioux, Reinhold Egger, Peter H?nggi und Michael Thorwart
Focus on nonequilibrium fluctuation relations: from classical to quantum

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Ralf Blattmann, Peter H?nggi und Sigmund Kohler
Qubit interference at avoided crossings: the role of driving shape and bath coupling

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Peter H?nggi und Peter Talkner
The other QFT

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Xue Ao, Pulak K. Ghosh, Y. Li, Gerhard Schmid, Peter H?nggi und Fabio Marchesoni
Active Brownian motion in a narrow channel

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Sha Liu, Peter H?nggi, Nianbei Li, Jie Ren und Baowen Li
Anomalous heat diffusion

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Jakub Spiechowicz, Peter H?nggi und Jerzy ?uczka
Brownian motors in the microscale domain: enhancement of efficiency by noise

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F. Forster, G. Petersen, S. Manus, Peter H?nggi, Dieter Schuh, Werner Wegscheider, Sigmund Kohler und S. Ludwig
Characterization of qubit dephasing by Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana interferometry

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Ralf Blattmann, Hubert J. Krenner, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Entanglement creation in a quantum-dot–nanocavity system by Fourier-synthesized acoustic pulses

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Juzar Thingna, Peter H?nggi, Rosario Fazio und Michele Campisi
Geometric quantum pumping in the presence of dissipation

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S. Martens, A. V. Straube, Gerhard Schmid, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Giant enhancement of hydrodynamically enforced entropic trapping in thin channels

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Pulak K. Ghosh, Peter H?nggi, Fabio Marchesoni und Franco Nori
Giant negative mobility of Janus particles in a corrugated channel

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Adi Rebenshtok, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Peter H?nggi und Eli Barkai
Infinite densities for Lévy walks

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Jakub Spiechowicz, Peter H?nggi und Jerzy ?uczka
Josephson junction ratchet: the impact of finite capacitances

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Adi Rebenshtok, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Peter H?nggi und Eli Barkai
Non-normalizable densities in strong anomalous diffusion: beyond the central limit theorem

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T. Motz, Gerhard Schmid, Peter H?nggi, David Reguera und J. M. Rubí
Optimizing the performance of the entropic splitter for particle separation

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Gentaro Watanabe, B. Prasanna Venkatesh, Peter Talkner, Michele Campisi und Peter H?nggi
Quantum fluctuation theorems and generalized measurements during the force protocol

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Stefan Hilbert, Peter H?nggi und J?rn Dunkel
Thermodynamic laws in isolated systems

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Sha Liu, Junjie Liu, Peter H?nggi, Changqin Wu und Baowen Li
Triggering waves in nonlinear lattices: quest for anharmonic phonons and corresponding mean-free paths

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Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Sergej Flach und Peter H?nggi
Tunable transport with broken space–time symmetries

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Jakub Spiechowicz, Jerzy ?uczka und Peter H?nggi
Absolute negative mobility induced by white Poissonian noise

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Jakub Spiechowicz, Peter H?nggi und Jerzy ?uczka
Absolute negative mobility of inertial Brownian particles induced by noise

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Jiawen Deng, Qing-hai Wang, Zhihao Liu, Peter H?nggi und Jiangbin Gong
Boosting work characteristics and overall heat-engine performance via shortcuts to adiabaticity: quantum and classical systems

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Michele Campisi, Fei Zhan, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Campisi et?al. Reply: logarithmic oscillators: ideal Hamiltonian thermostats

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Michele Campisi, Ralf Blattmann, Sigmund Kohler, David Zueco und Peter H?nggi
Employing circuit QED to measure non-equilibrium work fluctuations

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A. Yu. Polyakov, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Exploring complex quantum systems with a hybrid CPU-GPU computing platform

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S. Martens, Gerhard Schmid, A. V. Straube, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
How entropy and hydrodynamics cooperate in rectifying particle transport

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S. Martens, A. V. Straube, Gerhard Schmid, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Hydrodynamically enforced entropic trapping of Brownian particles

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Xue Ao, Peter H?nggi und Gerhard Schmid
In-phase and anti-phase synchronization in noisy Hodgkin–Huxley neurons

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Sergey E. Savel’ev, Wolfgang H?usler und Peter H?nggi
Josephson-like currents in graphene for arbitrary time-dependent potential barriers

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A. Yu. Polyakov, Taras V. Lyutyy, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, V. V. Reva und Peter H?nggi
Large-scale ferrofluid simulations on graphics processing units

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Fei Zhan, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Power spectrum of electronic heat current fluctuations

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Juzar Thingna, Jian-Sheng Wang und Peter H?nggi
Reduced density matrix for nonequilibrium steady states: a modified Redfield solution approach

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Vasily Yu. Zaburdaev, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Space-time velocity correlation function for random walks

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Peter Talkner, Manuel Morillo, Juyeon Yi und Peter H?nggi
Statistics of work and fluctuation theorems for microcanonical initial states

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Michele Campisi und Peter H?nggi
Thermostated Hamiltonian Dynamics with Log Oscillators

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Tobias Salger, Sebastian Kling, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Alexey V. Ponomarev, Peter H?nggi und Martin Weitz
Tuning the mobility of a driven Bose-Einstein condensate via diabatic Floquet bands

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Pulak K. Ghosh, Peter H?nggi, Fabio Marchesoni, Franco Nori und Gerhard Schmid
Brownian transport in corrugated channels with inertia

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Nianbei Li, Jie Ren, Lei Wang, Gang Zhang, Peter H?nggi und Baowen Li
Colloquium: Phononics: manipulating heat flow with electronic analogs and beyond

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Sergey E. Savel'ev, Wolfgang H?usler und Peter H?nggi
Current resonances in graphene with time-dependent potential barriers

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Pulak K. Ghosh, Peter H?nggi, Fabio Marchesoni, Franco Nori und Gerhard Schmid
Detectable inertial effects on Brownian transport through narrow pores

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Philippe Beltrame, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Deterministic transport of particles in a micro-pump

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Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Discrete dynamics perturbed by weak noise

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Pulak K. Ghosh, Peter H?nggi, Fabio Marchesoni, S. Martens, Franco Nori, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Gerhard Schmid
Driven Brownian transport through arrays of symmetric obstacles

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David Reguera, A. Luque, Poornachandra Sekhar Burada, Gerhard Schmid, J. M. Rubí und Peter H?nggi
Entropic splitter for particle separation

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Juzar Thingna, Jian-Sheng Wang und Peter H?nggi
Generalized Gibbs state with modified Redfield solution: exact agreement up to second order

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Michele Campisi, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Geometric magnetism in open quantum systems

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Michele Campisi, Fei Zhan, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Logarithmic oscillators: ideal Hamiltonian thermostats

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Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Vasily Yu. Zaburdaev und Peter H?nggi
Lévy walks with velocity fluctuations

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Jerzy Dajka, M Mierzejewski, Jerzy ?uczka, Ralf Blattmann und Peter H?nggi
Negativity and quantum discord in Davies environments

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Georg M. Reuther, Peter H?nggi und Sigmund Kohler
Non-Markovian qubit decoherence during dispersive readout

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Abhishek Dhar, Keiji Saito und Peter H?nggi
Nonequilibrium density-matrix description of steady-state quantum transport

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Thomas Hümmer, Georg M. Reuther, Peter H?nggi und David Zueco
Nonequilibrium phases in hybrid arrays with flux qubits and nitrogen-vacancy centers

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Michele Campisi, Fei Zhan und Peter H?nggi
On the origin of power laws in equilibrium

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Alexey V. Ponomarev, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Peter H?nggi und J. Gemmer
Quantum thermal equilibration from equipartition

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A. Pototsky, Fabio Marchesoni, F. V. Kusmartsev, Peter H?nggi und Sergey E. Savel’ev
Relativistic Brownian motion on a graphene chip

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Michelle Campisi, Fei Zhan, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Reply to M. Meléndez and W. G. Hoover

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Michele Campisi, Fei Zhan, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Reply to W. G. Hoover [arXiv:1204.0312v2]

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Elmar G. Petrov, V. O. Leonov, Volkhard May und Peter H?nggi
Transient currents in a molecular photo-diode

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Peter Talkner, Gert-Ludwig Ingold und Peter H?nggi
Transport of flexible chiral objects in a uniform shear flow

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Christian Weber, Paul K. Radtke, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Active motion assisted by correlated stochastic torques

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Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Auf dem Prüfstand: mit zwei gegens?tzlichen experimentellen Techniken wurde das Konzept der Ergodenhypothese minuti?s getestet

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S. Martens, Gerhard Schmid, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Biased Brownian motion in extremely corrugated tubes

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Michele Campisi, Peter H?nggi und Peter Talkner
Colloquium: quantum fluctuation relations: foundations and applications

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Erratum: https://doi.org/10.1103/revmodphys.83.1653

Jerzy Dajka, Jerzy ?uczka und Peter H?nggi
Distance between quantum states in the presence of initial qubit-environment correlations: a comparative study

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Fei Zhan, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Electronic heat transport across a molecular wire: power spectrum of heat fluctuations

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S. Martens, Gerhard Schmid, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Entropic particle transport: higher-order corrections to the Fick-Jacobs diffusion equation

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Michele Campisi und Peter H?nggi
Fluctuation, Dissipation and the Arrow of Time

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Jerzy Dajka, Jerzy ?uczka und Peter H?nggi
Geometric phase as a determinant of a qubit– environment coupling

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Peter H?nggi
Harvesting randomness

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Michele Campisi, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Influence of measurements on the statistics of work performed on a quantum system

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A. Seibert, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Alexey V. Ponomarev und Peter H?nggi
Mapping the Arnold web with a graphic processing unit

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Peter Siegle, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Markovian embedding of fractional superdiffusion

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Georg M. Reuther, David Zueco, Peter H?nggi und Sigmund Kohler
Monitoring entanglement evolution and collective quantum dynamics

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Vasily Yu. Zaburdaev, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Perturbation spreading in many-particle systems: a random walk approach

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Erratum published at: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.069903

Michele Campisi, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Quantum Bochkov–Kuzovlev work fluctuation theorems

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Fei Zhan, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Alexey V. Ponomarev und Peter H?nggi
Quantum ratchet transport with minimal dispersion rate

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Philippe Beltrame, Edgar Knobloch, Peter H?nggi und Uwe Thiele
Rayleigh and depinning instabilities of forced liquid ridges on heterogeneous substrates

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Subdiffusive dynamics in washboard potentials: two different approaches and different universality classes

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A. Pototsky, Peter H?nggi, Fabio Marchesoni und Sergey E. Savel’ev
Temperature-resonant cyclotron spectra in confined geometries

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Alexey V. Ponomarev, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Thermal equilibration between two quantum systems

