

Personal Details

Year of birth: 1952
Address: Institute of Physics
? University of Augsburg
? 86135 Augsburg, GERMANY
? ?
Telephone: +49 (0)821 598 3224
E-mail: ulrich.eckern(at)uni-a.de

Scientific Career

1970-1975 Study of Physics, University of Dortmund, Diploma 1975
1975-1976 Research Assistant, University of Dortmund
1977-1980 Research Assistant, University of Karlsruhe
1979 Ph.D. (Physics) summa cum laude, University of Karlsruhe
1980-1982 Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
1982-1989 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Karlsruhe
1984 Habilitation (Physics), University of Karlsruhe
1989-1990 Heisenberg Fellow (DFG / German Research Foundation)
1990-1993 Senior Scientist (Ia BAT, permanent), Research Center Karlsruhe (now part of KIT), Institute for Nuclear Solid State Physics; Head of the Theory Group
1993-2020 Professor (Chair) for Theoretical Physics II, University of Augsburg; Prof. em. ("i. R.") from 10/2020
1996-2005 Founding Member and Principal Investigator, DFG Research Training Group 283, "Nonli near Problems in Analysis, Geometry and Physics", Augsburg
1996-2000 Founding Member and Principal Investigator, DFG Research Unit 241, "Metal-Insulator Transition and Magnetism in Highly Correlated Transition Metal Chalcogenides", Augsburg
1999-2005 Principal Investigator in DFG Priority Program 1073, "Collective Quantum States in Electronically Onedimensional Transition Metal Compounds"
2000-2009 Founding Member and Principal Investigator, DFG Collaborative Research Center 484, "Cooperative Phenomena in Solids: Metal-Insulator Transitions and Ordering of Microscopic Degrees of Freedom", Augsburg
2007-2009 Principal Investigator in DFG Priority Program 1285, "Semiconductor Spintronics"
2010-2017 Founding Member and Principal Investigator, DFG Collaborative Research Center/Transregio 80, "From Electronic Correlations to Functionality", Augsburg/Munich


Fellowships, Awards, Services to the Community, Administration

1980-1981 NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship
1984 Vice-Chair of the Program Committee, 17th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Karlsruhe (LT-17), August 1984
1989 Walter Schottky Prize for Solid State Research, German Physical Society (with G. Sch?n and W. Zwerger)
1989-1990 Heisenberg Fellowship (DFG)
1993-1995 Managing Director, Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg
1993-1997 Co-Coordinator of the EU-HCM project Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics: Interacting Electrons in Superconductors and Materials of Reduced Geometry, as well as of two Euroconference series, the ESPRIT Working Group "Small Structures", and several INTAS/PECO projects (Institute for Scientific Interchange, Torino)
1996-1998 Dean of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, University of Augsburg
1996-today Liaison Professor of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings
1998-2011 Editor in Chief, Annalen der Physik ( Homepage Augsburg)
1998-1999 (Elected) Member of the Senate, University of Augsburg
1999-2001 Prorector, University of Augsburg ( Aufgabenbereiche)
1999-2004 Member of the Advisory Board "Nanotechnology", Research Center Karlsruhe (now part of KIT)
1999-2006 Co-Coordinator of three WE-Heraeus Seminars, Bad Honnef (1999, 2002, 2006)
2000-2002 Member of the Executive Board, Bavaria-California Technology Center (BaCaTeC); 2003-2014 member of the Advisory Board
2000-2021 Member of the Executive Board, KUMAS e.V. (Environmental Competence Center Augsburg-Swabia)
2000-2006 Member of the Council ("Vorstandsrat"), German Physical Society
2000-today Member of the Executive Board, Georg Haindl Science Foundation
2001-2010 Coordinator of the Peace and Conflict Studies Initiative, University of Augsburg
2003-today Coordinator of ECCE, an international, UNESCO supported initiative to establish a Center of Excellence in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics in Palestine
2003-2006 Managing Director, Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg
2003-2022 Liaison Professor of the BEA ( Bayerische EliteAkademie) ? ??
2004-2007 (Elected) Member of the Senate, University of Augsburg
2006 Co-Coordinator of the Symposium Magnetic Switching (DPG/EPS Spring Meeting, Dresden)
2006 Co-Coordinator of the Summer School Communication-Dialog-Peace Work, Augsburg
2006-2014 Member of the Hertha Sponer Prize Committee, German Physical Society
2008 Outstanding Referee, American Physical Society
2011-2012 Managing Director, Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg
2011-2021 Faculty Commissioner for International Affairs
2012-2020 (Elected) Member of the DFG Review Board 307 (area 307-02: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics); Chair? 5/2016 - 4/2018
2012-today Member of the Honorary Advisory Board, Annalen der Physik
2012 Fellow, American Physical Society
2012-2015 Chair of the Division "Low Temperatures" of the German Physical Society
2015-today Member of the Advisory Board, Z. Naturforsch. A
2017-2023 Member and Chair of the Walter Schottky Prize for Solid State Research Committee, German Physical Society
2018-2024 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board,? Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
2019 Co-Coordinator of the Polish-German WEH-Seminar Coherence in Fermionic Matter, Bad Honnef
12/2022-today Member of the Jury: Augsburg Science Prize for Intercultural Studies
02/2024-today Chair ('Vorsitzender'): f.au.st e.V. ("furtherance of international students in Augsburg")


Research Areas

  • Theory of superconductivity and superfluid Helium
  • Unconventional superconductors near interfaces
  • Quantum mechanics and dissipation: Josephson junctions and networks
  • Phase coherence in mesoscopic systems: disorder and electron-electron interaction
  • One-dimensional models and quasi one-dimensional materials
  • Charge and spin transport: disorder and finite-size effects
  • Density functional theory: electronic structure, transport and response
  • Charge, spin, and heat transport through correlated nano- and heterostructures


Professional Memberschips


Referee Commitments

  • DFG, AvH, EU, MIUR, NSF, GIF, as well as for several scientific journals
