

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Christian Lammert


Anl?sslich der Wahlen in den Vereinigten Staaten wird Prof. Dr. Christian Lammert (FU Berlin) am 28. Oktober 2024 einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "Presidential Elections in the U.S.: The Intersection of Economic Growth, Inequality and Institutional Trust" halten.


  • Der Vortrag findet am 28.10.2024 um 17:30 Uhr statt.
  • Geb?ude D, Raum 2006.


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“Presidential Elections in the U.S.: The Intersection of Economic Growth, Inequality and Institutional Trust”

Prof. Dr. Christian Lammert (JFKI FU Berlin)


The presidential election of 20224 is one of the tightest races in the history of the United States. Since the change of candidates on the side of the Democratic Party, the public opinion polls show a tie in nearly all the important battleground states. “It’s the economy, stupid” is one of the most quoted sentences from Bill Clintons successful election campaigns in the 1990s. Is this still true? The Biden/Harris administration implemented policies that lead to economic growth and lower inflation and unemployment rates. But the perception among US citizens about the economy is mainly negative.

?This talk explores the complex interplay between economic factors and institutional trust in shaping the ongoing U.S. presidential election. We will discuss how economic indicators like GDP growth, the unemployment rate and income inequality influence voter behavior and political preferences. The presentation will delve into the erosion of trust in government institutions and its impact on electoral outcomes. This will be done in a broader historical perspective to illustrate how economic performance affects incumbent approval and challenger success. Additionally, the talk will address the role of media, social networks, and information dissemination in forming public opinion on economic issues and institutional credibility.