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Hyungjun Kim, William A. Goddard, Kyeong Hwan Han, Changho Kim, Eok Kyun Lee, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Thermodynamics of d-dimensional hard sphere fluids confined to micropores

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Georg M. Reuther, David Zueco, Peter H?nggi und Sigmund Kohler
Time-resolved qubit readout via nonlinear Josephson inductance

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Elmar G. Petrov, Ye. V. Shevchenko, Volkhard May und Peter H?nggi
Transient switch-on/off currents in molecular junctions

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Peter H?nggi, Fabio Marchesoni, Sergey E. Savel’ev und Gerhard Schmid
Asymmetry in shape causing absolute negative mobility

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Jie Ren, Peter H?nggi und Baowen Li
Berry-phase-induced heat pumping and its impact on the fluctuation theorem

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GuangQi Li, Boris D. Fainberg, Abraham Nitzan, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Coherent charge transport through molecular wires: exciton blocking and current from electronic excitations in the wire

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Giuliano Benenti, Giulio Casati, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Sergej Flach, Peter H?nggi, B. Li und Dario Poletti
Comment on "Coherent ratchets in driven Bose-Einstein condensates"

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Poornachandra Sekhar Burada, Gerhard Schmid, Yunyun Li und Peter H?nggi
Controlling diffusive transport in confined geometries

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Jerzy Dajka, Marcin Mierzejewski, Jerzy ?uczka und Peter H?nggi
Dephasing of qubits by the Schr?dinger cat

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Philippe Beltrame, Peter H?nggi, E. Knobloch und Uwe Thiele
Depinning of 2d and 3d droplets blocked by a hydrophobic defect

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Tomasz Kwapinski, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Dynamically broken symmetry in periodically gated quantum dots: charge accumulation and DC-current

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Peter H?nggi und Sergey Vadimovich Denisov
Ein F?rderband für kalte Atome

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Tomasz Kwapinski, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Electron transport across a quantum wire in the presence of electron leakage to a substrate

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David Zueco, Georg M. Reuther, Peter H?nggi und Sigmund Kohler
Entanglement and disentanglement in circuit QED architectures

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W Riefler, Gerhard Schmid, Poornachandra Sekhar Burada und Peter H?nggi
Entropic transport of finite size particles

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Michele Campisi, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Fluctuation theorems for continuously monitored quantum fluxes

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Stanislav I. Denisov, H. Kantz und Peter H?nggi
Langevin equation with super-heavy-tailed noise

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Alexey V. Ponomarev, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Lévy distribution in many-particle quantum systems

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Peter Siegle, Igor Goychuk, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Markovian embedding of non-Markovian superdiffusion

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Lukasz Machura, Marcin Kostur, Peter Talkner, Peter H?nggi und Jerzy ?uczka
Negative conductances of Josephson junctions: voltage fluctuations and energetics

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Y. Li, Gerhard Schmid und Peter H?nggi
Noisy saltatory spike propagation: the breakdown of signal transmission due to channel noise

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Peter Siegle, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Origin of hyperdiffusion in generalized Brownian motion

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Stanislav I. Denisov, Taras V. Lyutyy, C. Binns und Peter H?nggi
Phase diagrams for the precession states of the nanoparticle magnetization in a rotating magnetic field

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Alexey V. Ponomarev, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Quantum machine using cold atoms

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Changho Kim, Peter Talkner, Eok Kyun Lee und Peter H?nggi
Rate description of Fokker–Planck processes with time-periodic parameters

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Klaus-Dieter Hof, Franz J. Kaiser, Markus Stallhofer, Dieter Schuh, Werner Wegscheider, Peter H?nggi, Sigmund Kohler, J?rg P. Kotthaus und Alexander W. Holleitner
Spatially resolved ballistic optoelectronic transport measured by quantized photocurrent spectroscopy

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Yunyun Li, Gerhard Schmid, Peter H?nggi und Lutz Schimansky-Geier
Spontaneous spiking in an autaptic Hodgkin-Huxley setup

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Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Sergej Flach und Peter H?nggi
Transporting cold atoms in optical lattices with ratchets: mechanisms and symmetries

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Georg M. Reuther, David Zueco, Frank Deppe, Elisabeth Hoffmann, Edwin P. Menzel, Thomas Wei?l, Matteo Mariantoni, Sigmund Kohler, Achim Marx, Enrique Solano, Rudolf Gross und Peter H?nggi
Two-resonator circuit quantum electrodynamics: dissipative theory

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Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Peter H?nggi und José L. Mateos
AC-driven Brownian motors: a Fokker-Planck treatment

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Peter H?nggi und Fabio Marchesoni
Artificial Brownian motors: controlling transport on the nanoscale

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Fernando Galve, David Zueco, Georg M. Reuther, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Creation and manipulation of entanglement in spin chains far from equilibrium

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Philippe Beltrame, Peter H?nggi und Uwe Thiele
Depinning of three-dimensional drops from wettability defects

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Poornachandra Sekhar Burada, Peter H?nggi, Fabio Marchesoni, Gerhard Schmid und Peter Talkner
Diffusion in confined geometries

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Stanislav I. Denisov, Taras V. Lyutyy, E. S. Denisova, Peter H?nggi und H. Kantz
Directed transport in periodically rocked random sawtooth potentials

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Dirk Hennig, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Directed transport of an inertial particle in a washboard potential induced by delayed feedback

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Tomasz Kwapiński, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Discontinuous conductance of bichromatically ac-gated quantum wires

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Poornachandra Sekhar Burada, Gerhard Schmid, David Reguera, J. M. Rubi und Peter H?nggi
Double entropic stochastic resonance

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Fernando Galve, David Zueco, Sigmund Kohler, Eric Lutz und Peter H?nggi
Entanglement resonance in driven spin chains

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Jerzy Dajka, Jerzy ?uczka und Peter H?nggi
Entanglement swapping in presence of dephasing

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Poornachandra Sekhar Burada, Gerhard Schmid, David Reguera, J. M. Rubi und Peter H?nggi
Entropic stochastic resonance: the constructive role of the unevenness

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Poornachandra Sekhar Burada, Gerhard Schmid und Peter H?nggi
Entropic transport: a test bed for the Fick-Jacobs approximation

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Boris D. Fainberg, Peter H?nggi, Sigmund Kohler und Abraham Nitzan
Exciton- and light-induced current in molecular nanojunctions

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Transport and optical properties of nanomaterials: proceedings of the international conference, ICTOPON - 2009, Allahabad, India, 5 - 8 January 2009

Roland Doll, Peter H?nggi, Sigmund Kohler und Martijn Wubs
Fast initial qubit dephasing and the influence of substrate dimensions on error correction rates

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Michele Campisi, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Finite bath fluctuation theorem

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Michele Campisi, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Fluctuation theorem for arbitrary open quantum systems

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Peter Talkner, Michele Campisi und Peter H?nggi
Fluctuation theorems in driven open quantum systems

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E. Heinsalu, Marco Patriarca, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Fractional Fokker-Planck subdiffusion in alternating force fields

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Stanislav I. Denisov, Werner Horsthemke und Peter H?nggi
Generalized Fokker-Planck equation: Derivation and exact solutions

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Jiangbin Gong, Luis Morales-Molina und Peter H?nggi
Many-body coherent destruction of tunneling

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Fei Zhan, Nianbei Li, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Molecular wires acting as quantum heat ratchets

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Marcin Kostur, Jerzy ?uczka und Peter H?nggi
Negative mobility induced by colored thermal fluctuations

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Anna Ochab-Marcinek, Gerhard Schmid, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Noise-assisted spike propagation in myelinated neurons

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A. A. Dubkov, Peter H?nggi und Igor Goychuk
Non-linear Brownian motion: the problem of obtaining the thermal Langevin equation for a non-Gaussian bath

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J?rn Dunkel, Peter H?nggi und Stefan Hilbert
Non-local observables and lightcone-averaging in relativistic thermodynamics

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Nonstationary stochastic resonance viewed through the lens of information theory

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Stanislav I. Denisov, Peter H?nggi und H. Kantz
Parameters of the fractional Fokker-Planck equation

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David Zueco, Fernando Galve, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Quantum router based on ac control of qubit chains

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David Zueco, Georg M. Reuther, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Qubit-oscillator dynamics in the dispersive regime: analytical theory beyond the rotating-wave approximation

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Gerhard Schmid, Poornachandra Sekhar Burada, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Rectification through entropic barriers

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J?rn Dunkel und Peter H?nggi
Relativistic Brownian motion

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Nianbei Li, Fei Zhan, Peter H?nggi und Baowen Li
Shuttling heat across one-dimensional homogenous nonlinear lattices with a Brownian heat motor

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Gert-Ludwig Ingold, Peter H?nggi und Peter Talkner
Specific heat anomalies of open quantum systems

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Dario Poletti, Giuliano Benenti, Giulio Casati, Peter H?nggi und Baowen Li
Steering Bose-Einstein condensates despite time symmetry

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Luca Gammaitoni, Peter H?nggi, Peter Jung und Fabio Marchesoni
Stochastic resonance: a remarkable idea that changed our perception of noise

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Peter H?nggi
The ring of Brownian motion: the good, the bad and the simply silly

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NOISE AND FLUCTUATIONS: 20th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF‐2009), 14–19 June 2009, Pisa (Italy)

Renat M. Yulmetyev, Ramil Khusnutdinoff, Timur Tezel, Yildiz Iravul, Bekir Tuzel und Peter H?nggi
The study of dynamic singularities of seismic signals by the generalized Langevin equation

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Michele Campisi, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Thermodynamics and fluctuation theorems for a strongly coupled open quantum system: an exactly solvable case

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J?rn Dunkel, Peter H?nggi und Stefan Weber
Time parameters and Lorentz transformations of relativistic stochastic processes

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Georg M. Reuther, David Zueco, Peter H?nggi und Sigmund Kohler
Time-resolved measurement of a charge qubit

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Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Underdamped quantum ratchets

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I. M. Sokolov, E. Heinsalu, Peter H?nggi und Igor Goychuk
Universal fluctuations in subdiffusive transport

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Dirk Hennig, Simon Fugmann, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
When it helps to be purely Hamiltonian: acceleration of rare events and enhanced escape dynamics

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Alexey V. Ponomarev, Sergey Vadimovich Denisov und Peter H?nggi
ac-driven atomic quantum motor

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Ilona D. Kosińska, Igor Goychuk, Marcin Kostur, Gerhard Schmid und Peter H?nggi
A singular perturbation approach to the steady-state 1D Poisson-Nernst-Planck modelling

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Marcin Kostur, Lukasz Machura, Peter Talkner, Peter H?nggi und Jerzy ?uczka
Anomalous transport in biased ac-driven Josephson junctions: negative conductances

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Sigmund Kohler, Peter H?nggi und Martijn Wubs
Bath-independent transition probabilities in the dissipative Landau-Zener problem

