

Nina-Maria Fronhofer

Doctoral Research Assistant
Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft / Anglistik
Telefon: +49 821 598 - 5754
Raum: 4043 (D)
Adresse: Universit?tsstra?e 10, 86159 Augsburg

Curriculum Vitae

02/2014 & 03/2014:


09/2013 & 10/2013:



since 10/2012:


2011 - 2012:


2009 - 2011:




2007?- 2008:

Research Stay at King's College London


Research stays and field work at the Universities of York, Lancaster and at Middlesex University London


Research Assistant at University of Augsburg


Teaching Assistant (LfbA, TEFL) at University of Würzburg


Teacher Training Program & 2nd State Exam (English & French)


1st State Exam (English & French)?


Student Assistant in English Linguistics, University of Würzburg

Research Interests

  • language and emotion (emotion talk and emotional talk)
  • contrastive linguistics (esp. English - German)
  • (intercultural) discourse analysis
  • cognitive linguistics (Event structures, esp. Emotion Events)
  • (experimental) corpus linguistics
  • (emotion) narratives
  • applied linguistics (esp. teaching, intercultural communication)
  • interactional sociolinguistics (contextualization theory)
  • methodology (statistics, modelling language data with R)

PhD Project

"Emotion Concepts in Context - a Contrastive Analysis of?English and German Discourse"


My main interest lies in research on language and emotion. I specifically focus on cross-linguistic differences in English and German emotion concepts such as ANGER or JOY. I hereby take a discursive approach and explicitly accommodate context into my cognitive (corpus) linguistic as well as cross-linguistic analyses. Moreover, I strive to promote a new methodological framework, integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches; I model (descriptive and inferential statistics) my data using R. My research may find a wide range of applications such as in teaching, intercultural communication or automatic inferencing.


  • Fronhofer, N.-M. submitted. “My ANGER was justified surely?” Markers of epistemic (un-) certainty in English and German Emotion Events.
  • Fronhofer, N.-M. 2018. “So angry or slightly irritated of sorts?” ANGER events in British English and German. Proceedings of the interdisciplinary workshop “Emotion Concepts in Use”, Heinrich-Heine University (SFB 991/DFG: The Structures of Representations in Language,Cognition and Science), Düsseldorf, Germany. Peter Lang.
  • Fronhofer, N.-M-.2015. Nearly a bit angry or just so happy? – Intensifiers as contextualization cues. Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée, numéro spécial, t. 2, été 2015, 29-49.

Selected talks

Fronhofer, N.-M. (2018) "Are you probably a bit jealous? - Concepts d'émotion et leurs indices contextuels." Poster presented at 2ème Colloque Langage et éMOTion, Univérsité Paul Valèry Montpellier 3, Laboratoire Epsylon, Montpellier, France.


Fronhofer, N.-M. (2016) "My anger was justified SURELY? - Markers of epistemic un-/certainty in English and German Emotion Events." Paper presented at International Conference on Language and Emotion (ICLE), EMOFUNDETT Project, UNED, Madrid, Spain.


Fronhofer, N.-M. (2016) "Positive emotions across languages: a mixed model profile-based approach to JOY." Paper presented at CERE Emotion Conference, Leiden, Netherlands.


Fronhofer, N.-M. (2016) "Modelling emotion concepts across languages." Paper presented at 6. Diskussionsforum Linguistik, Slavisches Seminar, University of Zurich, Switzerland.


Fronhofer, N.-M. (2016) "I am literally thrilled - Modelling JOY across English and German". Invited talk at Englisches Seminar, University of Zurich, Switzerland.


Fronhofer, N.-M. (2015) "Angry, really angry or really very angry - Intensifiers and the role of discourse in emotion research." Poster presented at the conference of the International Society for the Research on Emotion (ISRE), Geneva, Switzerland.


Fronhofer, N.-M. (2015) "So angry or rather slightly irritated? - Language-specific emotion patterns in English and German." Paper presented at the interdisciplinary workshop "Emotion Concepts in Use" (SFB 991/ DFG: The Structure of Representations in Language, Cognition and Science), Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany.


Fronhofer, N.-M. (2014) "The Emotion Event ANGER - patterns and co-occurrences." at ISLE 3, Zürich, Switzerland.


Fronhofer, N.-M. (2014) "Emotions in context - contrasting English and German." Text analysis session at Centre for Language, Discourse and Communication, King's College, London, UK.


Fronhofer, N.-M. (2014) "Intensification and Emotion." Invited talk at "London Language: Talk about Language, University of Middlesex, London, UK.?


Fronhofer, N.-M. (2014) "Intensification in English and German." at "Language norms in context." Meeting of the Swiss Association for Applied Linguistics (Vals-Asla), Lugano, Switzerland.


Fronhofer, N.-M. (2013) "Emotive expressions and identity building - evidence from English/ German discourse." at "The linguistic construction of personal and group identity: structure, pragmatics and cognition." Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany.


Fronhofer, N.-M., Hofmockel, C. (2013) "Methods in identity research." Data session and workshop at "The linguistic construction of personal and group identity: structure, pragmatics and cognition." Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany.


Fronhofer, N.-M., Herbert, C., Fetzer, A. (2013) "Emotive expressions in a second language." 5th JRM, AILA-Europe, Dublin, UK.


Fronhofer, N.-M. (2012) "From the Romans to the Normans - an awareness raising strategy training for young language learners."??GMF Bundeskongress, Essen-Duisburg, Germany.
