

Dr. phil. Ashumi Shah

Project Overview - Understanding Speculative TV Fandoms

The pervasive nature of new media --- be it Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr --- calls for an examination of participatory culture, especially where popular television shows are concerned. Not only must one don the lens of participatory culture and active audiences, but also take on an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of new media audiences. The project aims to do just that with tools from genre studies, television studies, fan studies and digital humanities for a more integrated, holistic approach to how digital natives consume, produce and disseminate all the media on offer. In the current draft, the project covers the shows Black Mirror, The OA, and the literary celebrity of Neil Gaiman ?? .


Research Highlights: genre, science fiction, new media, digital humanities, celebrity, active audiences, participatory culture, fan studies




  • SoSe 2019 Popular Culture Analysis (?bung)
  • ?? WiSe 2019/20 Pop is Lit: Examining Literature in Practices of Popular Culture (Proseminar)
  • SoSe 2020 Science Fiction in Literature and TV (Proseminar)
  • SoSe 2020 Narrative Analysis: Science Fiction Short Stories (?bung)
  • WiSe 2020/21 The Colonized Female in Anglophone Literature (Proseminar)
  • SoSe 2021 Experimental and Interactive Storytelling: Group A (?bung)
  • WiSe 2021/22: Poetry in the Digital Age (Proseminar)
  • WiSe 2021/22: Poetry Analysis in the Digital Age (?bung)
  • SoSe 2022: Literary Reviews (?bung)

Presentations and Publications

23 June, 2017, ‘East Meets West – An analysis of culture clash in Gurinder Chadha’s Bride and Prejudice’ Presented at Jane Austen in a Global Context at the University of G?ttingen. https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/student+conference+on+jane+austen+in+a+global+context+%2822-23+june+17%29/565367.html


6 July 2019, ‘Do You Tweet Chaucerian?’ Presented at Fanfic and the Premodern World, History Faculty, University of Oxford https://fapmw.web.ox.ac.uk/??


2 October, 2020, ‘Participatory Culture and Experimental Speculative Fiction.’ Presented at the GFF Online Panels.


With Anke Bock, 10 October, 2020, ‘Death of the Endless and Fan Projections.’ Presented at the 15th Annual ComFor Conference (Gesselschaft Für Comicforschung). https://www.comicgesellschaft.de/en/2020/08/03/programm-der-comfor-jahrestagung-2020-comics-agency-actors-publics-participation/


Organising Committee --- 11th Annual Conference for the Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung (GFF) ?? --- Imagining Alternatives: The Fantastic and the Political --- 10-12 September, 2020.


Published, April 2021: Review of Brit Bennett’s The Vanishing Half for Ancillary Review of Books. https://ancillaryreviewofbooks.org/2021/03/09/between-black-and-white-review-of-the-vanishing-half-by-brit-bennett/


Forthcoming; With Anke Bock — “Death of the Endless and Fan Projections” in association with ComFor?


With Danica Stojanovic: Organising committee of the NELK Annual Student Conference: Experimental and Interactive
Storytelling, 2021?