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Renat M. Yulmetyev und Peter H?nggi
Correlations in complex systems

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Simon Fugmann, Dirk Hennig, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Deterministic escape dynamics of two-dimensional coupled nonlinear oscillator chains

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, E. V. Khusaenova, Dinara G. Yulmetyeva, Peter H?nggi, S. Shimojo, K. Watanabe und J. Bhattacharya
Dynamic effects and information quantifiers of statistical memory of MEG's signals at photosensitive epilepsy

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Rafael Sánchez, Sigmund Kohler, Peter H?nggi und Gloria Platero
Electron bunching in stacks of coupled quantum dots

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Poornachandra Sekhar Burada, Gerhard Schmid, Peter Talkner, Peter H?nggi, David Reguera und J. M. Rubi
Entropic particle transport in periodic channels

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Poornachandra Sekhar Burada, Gerhard Schmid, David Reguera, M. H. Vainstein, J. M. Rubi und Peter H?nggi
Entropic stochastic resonance

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Dirk Hennig, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Escaping particles in a periodic potential show giant transient directed transport

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Roland Doll, Martijn Wubs, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Fidelity and entaglement of a spatially extended linear three-qubit register

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Peter H?nggi, Gert-Ludwig Ingold und Peter Talkner
Finite quantum dissipation: the challenge of obtaining specific heat

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Thomas Frommelt, D. Gogel, Marcin Kostur, Peter Talkner, Peter H?nggi und Achim Wixforth
Flow patterns and transport in Rayleigh surface acoustic wave streaming: combined finite element method and raytracing numerics versus experiments

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David Zueco, Peter H?nggi und Sigmund Kohler
Landau–Zener tunnelling in dissipative circuit QED

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Peter Talkner, Peter H?nggi und Manuel Morillo
Microcanonical quantum fluctuation theorems

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Thomas Frommelt, Marcin Kostur, Melanie Wenzel-Sch?fer, Peter Talkner, Peter H?nggi und Achim Wixforth
Microfluidic mixing via acoustically driven chaotic advection

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Franz J. Kaiser, Peter H?nggi und Sigmund Kohler
Molecular electronics in junctions with energy disorder

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Marcin Kostur, Lukasz Machura, Jerzy ?uczka, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Negative conductance in driven Josephson junctions

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Qi Zhang, Peter H?nggi und Jiangbin Gong
Nonlinear Landau–Zener processes in a periodic driving field

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Hideaki Yasuda, Tsuyoshi Miyaoka, Jun Horiguchi, Akira Yasuda, Peter H?nggi und Yoshiharu Yamamoto
Novel class of neural stochastic resonance and error-free information transfer

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Roland Doll, David Zueco, Martijn Wubs, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
On the conundrum of deriving exact solutions from approximate master equations

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Karin John, Peter H?nggi und Uwe Thiele
Ratchet-driven fluid transport in bounded two-layer films of immiscible liquids

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Nianbei Li, Peter H?nggi und Baowen Li
Ratcheting heat flux against a thermal bias

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I. D. Kosińska, Igor Goychuk, M. Kostur, G. Schmid und Peter H?nggi
Rectification in synthetic conical nanopores: a one-dimensional Poisson-Nernst-Planck model

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, David Valliancourt, Fail M. Gafarov und Peter H?nggi
Relaxational Singularities of Human Motor System at Aging Due to Short-Range and Long-Range Time Correlations

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Dirk Hennig, Simon Fugmann, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Role of energy exchange for the deterministic escape of a coupled nonlinear oscillator chain

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Rafael Sánchez, Franz J. Kaiser, Sigmund Kohler, Peter H?nggi und Gloria Platero
Shot noise in spin pumps

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Dirk Hennig, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Slowly rocking symmetric, spatially periodic Hamiltonians: the role of escape and the emergence of giant transient directed transport

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, E. V. Khusaenova, Dinara G. Yulmetyeva, Peter H?nggi, S. Shimojo, K. Watanabe und J. Bhattacharya
Statistical memory of MEG signals at photosensitive epilepsy

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Sergey A. Demin, Renat M. Yulmetyev, O. Yu. Panischev und Peter H?nggi
Statistical quantifiers of memory for an analysis of human brain and neuro-system diseases

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Peter Talkner, Poornachandra Sekhar Burada und Peter H?nggi
Statistics of work performed on a forced quantum oscillator

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Erratum: https://doi.org/10.1103/physreve.79.039902

Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Werner Horsthemke und Peter H?nggi
Steady-state Lévy flights in a confined domain

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Dirk Hennig, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Surmounting collectively oscillating bottlenecks

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Franz J. Kaiser, Sigmund Kohler, Peter H?nggi, Marcin Malecha, Jens Ebbecke, Achim Wixforth, H. W. Schumacher, B. K?stner, Daniel Reuter und Andreas D. Wieck
Theoretical and experimental investigations of Coulomb blockade in coupled quantum dot systems

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Qi Zhang, Peter H?nggi und Jiangbin Gong
Two-mode Bose-Einstein condensate in a high-frequency driving field that directly couples the two modes

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Hyungjun Kim, Changho Kim, Eok Kyun Lee, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Wall-mediated self-diffusion in slit and cylindrical pores

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Lukasz Machura, Marcin Kostur, Peter Talkner, Jerzy ?uczka und Peter H?nggi
Absolute negative mobility induced by thermal equilibrium fluctuations

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Michael Schindler, Peter Talkner, Marcin Kostur und Peter H?nggi
Accumulating particles at the boundaries of a laminar flow

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Stefan J. Linz, Martin Raible und Peter H?nggi
Amorphous thin film growth: modeling and pattern formation

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A. V. Mokshin, Renat M. Yulmetyev, R. M. Khusnutdinoff und Peter H?nggi
Analysis of the dynamics of liquid aluminium: recurrent relation approach

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Stanislav I. Denisov, Marcin Kostur, E. S. Denisova und Peter H?nggi
Analytically solvable model of a driven system with quenched dichotomous disorder

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Anomalous escape governed by thermal 1/f noise

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Stanislav I. Denisov, Marcin Kostur, E. S. Denisova und Peter H?nggi
Arrival time distribution for a driven system containing quenched dichotomous disorder

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Peter H?nggi, Martijn Wubs, Sigmund Kohler, Keiji Saito und Yosuke Kayanuma
Bell-state generation in circuit QED via Landau-Zener tunneling

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NOISE AND FLUCTUATIONS: 19th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations; ICNF 2007, 9-14 September 2007, Tokyo (Japan)

Poornachandra Sekhar Burada, Gerhard Schmid, David Reguera, J. M. Rubí und Peter H?nggi
Biased diffusion in confined media

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NOISE AND FLUCTUATIONS: 19th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations; ICNF 2007, 9-14 September 2007, Tokyo (Japan)

Poornachandra Sekhar Burada, Gerhard Schmid, David Reguera, J. M. Rubí und Peter H?nggi
Biased diffusion in confined media: test of the Fick-Jacobs approximation and validity criteria

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Elmar G. Petrov, Ya. R. Zelinskyy, Volkhard May und Peter H?nggi
Charge transmission through a molecular wire: the role of terminal sites for the current-voltage behavior

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Jiangbin Gong, Dario Poletti und Peter H?nggi
Dissipationless directed transport in rocked single-band quantum dynamics

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Keiji Saito, Martijn Wubs, Sigmund Kohler, Yosuke Kayanuma und Peter H?nggi
Dissipative Landau-Zener transitions of a qubit: bath-specific and universal behavior

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Martijn Wubs, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Entanglement creation in circuit QED via Landau–Zener sweeps

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B. Dybiec, E. Gudowska-Nowak und Peter H?nggi
Escape driven by α-stable white noises

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Peter Talkner, Eric Lutz und Peter H?nggi
Fluctuation theorems: work is not an observable

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Igor Goychuk, Jesús Casado-Pascual, Manuel Morillo, J?rg Lehmann und Peter H?nggi
Forced synchronization of a quantum dissipative dynamics

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NOISE AND FLUCTUATIONS: 19th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations; ICNF 2007, 9-14 September 2007, Tokyo (Japan)

E. Heinsalu, Marco Patriarca, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Fractional diffusion in periodic potentials

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Lukasz Machura, Marcin Kostur, Peter Talkner, Peter H?nggi und Jerzy ?uczka
Frequency windows of absolute negative conductance in Josephson junctions

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NOISE AND FLUCTUATIONS: 19th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations; ICNF 2007, 9-14 September 2007, Tokyo (Japan)

Roland Doll, Martijn Wubs, Peter H?nggi und Sigmund Kohler
Incomplete pure dephasing of N-qubit entangled W states

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Gerhard Schmid und Peter H?nggi
Intrinsic coherence resonance in excitable membrane patches

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Marcin Kostur, Michael Schindler, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Neuron firing in driven nonlinear integrate-and-fire models

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Sergey A. Demin, Ramil Khusnutdinov, Oleg Yu. Panischev und Peter H?nggi
Non-Markov statistical effects of X-ray emission intensity of the microquasar GRS 1915+105

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Miguel Rey, Michael Strass, Sigmund Kohler, Peter H?nggi und Fernando Sols
Nonadiabatic electron heat pump

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Changho Kim, Eok Kyun Lee, Peter H?nggi und Peter Talkner
Numerical method for solving stochastic differential equations with Poissonian white shot noise

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J?rn Dunkel und Peter H?nggi
One-dimensional non-relativistic and relativistic Brownian motions: a microscopic collision model

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Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, L. Morales-Molina, Sergej Flach und Peter H?nggi
Periodically driven quantum ratchets: symmetries and resonances

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Stanislav I. Denisov, K. Sakmann, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Rapidly driven nanoparticles: mean first-passage times and relaxation of the magnetic moment

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J?rn Dunkel, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Relative entropy, Haar measures and relativistic canonical velocity distributions

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J?rn Dunkel, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Relativistic diffusion processes and random walk models

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Peter H?nggi, Dinara G. Yulmetyeva, S. Shimojo, E. V. Khusaenova, K. Watanabe und J. Bhattacharya
Relaxation and phase space singularities in time series of human magnetoencephalograms as indicator of photosensitive epilepsy

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Dirk Hennig, Simon Fugmann, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Self-organized escape of oscillator chains in nonlinear potentials

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Dirk Hennig, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Self-organized, noise-free escape of a coupled nonlinear oscillator chain

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Dinara G. Yulmetyeva, Peter H?nggi, S. Shimojo und J. Bhattacharya
Strong memory in time series of human magnetoencephalograms can identify photosensitive epilepsy

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Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
The Tasaki–Crooks quantum fluctuation theorem

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David Cubero, Jesús Casado-Pascual, J?rn Dunkel, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Thermal equilibrium and statistical thermometers in special relativity

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Lukasz Machura, Jerzy ?uczka, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Transport of forced quantum motors in the strong friction limit

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Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Ultrafast stop and go

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E. Heinsalu, Marco Patriarca, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Use and abuse of a fractional Fokker-Planck dynamics for time-dependent driving

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A. B. Мокшин, P. M. Юльметьев, P. M. Хуснутдинов und Peter H?nggi

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Peter H?nggi, Sigmund Kohler, J?rg Lehmann und Michael Strass
AC-driven transport through molecular wires

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Gerhard Schmid, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Capacitance fluctuations causing channel noise reduction in stochastic Hodgkin–Huxley systems

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Franz J. Kaiser, Michael Strass, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Coherent charge transport through molecular wires: influence of strong Coulomb repulsion

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A. V. Mokshin, Renat M. Yulmetyev, R. M. Khusnutdinov und Peter H?nggi
Collective dynamics in liquid aluminum near the melting temperature: theory and computer simulation

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Michael Schindler, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Computing stationary free-surface shapes in microfluidics

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Franz J. Kaiser, Peter H?nggi und Sigmund Kohler
Coulomb repulsion effects in driven electron transport

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Stanislav I. Denisov, Taras V. Lyutyy, Peter H?nggi und Kalliopi N. Trohidou
Dynamical and thermal effects in nanoparticle systems driven by a rotating magnetic field

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Marcin Mierzejewski, Jerzy Dajka, Jerzy ?uczka, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Dynamical bimodality in equilibrium monostable systems

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David Reguera, Gerhard Schmid, Poornachandra Sekhar Burada, J. M. Rubí, Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Entropic transport: kinetics, scaling, and control mechanisms

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Martijn Wubs, Keiji Saito, Sigmund Kohler, Peter H?nggi und Yosuke Kayanuma
Gauging a quantum heat bath with dissipative Landau-Zener transitions

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Jing-Dong Bao, Yi-Zhong Zhuo, Fernando A. Oliveira und Peter H?nggi
Intermediate dynamics between Newton and Langevin

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Elmar G. Petrov, Ya. R. Zelinskyy, Volkhard May und Peter H?nggi
Kinetic control of the current through a single molecule

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Elmar G. Petrov, Volkhard May und Peter H?nggi
Kinetic rectification of charge transmission through a single molecule

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J?rn Dunkel, Stefan Hilbert und Peter H?nggi
Langevin-Gleichungen mit nichtlinearer Reibung

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Roland Doll, Martijn Wubs, Peter H?nggi und Sigmund Kohler
Limitation of entanglement due to spatial qubit separation

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Stanislav I. Denisov, Taras V. Lyutyy und Peter H?nggi
Magnetization of nanoparticle systems in a rotating magnetic field

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Sergey A. Demin und Peter H?nggi
Manifestation of chaos in real complex systems: case of Parkinson’s disease

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Stanislav I. Denisov, K. Sakmann, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Mean first-passage times for an ac-driven magnetic moment of a nanoparticle

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Jerzy Dajka, Jerzy ?uczka, Marcin Mierzejewski und Peter H?nggi
Noisy dynamics of magnetic flux in mesoscopic cylinders

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Peter H?nggi und Gert-Ludwig Ingold
Quantum Brownian motion and the third law of thermodynamics

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Peter H?nggi
Quantum dissipation: a primer

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K. Saito, Martijn Wubs, Sigmund Kohler, Peter H?nggi und Y. Kayanuma
Quantum state preparation in circuit QED via Landau-Zener tunneling

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Igor Goychuk, Jesús Casado-Pascual, Manuel Morillo, J?rg Lehmann und Peter H?nggi
Quantum stochastic synchronization

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Quantum two-state dynamics driven by stationary non-Markovian discrete noise: exact results

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, S. A. Demin, O. Yu. Panischev, Peter H?nggi, S. F. Timashev und G. V. Vstovsky
Regular and stochastic behavior of Parkinsonian pathological tremor signals

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J?rn Dunkel und Peter H?nggi
Relativistic Brownian motion: from a microscopic binary collision model to the Langevin equation

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Erratum published at: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.74.069902

Anatolii V. Mokshin, Renat M. Yulmetyev, R. M. Khusnutdinov und Peter H?nggi
Self-consistent approach in the microdynamics description of supercooled liquids and glasses

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Wolfgang H?usler und Peter H?nggi
Spin conversion rates due to dipolar interactions in monoisotopic quantum dots at vanishing spin-orbit coupling

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Sergey Vadimovich Denisov, Sergej Flach und Peter H?nggi
Stationary Hamiltonian transport with dc bias

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, S. A. Demin und Peter H?nggi
Statistical memory effects in time series dynamics: Application to Parkinson's disease

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Jerzy ?uczka, Jerzy Dajka, Marcin Mierzejewski und Peter H?nggi
Stochastic resonance and resonant enhancement of magnetic flux in periodically driven mesoscopic cylinders

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C. Schmitt, B. Dybiec, Peter H?nggi und C. Bechinger
Stochastic resonance vs. resonant activation

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Sergey A. Demin, Oleg Yu. Panischev und Peter H?nggi
Age-related alterations of relaxation processes and non-Markov effects in stochastic dynamics of R–R intervals variability from human ECGs

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Marcin Kostur, Peter H?nggi, Peter Talkner und José L. Mateos
Anticipated synchronization in coupled inertial ratchets with time-delayed feedback: a numerical study

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Peter H?nggi, F. Marchesoni und F. Nori
Brownian motors

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Jerzy ?uczka, Jerzy Dajka, Marcin Mierzejewski und Peter H?nggi
Can self-sustaining currents be induced in a system of mesoscopic rings?

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UNSOLVED PROBLEMS OF NOISE AND FLUCTUATIONS: UPoN 2005: Fourth International Conference on Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations in Physics, Biology, and High Technology, 6-10 June 2005, Gallipoli, Lecce (Italy)

Karen M. Fonseca Romero, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Coherence stabilization of a two-qubit gate by ac fields

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Jerzy Dajka, Jerzy ?uczka, M. Szopa und Peter H?nggi
Collective behavior of coupled mesoscopic cylinders

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Sigmund Kohler, Michael Strass, Peter H?nggi, Miguel Rey und Fernando Sols
Current and noise suppression in ac-driven coherent transport

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NOISE AND FLUCTUATIONS: 18th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations - ICNF 2005, 19-23 September 2005, Salamanca (Spain)

Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Decoherence in resonantly driven bistable systems

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Anatolii V. Mokshin, Renat M. Yulmetyev und Peter H?nggi
Diffusion processes and memory effects

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Stanislav I. Denisov und Peter H?nggi
Domain statistics in a finite Ising chain

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Sigmund Kohler, J?rg Lehmann und Peter H?nggi
Driven quantum transport on the nanoscale

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Michael Schindler, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Escape rates in periodically driven Markov processes

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Peter H?nggi und Gert-Ludwig Ingold
Fundamental aspects of quantum Brownian motion

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Elmar G. Petrov, Volkhard May und Peter H?nggi
Kinetic theory for electron transmission through a molecular wire

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Martijn Wubs, Keiji Saito, Sigmund Kohler, Yosuke Kayanuma und Peter H?nggi
Landau–Zener transitions in qubits controlled by electromagnetic fields

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Jerzy ?uczka, Jerzy Dajka und Peter H?nggi
Magnetic flux in mesoscopic cylinders

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Jing-Dong Bao, Peter H?nggi und Yi-Zhong Zhuo
Non-Markovian Brownian dynamics and nonergodicity

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Igor Goychuk, Peter H?nggi, Jose L. Vega und Salvador Miret-Artés
Non-Markovian stochastic resonance: three-state model of ion channel gating

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Lukasz Machura, Marcin Kostur, Fabio Marchesoni, Peter Talkner, Peter H?nggi und Jerzy ?uczka
Optimal strategy for controlling transport in inertial Brownian motors

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Addendum and Erratum: J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 18(2006) 4111–411210. DOI: 1088/0953-8984/18/16/C01

Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Quantum dynamics in strong fluctuating fields

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Stanislav I. Denisov, E. S. Denisova und Peter H?nggi
Ratchet transport for a chain of interacting charged particles

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Anatolii V. Mokshin, Renat M. Yulmetyev und Peter H?nggi
Simple measure of memory for dynamical processes described by a generalized Langevin equation

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Peter Talkner, Lukasz Machura, Michael Schindler, Peter H?nggi und Jerzy ?uczka
Statistics of transition times, phase diffusion and synchronization in periodically driven bistable systems

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Jerzy ?uczka, Ryszard Rudnicki und Peter H?nggi
The diffusion in the quantum Smoluchowski equation

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Jesús Casado-Pascual, José Gómez-Ordó?ez, Manuel Morillo, J?rg Lehmann, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Theory of frequency and phase synchronization in a rocked bistable stochastic system

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J?rn Dunkel und Peter H?nggi
Theory of relativistic Brownian motion: the (1+1)-dimensional case

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M. Borromeo, Peter H?nggi und Fabio Marchesoni
Transport by bi-harmonic drives: from harmonic to vibrational mixing

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Michael Strass, Sigmund Kohler, J?rg Lehmann und Peter H?nggi
Transport through a driven three-site system

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Anatolii V. Mokshin und Peter H?nggi
Universal approach to overcoming nonstationarity, unsteadiness and non-Markovity of stochastic processes in complex systems

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Peter H?nggi, Jurek Luczka und Peter Talkner
World Year of Physics 2005: focus on Brownian motion and diffusion in the 21st century [Edited Collection Abstract]

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Sigmund Kohler, Sébastien Camalet, Michael Strass, J?rg Lehmann, Gert-Ludwig Ingold und Peter H?nggi
Charge transport through a molecule driven by a high-frequency field

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Karen M. Fonseca Romero, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Coherence control for qubits

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Lukasz Machura, Marcin Kostur, Peter H?nggi, Peter Talkner und Jerzy ?uczka
Consistent description of quantum Brownian motors operating at strong friction

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S. Sengupta, R. Guantes, Salvador Miret-Artés und Peter H?nggi
Controlling directed transport in two-dimensional periodic structures under crossed electric fields

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Gerhard Schmid, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Controlling the spiking activity in excitable membranes via poisoning

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, S. A. Demin, Peter H?nggi und A. I. Galeev
Dinara's Crosses, Chaoticity and Robustness in Stochastic Dynamics of Solar Activity

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Gerhard Schmid, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Effect of channel block on the spiking activity of excitable membranes in a stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley model

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Michael Schindler, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Firing time statistics for driven neuron models: analytic expressions versus numerics

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Fractional diffusion modeling of ion channel gating

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Karen M. Fonseca Romero, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Is the dynamics of open quantum systems always linear?

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Sigmund Kohler, J?rg Lehmann, Michael Strass und Peter H?nggi
Molecular wires in electromagnetic fields

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Natalya A. Emelyanova, Sergey A. Demin, Fail M. Gafarov, Peter H?nggi und Dinara G. Yulmetyeva
Non-Markov stochastic dynamics of real epidemic process of respiratory infections

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Sergey E. Savel'ev, Fabio Marchesoni, Peter H?nggi und Franco Nori
Nonlinear signal mixing in a ratchet device

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Christian Aulbach, André Wobst, Gert-Ludwig Ingold, Peter H?nggi und Imre Varga
Phase-space visualization of a metal–insulator transition

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Anatolii V. Mokshin, Renat M. Yulmetyev und Peter H?nggi
Relaxation time scales in collective dynamics of liquid alkali metals

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Sébastien Camalet, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Shot-noise control in ac-driven nanoscale conductors

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Sergey E. Savel’ev, Fabio Marchesoni, Peter H?nggi und Franco Nori
Signal mixing in a ratchet device: commensurability and current control

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Elmar G. Petrov, Volkhard May und Peter H?nggi
Spin-boson description of electron transmission through a molecular wire

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Gerhard Schmid, Igor Goychuk, Peter H?nggi, S. Zeng und Peter Jung
Stochastic resonance and optimal clustering for assemblies of ion channels

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J?rn Dunkel, Stefan Hilbert, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Stochastic resonance in biological nonlinear evolution models

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Theory of non-Markovian stochastic resonance

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Sergey E. Savel'ev, Fabio Marchesoni, Peter H?nggi und Franco Nori
Transport via nonlinear signal mixing in ratchet devices

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J?rg Lehmann, Sigmund Kohler, Volkhard May und Peter H?nggi
Vibrational effects in laser-driven molecular wires

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Ralf Eichhorn, Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Absolute negative mobility and current reversals of a meandering Brownian particle

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J?rg Lehmann, Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Activated escape over oscillating barriers: the case of many dimensions

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Peter H?nggi
Book Review: Handbook of Graphs and Networks: From the Genome to the Internet; Editors Stefan Bornholdt and Heinz Georg Schuster, Wiley-VCH, Berlin 2003

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Gerhard Schmid, Igor Gychuk und Peter H?nggi
Channel noise and synchronization in excitable membranes

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Sigmund Kohler, J?rg Lehmann und Peter H?nggi
Controlling currents through molecular wires

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Sébastien Camalet, J?rg Lehmann, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Current noise in ac-driven nanoscale conductors

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Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Decoherence in resonantly driven bistable systems

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2nd ed. 2005: https://opus.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/opus4/44358

Renat M. Yulmetyev, Anatolii V. Mokshin und Peter H?nggi
Diffusion time-scale invariance, randomization processes, and memory effects in Lennard-Jones liquids

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Natalya A. Emelyanova, Sergey A. Demin, Fail M. Gafarov, Peter H?nggi und Dinara G. Yulmetyeva
Fluctuations and noise in stochastic spread of respiratory infection epidemics in social networks

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UNSOLVED PROBLEMS OF NOISE AND FLUCTUATIONS: UPoN 2002: Third International Conference on Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations in Physics, Biology, and High Technology, 3-6 September, 2002, Washington, DC (USA)

Jan A. Freund, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Frequency and phase synchronization in stochastic systems

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Jesús Casado-Pascual, Claus Denk, José Gómez-Ordó?ez, Manuel Morillo und Peter H?nggi
Gain in stochastic resonance: precise numerics versus linear response theory beyond the two-mode approximation

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Peter H?nggi und Igor Goychuk
Ion channel gating based on Kramers theory

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J?rn Dunkel, W. Ebeling, Lutz Schimansky-Geier und Peter H?nggi
Kramers problem in evolutionary strategies

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J?rg Lehmann, Sébastien Camalet, Sigmund Kohler und Peter H?nggi
Laser controlled molecular switches and transistors

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Peter H?nggi, Gerhard Schmid und Igor Goychuk
Membrane clusters of ion channels: size effects for stochastic resonance

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Stefan J. Linz, Martin Raible und Peter H?nggi
Morphogenesis of growing amorphous films

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Anatolii V. Mokshin, T. Scopigno und Peter H?nggi
New evidence for the idea of timescale invariance of relaxation processes in simple liquids: the case of molten sodium

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Non-Markovian stochastic resonance

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Peter H?nggi, Fail M. Gafarov und Dinara G. Yulmetyeva
Non-Stationary Time Correlation in Discrete Complex Systems: Application in Cardiology and Seismology

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André Wobst, Gert-Ludwig Ingold, Peter H?nggi und Dietmar Weinmann
Phase space signatures of the Anderson transition

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Thomas Wilhelm und Peter H?nggi
Power-law distributions resulting from finite resources

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J?rg Lehmann, Sigmund Kohler, Peter H?nggi und Abraham Nitzan
Rectification of laser-induced electronic transport through molecules

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Peter H?nggi, Gerhard Schmid und Igor Goychuk
Statistical physics of biocomplexity

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Nonlinear dynamics and the spatiotemporal principles of biology: Leopoldina-Symposium, Darmstadt, May 13 to 15, 2002

Renat M. Yulmetyev, Peter H?nggi und Fail M. Gafarov
Stochastic processes of demarkovization and markovization in chaotic signals of human brain electric activity from EEGs during epilepsy

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Parallel erschienen in der russischen Ausgabe: Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 123 (3) pp. 643 (2002)

Peter H?nggi und Fabio Marchesoni (Hrsg.)
Stochastic systems: from randomness to complexity: proceedings of the International School of Solid State Physics: 26th Workshop on Stochastic Systems; from randomness to complexity, NATO-Advanced Research Workshop, EPS-PESC-Exploratory Workshop held at Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice (Sicily), Italy, July 26 - August 1, 2002

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Sergey Demin, Natalya Emelyanova, Fail M. Gafarov und Peter H?nggi
Stratification of the phase clouds and statistical effects of the non-Markovity in chaotic time series of human gait for healthy people and Parkinson patients

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Jesús Casado-Pascual, José Gómez-Ordó?ez, Manuel Morillo und Peter H?nggi
Subthreshold stochastic resonance: rectangular signals can cause anomalous large gains

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
The role of conformational diffusion in ion channel gating

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Jesús Casado-Pascual, Manuel Morillo, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
The role of different reorganization energies within the Zusman theory of electron transfer

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Dvira Segal, Abraham Nitzan und Peter H?nggi
Thermal conductance through molecular wires

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J?rg Lehmann, Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Throwing ropes in the dark: the case of oscillating barriers

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Jesús Casado-Pascual, José Gómez-Ordó?ez, Manuel Morillo und Peter H?nggi
Two-state theory of nonlinear stochastic resonance

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Peter H?nggi
Use and abuse of quantum noise

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Gert-Ludwig Ingold, André Wobst, Christian Aulbach und Peter H?nggi
What do phase space methods tell us about disordered quantum systems?

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Martin Raible, Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Amorphous thin film growth simulation methods for stochastic deposition equations

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Ralf Eichhorn, Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Brownian motion exhibiting absolute negative mobility

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R. Dean Astumian und Peter H?nggi
Brownian motors

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Jesús Casado-Pascual, José Gómez-Ordó?ez, Manuel Morillo und Peter H?nggi
Checking linear response theory in driven bistable systems

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Elmar G. Petrov, Volkhard May und Peter H?nggi
Controlling electron transfer processes through short molecular wires

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Michael Thorwart und Peter H?nggi
Decoherence and dissipation during a quantum XOR gate operation

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Gert-Ludwig Ingold, André Wobst, Christian Aulbach und Peter H?nggi
Delocalization and Heisenberg's uncertainty relation

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Peter Reimann, Christian Van den Broeck, H. Linke, Peter H?nggi, J. M. Rubi und A. Pérez-Madrid
Diffusion in tilted periodic potentials: enhancement, universality, and scaling

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Anatolii V. Mokshin, Peter H?nggi und V. Yu. Shurygin
Dynamic structure factor in liquid cesium on the basis of time-scale invariance of relaxation processes

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Peter H?nggi, Gerhard Schmid und Igor Goychuk
Excitable membranes: channel noise, synchronization and stochastic resonance

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André Wobst, Gert-Ludwig Ingold, Peter H?nggi und Dietmar Weinmann
From ballistic motion to localization: a phase space analysis

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Martin Raible, Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Growth instabilities of vapor deposited films: atomic size versus deflection effect

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J?rg Lehmann, Gert-Ludwig Ingold und Peter H?nggi
Incoherent charge transport through molecular wires: interplay of Coulomb interaction and wire population

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David Reguera, Peter Reimann, Peter H?nggi und J. M. Rubí
Interplay of frequency-synchronization with noise: current resonances, giant diffusion and diffusion-crests

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Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Introduction to the physics of Brownian motors

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Ion channel gating: a first-passage time analysis of the Kramers type

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Natalya A. Emelyanova, Peter H?nggi, Fail M. Gafarov und Alexander S. Prokhorov
Long-range memory and non-Markov statistical effects in human sensorimotor coordination

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J?rg Lehmann, Sigmund Kohler, Peter H?nggi und Abraham Nitzan
Molecular wires acting as coherent quantum ratchets

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Lars Callenbach, Peter H?nggi, Stefan J. Linz, Jan A. Freund und Lutz Schimansky-Geier
Oscillatory systems driven by noise: frequency and phase synchronization

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Ralf Eichhorn, Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Paradoxical motion of a single Brownian particle: absolute negative mobility

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Peter H?nggi, Mark Ratner und Sophia Yaliraki
Preface: Transport in molecular wires

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Peter H?nggi und Fail M. Gafarov
Quantification of heart rate variability by discrete nonstationary non-Markov stochastic processes

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Sigmund Kohler, J?rg Lehmann, Sébastien Camalet und Peter H?nggi
Resonant laser excitation of molecular wires

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Jesús Casado-Pascual, José Gómez-Ordó?ez, Manuel Morillo und Peter H?nggi
Rocking bistable systems: use and abuse of linear response theory

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Ralf Eichhorn, Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Simple polynomial classes of chaotic jerky dynamics

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Jesús Casado-Pascual, Igor Goychuk, Manuel Morillo und Peter H?nggi
Solvent controlled charge transfer dynamics on diabatic surfaces with different curvatures

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Peter H?nggi und Fail M. Gafarov
Statistical Theory of Non-Stationary Time Correlation in Complex Systems with Discrete Time

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Peter H?nggi
Stochastic resonance in biology: how noise can enhance detection of weak signals and help improve biological information processing

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Special Issue: Biophysics


Martin Raible, Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Amorphous thin film growth: effects of density inhomogeneities

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Peter H?nggi
Brownian machinery in physics and biology

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Peter Reimann, Christian Van den Broeck, H. Linke, Peter H?nggi, J. M. Rubi und A. Pérez-Madrid
Giant acceleration of free diffusion by use of tilted periodic potentials

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Minimal Quantum Brownian Rectifiers

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Peter H?nggi und Fail M. Gafarov
Non-Markov Stationary Time Correlation in Complex Systems with Discrete Current Time

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Elmar G. Petrov und Peter H?nggi
Nonlinear electron current through a short molecular wire

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Elmar G. Petrov, Yaroslav R. Zelinskii und Peter H?nggi
Nonlinear properties of an inter-electrode current through a short molecular wire

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Fail M. Gafarov, Peter H?nggi, Raoul Nigmatullin und Shamil Kayumov
Possibility between earthquake and explosion seismogram differentiation by discrete stochastic non-Markov processes and local Hurst exponent analysis

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Igor Goychuk, Ludwig Hartmann und Peter H?nggi
Semiclassical electron transfer: Zusman equations versus Langevin approach

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Jing-hui Li und Peter H?nggi
Spatially periodic stochastic system with infinite globally coupled oscillators

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Gerhard Schmid, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Stochastic resonance as a collective property of ion channel assemblies

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Peter H?nggi
Stochastische Resonanz: Rauschen macht sensibel

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Michael Thorwart, Milena Grifoni und Peter H?nggi
Strong coupling theory for tunneling and vibrational relaxation in driven bistable systems

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Lars Callenbach, Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Synchronization of simple chaotic flows

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Anatolii V. Mokshin, Peter H?nggi und V. Yu. Shurygin
Time-scale invariance of relaxation processes of density fluctuation in slow neutron scattering in liquid cesium

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Ralf Eichhorn, Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Transformation invariance of Lyapunov exponents

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Jing-hui Li, Jerzy ?uczka und Peter H?nggi
Transport of particles for a spatially periodic stochastic system with correlated noises

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Michael Thorwart, Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
A real-time path integral method for driven dissipative quantum systems

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Martin Raible, Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Amorphous thin film growth: minimal deposition equation

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Martin Raible, Stefan Mayr, Stefan J. Linz, Michael Moske, Peter H?nggi und Konrad Samwer
Amorphous thin-film growth: theory compared with experiment

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S. Siegert, R. Friedrich und Peter H?nggi
Analysis of fluctuating data sets of diffusion processes

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Michael Thorwart, Ludwig Hartmann, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Controlling decoherence of a two-level atom in a lossy cavity

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Ludwig Hartmann, Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Controlling electron transfer in strong time-dependent fields: theory beyond the Golden Rule approximation

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A correction has been published: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1389850

Jerzy ?uczka, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Diffusion of Brownian particles governed by fluctuating friction

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Directed current without dissipation: reincarnation of a Maxwell-Loschmidt demon

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Christiane Kettner, Peter Reimann, Peter H?nggi und Frank Müller
Drift ratchet

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Ludwig Hartmann, Igor Goychuk, Milena Grifoni und Peter H?nggi
Driven tunneling dynamics: Bloch-Redfield theory versus path-integral approach

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Peter H?nggi, Sigmund Kohler und Thomas Dittrich
Driven tunneling: chaos and decoherence

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Michael Thorwart, Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Iterative algorithm versus analytic solutions of the parametrically driven dissipative quantum harmonic oscillator

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F. Müller, A. Birner, J. Schilling, U. G?sele, Christiane Kettner und Peter H?nggi
Membranes and micropumps from macroporous silicon

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F. Müller, A. Birner, J. Schilling, U. G?sele, Ch. Kettner und Peter H?nggi
Membranes for micropumps from macroporous silicon

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Peter H?nggi, Mario E. Inchiosa, Dave Fogliatti und Adi R. Bulsara
Nonlinear stochastic resonance: the saga of anomalous output-input gain

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Renat M. Yulmetyev, Peter H?nggi und Fail M. Gafarov
Stochastic dynamics of time correlation in complex systems with discrete time

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Stefan J. Linz, Martin Raible und Peter H?nggi
Stochastic field equation for amorphous surface growth

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Peter H?nggi
Stochastic resonance and Brownian machinery: new results - new applications - new goals

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Stochastic resonance and information transfer in voltage dependent ion channels [Abstract]

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Claudio J. Tessone, Horacio S. Wio und Peter H?nggi
Stochastic resonance driven by time-modulated correlated white noise sources

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Stochastic resonance in ion channels characterized by information theory

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Stefan J. Linz, Wolfgang Hager und Peter H?nggi
Stochastic simulation of granular surface flow in rotated drums

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Michael Thorwart, Milena Grifoni und Peter H?nggi
Strong coupling theory for driven tunneling and vibrational relaxation

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J?rg Lehmann, Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Surmounting oscillating barriers

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J?rg Lehmann, Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Surmounting oscillating barriers: path-integral approach for weak noise

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Markus L?cher, Mario E. Inchiosa, Joseph Neff, Adi R. Bulsara, Kurt Wiesenfeld, Luca Gammaitoni, Peter H?nggi und William Ditto
Theory of controlling stochastic resonance

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Ralf Eichhorn, Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Classes of dynamical systems being equivalent to a Jerky motion

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Gerhard Schmid, Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Control of reaction rate by asymmetric two-state noise

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Peter Talkner, Eli Hershkovitz, Eli Pollak und Peter H?nggi
Controlling activated surface diffusion by external fields

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Luca Gammaitoni, Markus L?cher, Adi R. Bulsara, Peter H?nggi, Joseph Neff, Kurt Wiesenfeld, William Ditto und Mario E. Inchiosa
Controlling stochastic resonance

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Christian Van den Broeck, Peter Reimann, R. Kawai und Peter H?nggi
Coupled Brownian motors

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Peter Reimann, R. Kawai, Christian Van den Broeck und Peter H?nggi
Coupled Brownian motors: anomalous hysteresis and zero-bias negative conductance

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Dietmar Weinmann, Sigmund Kohler, Gert-Ludwig Ingold und Peter H?nggi
Disordered systems in phase space

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Stefan J. Linz, Wolfgang Hager und Peter H?nggi
Hysteretic transition between avalanches and continuous flow in rotated granular systems

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B. Lindner, Lutz Schimansky-Geier, Peter Reimann, Peter H?nggi und M. Nagaoka
Inertia ratchets: a numerical study versus theory

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Peter H?nggi und Peter Reimann
Quantum ratchets reroute electrons

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Quantum stochastic resonance in parallel

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Quantum stochastic resonance in symmetric systems

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Peter H?nggi und Peter Reimann
Reaction rates when barriers fluctuate: a path integral approach

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Christiane Kettner, Peter H?nggi und Frank Müller
Realisierung von rauschinduziertem Transport mit periodischem Antrieb

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Milena Grifoni, Michael Thorwart und Peter H?nggi
Tunneling control of a dissipative double-doublet-system by external fields

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Peter Reimann, Gerhard Schmid und Peter H?nggi
Universal equivalence of mean first-passage time and Kramers rate

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Thomas Wilhelm und Peter H?nggi
What can be stated by the Glansdorff–Prigogine criterion concerning the stability of mass-action kinetic systems?

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Peter H?nggi und Roland Bartussek
Brownian rectifiers

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Peter H?nggi und Milena Grifoni
Classical and quantum stochastic resonance

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Sigmund Kohler, Ralf Utermann, Peter H?nggi und Thomas Dittrich
Coherent and incoherent chaotic tunneling near singlet-doublet crossings

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Jiushu Shao und Peter H?nggi
Decoherent dynamics of a two-level system coupled to a sea of spins

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Ludwig Hartmann, Milena Grifoni und Peter H?nggi
Dissipative tunneling control by elliptically polarized fields

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Peter H?nggi
Driven quantum systems

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T. Dittrich, P. H?nggi, G.-L. Ingold, B. Kramer, G. Sch?n, W. Zwerger, Quantum Transport and Dissipation, pp. 249-286 (1998). Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Reproduced with permission.

Milena Grifoni und Peter H?nggi
Driven quantum tunneling

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Markus Schreier, Peter Reimann, Peter H?nggi und Eli Pollak
Giant enhancement of diffusion and particle selection in rocked periodic potentials

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Igor Goychuk, Milena Grifoni und Peter H?nggi
Nonadiabatic quantum Brownian rectifiers

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Erratum S. 2837

Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Quantum features of Brownian motors and stochastic resonance

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Igor Goychuk und Peter H?nggi
Quantum rectifiers from harmonic mixing

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Thomas Dittrich, Peter H?nggi, Gert-Ludwig Ingold, Bernhard Kramer, Gerd Sch?n und Wilhelm Zwerger
Quantum transport and dissipation

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Peter Reimann, Roland Bartussek und Peter H?nggi
Reaction rates when barriers fluctuate: a singular perturbation approach

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Luca Gammaitoni, Peter H?nggi, Peter Jung und Fabio Marchesoni
Stochastic resonance

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Jiushu Shao, Christine Zerbe und Peter H?nggi
Suppression of quantum coherence: noise effect

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Ralf Eichhorn, Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Transformations of nonlinear dynamical systems to jerky motion and its application to minimal chaotic flows

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I. Zapata, Jerzy ?uczka, Fernando Sols und Peter H?nggi
Tunneling center as a source of voltage rectification in Josephson junctions

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Roland Bartussek, Peter H?nggi, Fernando Sols und I. Zapata
Voltage rectification in a driven asymmetric SQUID

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Jerzy ?uczka, Peter H?nggi und T. Czernik
What minimal noise is necessary for generation of transport in periodic structures?

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Peter Reimann, Milena Grifoni und Peter H?nggi
Adiabatically rocked quantum ratchets

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Applied nonlinear dynamics and stochastic systems near the millenium, San Diego, CA, July 1997

Milena Grifoni, Ludwig Hartmann und Peter H?nggi
Comment on "Transient dynamics of Ohmic dissipative two-level systems driven by dc-ac fields" by Wang and Zhao

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Jiushu Shao und Peter H?nggi
Control of molecular chirality

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Milena Grifoni und Peter H?nggi
Control of tunneling in the ohmic two-state system by strong driving fields

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Jiushu Shao und Peter H?nggi
Controlling quantum coherence by circularly polarized fields

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R. H?u?ler, Roland Bartussek und Peter H?nggi
Coupled Brownian rectifiers

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Applied nonlinear dynamics and stochastic systems near the millenium, San Diego, CA, July 1997

Ludwig Hartmann, Milena Grifoni und Peter H?nggi
Dissipative transport in dc-ac–driven tight-binding lattices

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Milena Grifoni, Ludwig Hartmann und Peter H?nggi
Dissipative tunneling with periodic polychromatic driving: exact results and tractable approximations

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Sigmund Kohler, Thomas Dittrich und Peter H?nggi
Floquet-Markovian description of the parametrically driven, dissipative harmonic quantum oscillator

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Peter H?nggi
Generalized langevin equations: a useful tool for the perplexed modeller of nonequilibrium fluctuations?

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B. Lindner, Lutz Schimansky-Geier, Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Mass separation by ratchets

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Applied nonlinear dynamics and stochastic systems near the millenium, San Diego, CA, July 1997

Peter Reimann, Milena Grifoni und Peter H?nggi
Quantum ratchets

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Roland Bartussek, Peter H?nggi, B. Lindner und Lutz Schimansky-Geier
Ratchets driven by harmonic and white noise

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Wolfgang Hager, Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Spectral statistics of global avalanches along granular piles

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Wolfgang Hager, Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Surface flow of rotated granular systems and the impact of macromechanical stochastics

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Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Surmounting fluctuating barriers: basic concepts and results

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Jerzy ?uczka, T. Czernik und Peter H?nggi
Symmetric white noise can induce directed current in ratchets

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Peter S. Riseborough und Peter H?nggi
The Influence of non-linear dissipation on non-equilibrium quantum tunneling processes

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T. Czernik, J. Kula, Jerzy ?uczka und Peter H?nggi
Thermal ratchets driven by Poissonian white shot noise

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Peter Reimann, Roland Bartussek, R. H?u?ler und Peter H?nggi
Brownian motors driven by temperature oscillations

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Peter H?nggi und Roland Bartussek
Brownian rectifiers: how to convert Brownian motion into directed transport

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Milena Grifoni und Peter H?nggi
Coherent and incoherent quantum stochastic resonance

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Peter H?nggi und Fabio Marchesoni
Comment on "Breathers and kink-antikink nucleation"

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Antonio J. R. Madureira, Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Dye laser with pump and quantum noise

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Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Effect of periodic shear on avalanches in granular systems

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Antonio J. R. Madureira, Peter H?nggi und Horacio S. Wio
Giant suppression of the activation rate in the presence of correlated white noise sources

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Peter H?nggi, Roland Bartussek, Peter Talkner und Jerzy ?uczka
Noise-induced transport in symmetric periodic potentials: white shot noise versus deterministic noise

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Milena Grifoni und Peter H?nggi
Nonlinear quantum stochastic resonance

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Roland Bartussek, Peter Reimann und Peter H?nggi
Precise numerics versus theory for correlation ratchets

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Milena Grifoni, Ludwig Hartmann, Sabine Berchtold und Peter H?nggi
Quantum tunneling and stochastic resonance

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Peter Jung, Jürgen G. Kissner und Peter H?nggi
Regular and chaotic transport in asymmetric periodic potentials: inertia ratchets

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Milena Grifoni und Peter H?nggi
The Driven Spin-Boson System as a model for quantum stochastic resonance

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Joel S. Bader, B. J. Berne, Eli Pollak und Peter H?nggi
The energy relaxation of a nonlinear oscillator coupled to a linear bath

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I. Zapata, Roland Bartussek, Fernando Sols und Peter H?nggi
Voltage rectification by a SQUID ratchet

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Christine Zerbe und Peter H?nggi
Brownian parametric quantum oscillator with dissipation

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Roland Bartussek und Peter H?nggi
Brownsche Motoren: wie aus Brownscher Bewegung makroskopischer Transport wird

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Thomas Dittrich, Frank Grossmann, Peter H?nggi, Bernd Oelschl?gel und Ralf Utermann
Coherent and incoherent dynamics in a periodically driven bistable system

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Peter H?nggi und Peter Jung
Colored noise in dynamical systems

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Peter H?nggi
Control of tunneling

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Milena Grifoni, Maura Sassetti, Peter H?nggi und Ulrich Weiss
Cooperative effects in the nonlinearly driven spin-boson system

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Jerzy ?uczka, Peter H?nggi und Adam Gadomski
Diffusion of clusters with randomly growing masses

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Thomas Dittrich, Peter H?nggi, Bernd Oelschl?gel und Ralf Utermann
Driven tunneling: new possibilities for coherent and incoherent quantum transport

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Antonio J. R. Madureira, Peter H?nggi, Vincent Buonomano und Waldyr A. Rodrigues
Escape from a fluctuating double well

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Jerzy ?uczka, Mariusz Niemiec und Peter H?nggi
First-passage time for randomly flashing diffusion

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Vitaly A. Shneidman und Peter H?nggi
Microscopic reversibility and the nonlinear Einstein-Onsager relation in macroscopic description of nucleation

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Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Minimal model for avalanches in granular systems

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Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi (Hrsg.)
New trends in Kramers’ reaction rate theory

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Jerzy ?uczka, Peter H?nggi und Adam Gadomski
Non-Markovian process driven by quadratic noise: Kramers-Moyal expansion and Fokker-Planck modeling

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Roland Bartussek, Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Stochastic resonance in optical bistable systems: amplification and generation of higher harmonics

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Roland Bartussek, Antonio J. R. Madureira und Peter H?nggi
Surmounting a fluctuating double well: a numerical study

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Peter H?nggi
Surmounting fluctuating barriers

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Thomas Dittrich und Peter H?nggi
Tunneln mit Antrieb

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Jerzy ?uczka, Roland Bartussek und Peter H?nggi
White-noise-induced transport in periodic structures

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Christine Zerbe, Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Brownian parametric oscillators

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Vitaly A. Shneidman und Peter H?nggi
Continuous approximation of a random walk

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Stefan J. Linz und Peter H?nggi
Effect of vertical vibrations on avalanches in granular systems

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Peter H?nggi
Escape over fluctuating barriers driven by colored noise

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Vitaly A. Shneidman und Peter H?nggi
Initiation of a phase transition by preexisting nuclei

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Vitaly A. Shneidman und Peter H?nggi
Nucleation and growth with periodic modulation: asymptotic versus exact results

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Roland Bartussek, Peter H?nggi und Jürgen G. Kissner
Periodically rocked thermal ratchets

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Vitaly A. Shneidman, Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Power spectrum of a driven bistable system

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Philip Pechukas und Peter H?nggi
Rates of activated processes with fluctuating barriers

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Roland Bartussek, Peter H?nggi und Peter Jung
Stochastic resonance in optical bistable systems

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Peter H?nggi, Ralf Utermann und Thomas Dittrich
Tunnel splittings and chaotic transport in periodically driven bistable systems

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Ralf Utermann, Thomas Dittrich und Peter H?nggi
Tunneling and the onset of chaos in a driven bistable system

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Vitaly A. Shneidman, Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Weak-noise limit of stochastic resonance

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Graham R Fleming und Peter H?nggi
Activated Barrier Crossing: Applications in Physics, Chemistry and Biology

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Peter H?nggi
Barrier crossing at low temperatures

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Peter H?nggi, Peter Jung, Christine Zerbe und Frank Moss
Can colored noise improve stochastic resonance?

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Frank Gro?mann, Thomas Dittrich, Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Coherent transport in a periodically driven bistable system

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Bernd Oelschl?gel, Thomas Dittrich und Peter H?nggi
Damped periodically driven quantum transport in bistable systems

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Peter H?nggi und Christine Zerbe
Dissipative quantum noise in a parametric oscillator

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Noise in physical systems and 1/f fluctuations, 1993, St. Louis, Missouri (USA)

Thomas Dittrich, Bernd Oelschl?gel und Peter H?nggi
Driven tunnelling with dissipation

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Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Hopping and phase shifts in noisy periodically driven bistable systems

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Thomas Dittrich, Frank Grossmann, Peter Jung, Bernd Oelschl?gel und Peter H?nggi
Localization and tunneling in periodically driven bistable systems

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Peter H?nggi
Path integral approach to interaction and tunneling times

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Peter H?nggi
Path integral solution for nonlinear generalized Langevin equations

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Peter S. Riseborough und Peter H?nggi
Phase diagram of doped oxide superconductors: a slave-boson approach

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Roland Bartussek, Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Stochastic resonance in optical bistable systems

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Noise in physical systems and 1/f fluctuations, 1993, St. Louis, Missouri (USA)

Peter S. Riseborough und Peter H?nggi
The electronic structure of La2CuO4

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Frank Grossmann und Peter H?nggi
ac-Driven quantum decay

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Christine Zerbe, Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Lasers with injected signals: fluctuations and linewidths

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Frank Gro?mann und Peter H?nggi
Localization in a driven two-level dynamics

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Frank Gro?mann und Peter H?nggi
Resonantly enhanced quantum decay

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Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Amplification of small signals via stochastic resonance

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Frank Grossmann, Thomas Dittrich, Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Coherent destruction of tunneling

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Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Effect of periodic driving on the escape in periodic potentials

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Peter H?nggi
Periodic orbit approach to dissipative quantum tunneling at finite temperatures

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Peter H?nggi und Waldemar Hontscha
Periodic orbit approach to the Quantum-Kramers-rate

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Peter H?nggi
Reaction rate theory: invited contribution for hot papers section

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Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Stochastische Resonanz: ein neues Verfahren, schwache verrauschte Signale zu verst?rken

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Frank Gro?mann, Thomas Dittrich und Peter H?nggi
Suppression of tunneling in periodically driven bistable systems

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Frank Gro?mann, Peter Jung, Thomas Dittrich und Peter H?nggi
Tunneling in a periodically driven bistable system

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Waldemar Hontscha, Peter H?nggi und Eli Pollak
Anomalous crossover behaviour for dissipative tunnelling

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Peter H?nggi
Dissipative quantum tunneling at finite temperatures

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Peter H?nggi, Fabio Marchesoni und Peter S. Riseborough
Dissipative tunnelling in a sine-Gordon chain at high temperatures

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Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Invariant measure of a driven nonlinear oscillator with external noise

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Waldemar Hontscha, Peter H?nggi und Eli Pollak
Numerical study of tunneling in a dissipative system

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Peter H?nggi, Peter Talkner und Michal Borkovec
Reaction-rate theory: fifty years after Kramers

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Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Resonantly driven Brownian motion: basic concepts and exact results

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Peter Jung, Peter H?nggi und Fabio Marchesoni
Colored noise driven bistable systems

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L. H'walisz, Peter Jung, Peter H?nggi, Peter Talkner und L. Schimansky-Geier
Colored noise driven systems with inertia

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Peter H?nggi
Colored noise in continuous dynamical systems: a functional calculus approach

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Peter Jung, Fabio Marchesoni und Peter H?nggi
Comment on "Color-induced transition to a nonconventional diffusion regime"

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Peter H?nggi, Peter Jung und Fabio Marchesoni
Escape driven by strongly correlated noise

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Peter H?nggi
Path integral solutions for non-Markovian processes

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Peter H?nggi
Phasenüberg?nge und Renormierung in der Physik

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Ulrike Griff, Hermann Grabert, Peter H?nggi und Peter S. Riseborough
Possibility of quantum effects reducing the rate of escape from a metastable well

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Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Reply on "Bistability and colored noise in nonequilibrium systems: theory versus precise numerics"

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Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Stochastic nonlinear dynamics modulated by external periodic forces

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Eli Pollak, Hermann Grabert und Peter H?nggi
Theory of activated rate processes for arbitrary frequency dependent friction: solution of the turnover problem

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Fabio Marchesoni, Peter H?nggi und Pasquale Sodano
A Langevin equation approach to Sine-Gordon soliton diffusion with application to nucleation rates

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Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Bistability and colored noise in nonequilibrium systems: theory versus precise numerics

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Peter H?nggi und Peter Jung
Bistability in active circuits: application of a novel Fokker-Planck approach

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Peter H?nggi, Peter Jung und Peter Talkner
Comment on "Bistability driven by weakly colored Gaussian noise: the Fokker-Planck boundary layer and mean first-passage times"

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D. Sokolovski und Peter H?nggi
Complex interaction times in time-dependent scattering problems

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V. Balakrishnan, Christian Van den Broeck und Peter H?nggi
First-passage times of non-Markovian processes: the case of a reflecting boundary

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Peter H?nggi, Fabio Marchesoni und Pasquale Sodano
Nucleation of thermal sine-Gordon solitons: effect of many-body interactions

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Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Optical instabilities: new theories for colored-noise-driven laser instabilities

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Mark James, Frank Moss, Peter H?nggi und Christian Van den Broeck
Switching in the presence of colored noise: the decay of an unstable state

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Evgenii Freidkin, Peter S. Riseborough und Peter H?nggi
The influence of dissipation on the quantal transition state tunnelling rate

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Peter H?nggi und Waldemar Hontscha
Tunnelling in reaction theory: the effect of memory friction

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Peter H?nggi und Waldemar Hontscha
Unified approach to the quantum‐Kramers reaction rate

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Evgenii Freidkin, Peter S. Riseborough und Peter H?nggi
Decay of a metastable state: a variational approximation

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Peter Talkner, Peter H?nggi, Evgenii Freidkin und D. Trautmann
Discrete dynamics and metastability: mean first passage times and escape rates

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Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Discrete dynamics and metastability: mean first passage times and escape rates

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Peter H?nggi
Dissipative tunneling

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Peter Jung und Peter H?nggi
Dynamical systems: a unified colored-noise approximation

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Peter H?nggi und Hermann Grabert
Finite temperature tunnelling in reaction theory

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Ulrich Weiss, Hermann Grabert, Peter H?nggi und Peter S. Riseborough
Incoherent tunneling in a double well

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K. Vogel, Theodor Leiber, H. Risken, Peter H?nggi und W. Schleich
Locking equation with colored noise: continued fraction solution versus decoupling theory

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Waldemar Hontscha und Peter H?nggi
Phenomenological shortcut to dissipative tunneling

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Peter H?nggi
Reaktionskinetik bei tiefen Temperaturen

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R. Singer, D. Trautmann, Peter H?nggi und G. Baur
Alpha particle tunnelling in the field of a magnetic monopole

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L. Fronzoni, P. Grigolini, Peter H?nggi, Frank Moss, R. Mannella und P. V. E. McClintock
Bistable oscillator dynamics driven by nonwhite noise

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Evgenii Freidkin, Peter S. Riseborough und Peter H?nggi
Decay of a metastable state: a variational approach

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Erratum: https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.35.5298

Peter H?nggi
Escape from a metastable state

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Addendum and erratum: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01011919

Peter H?nggi
Macroscopic quantum tunneling at finite temperatures

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Peter H?nggi und Frank Moss
Optical instabilities driven by colored noise

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Peter H?nggi, Ulrich Weiss und Peter S. Riseborough
Quantum decay into a continuum at weak bias

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Evgenii Freidkin, Peter S. Riseborough und Peter H?nggi
Quantum tunneling at low temperatures: results for weak damping

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Peter H?nggi
Reaction rates and friction: classical activation and quantum tunneling

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Special Issue: Physics news in 1985

Frank Moss, Peter H?nggi, R. Mannella und P. V. E. McClintock
Stochastic phase portraits of a damped bistable oscillator driven by colored noise

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Peter H?nggi, Thomas J. Mroczkowski, Frank Moss und P. V. E. McClintock
Bistability driven by colored noise: theory and experiment

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Peter H?nggi, Hermann Grabert und Ulrich Weiss
Dissipative quantum decay at finite temperatures

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Peter S. Riseborough, Peter H?nggi und Ulrich Weiss
Exact results for a damped quantum-mechanical harmonic oscillator

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Peter H?nggi und Peter Talkner
First-passage time problems for non-Markovian processes

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Peter H?nggi, Hermann Grabert, Gert-Ludwig Ingold und Ulrich Weiss
Quantum theory of activated events in presence of long-time memory

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Peter S. Riseborough, Peter H?nggi und Evgenii Freidkin
Quantum tunneling in dissipative media: intermediate-coupling-strength results

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Peter H?nggi
The functional derivative and its use in the description of noisy dynamical systems

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Christian Van den Broeck und Peter H?nggi
Activation rates for nonlinear stochastic flows driven by non-Gaussian noise

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Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Activation rates in dispersive optical bistability with amplitude and phase fluctuations: a case without detailed balance

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Peter H?nggi, Fabio Marchesoni und P. Grigolini
Bistable flow driven by coloured gaussian noise: A critical study

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Peter H?nggi
Bistable flows driven by colored noise

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Peter H?nggi, Hermann Grabert, Peter Talkner und Harry Thomas
Bistable systems: master equation versus Fokker-Planck modeling

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Ulrich Weiss, Peter S. Riseborough, Peter H?nggi und Hermann Grabert
Energy loss in quantum tunnelling

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Erratum published at: https://doi.org/10.1016/0375-9601(84)90030-6

Hermann Grabert, Ulrich Weiss und Peter H?nggi
Influence of thermal fluctuations on macroscopic quantum tunneling

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Peter H?nggi und Ulrich Weiss
Memory damping and energy-diffusion-controlled escape

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Peter H?nggi
On escape rates in systems with memory effects

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Hermann Grabert, Ulrich Weiss und Peter H?nggi
Quantum tunneling in dissipative systems at finite temperatures

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Peter H?nggi und Peter S. Riseborough
Activation rates in bistable systems in the presence of correlated noise

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Peter H?nggi und Peter S. Riseborough
Dynamics of nonlinear dissipative oscillators

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Hermann Grabert, Peter H?nggi und Irwin Oppenheim
Fluctuations in reversible chemical reactions

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Peter H?nggi und Peter Talkner
Memory index of first-passage time: a simple measure of non-Markovian character

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Peter H?nggi
Non-Stokesian damping and thermally activated escape

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Peter H?nggi
Physics of ligand migration in biomolecules

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Dietrich Ryter, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Rate of phase slips of a driven Van der Pol oscillator at low noise

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Peter S. Riseborough und Peter H?nggi
Diffusion on surfaces of finite size: M?ssbauer effect as a probe [Abstract]

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Peter H?nggi
Memory effect on thermally activated escape rates

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Peter H?nggi
Nonlinear fluctuations: the problem of deterministic limit and reconstruction of stochastic dynamics

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Peter H?nggi und Harry Thomas
Stochastic processes: time evolution, symmetries and linear response

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Peter H?nggi und Fatemeh Mojtabai
Thermally activated escape rate in presence of long-time memory

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Peter H?nggi
Langevin description of Markov master equations II: noise correlations

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Peter H?nggi und Peter Talkner
Non-Markov processes: the problem of the mean first passage time

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Peter H?nggi
Nonlinear effects of colored nonstationary noise: exact results

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Peter H?nggi, Kurt E. Shuler und Irwin Oppenheim
On the relations between Markovian master equations and stochastic differential equations

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Peter H?nggi und Peter Talkner
A remark on truncation schemes of cumulant hierarchies

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Peter H?nggi
Connection between deterministic and stochastic descriptions of nonlinear systems

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G. Haag und Peter H?nggi
Continued fraction solutions of discrete master equations not obeying detailed balance II

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Peter H?nggi
Dynamics of nonlinear oscillators with fluctuating parameters

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Peter H?nggi, F. R?sel und D. Trautmann
Evaluation of infinite series by use of continued fraction expansions: a numerical study

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Peter H?nggi
Langevin description of markovian integro-differential master equations

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Hermann Grabert, Peter H?nggi und Peter Talkner
Microdynamics and nonlinear stochastic processes of gross variables

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Peter H?nggi, Adi R. Bulsara und Ralph Janda
Spectrum and dynamic-response function of transmitted light in the absorptive optical bistability

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G. Haag und Peter H?nggi
Exact solutions of discrete master equations in terms of continued fractions

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Hermann Grabert, Peter H?nggi und Peter Talkner
Is quantum mechanics equivalent to a classical stochastic process?

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Peter H?nggi
Note on the evaluation of the memory-kernel occuring in generalized master equations

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Peter H?nggi, F. R?sel und D. Trautmann
Continued fraction expansions in scattering theory and statistical non-equilibrium mechanics

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Peter H?nggi
Correlation functions and master equations of generalized (non-Markovian) Langevin equations

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Peter H?nggi
Error bounds of continued fractions for complex transport coefficients and spectral functions

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H. Grabert, Peter Talkner, Peter H?nggi und H. Thomas
Microdynamics and time-evolution of macroscopic non-Markovian systems II

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Hermann Grabert, Peter H?nggi und Peter Talkner
Non-Markovian equilibrium dynamics and fluctuation-dissipation theorem

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Peter H?nggi, Harry Thomas, Hermann Grabert und Peter Talkner
Note on time evolution of non-Markov processes

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Peter H?nggi
On derivations and solutions of master equations and asymptotic representations

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Peter H?nggi und Peter Talkner
On the equivalence of time-convolutionless master equations and generalized Langevin equations

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Peter H?nggi
Stochastic processes I: asymptotic behaviour and symmetries

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Peter H?nggi
Stochastic processes II: response theory and fluctuation theorems

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Peter H?nggi
Stochastic theory for the kinetics of migration of ligands in biomolecules

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N. Alberding, H. Frauenfelder und Peter H?nggi
Stochastic theory of ligand migration in biomolecules

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Hermann Grabert, Peter Talkner und Peter H?nggi
Microdynamics and time-evolution of macroscopic non-Markovian systems

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Peter H?nggi und Harry Thomas
Time evolution, correlations, and linear response of non-Markov processes

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Peter H?nggi und Harry Thomas
Asymptotisches Verhalten und Symmetrien von stochastischen Prozessen

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Peter H?nggi und Harry Thomas
Linear response and fluctuation theorems for nonstationary stochastic processes

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Peter H?nggi und Harry Thomas
Master equation and fluctuation theorems

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Peter H?nggi und Harry Thomas
Master-Gleichung und Fluktuationstheoreme

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Peter H?nggi, R. D. Viollier, U. Raff und K. Alder
Muon decay in orbit

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