

Dr. phil. Edoardo Checcucci (University of Trento/University of Augsburg)

Project Overview - Conflicts, Ambivalences and Negotiations in Norwegian Postmigration Literature

The project focuses on contemporary Norwegian literature, and in particular on the so-called postmigration production, whose protagonists are “second-generation immigrants”, “mixed-race people” and transnational adoptees. The concept of postmigration proposes to consider migration as a phenomenon that “affects” the entire society, not only individuals labelled as “migrants”, and suggests the overcoming of the dichotomies that oppose immigrants and their children to the majority population. The concept of postmigration is used in combination with that of intersectionality, according to which factors of advantage and disadvantage must be seen in connection with each other, such as gender, sex, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, religion, disability, age etc. For each theme, a group of works is selected, in order to highlight similarities and differences through a comparative analysis. The main research questions are: What are the biggest problems that the postmigrant generation has to face in contemporary Norwegian society? How does the postmigrant generation expand the concept of ?Norwegianness?? It will also be important to consider the previous migration production and have a transnational perspective to compare Norway with its neighbors Sweden and Denmark.



Research focus: Norway, contemporary literature, postmigration, intersectionality, comparative analysis

Presentations and Publications

Checcucci, Edoardo, 2022, “Introduzione”, in Khalid Hussain, Paki, Trento, Forme libere: 9-59.


Checcucci, Edoardo, 2022, “Il dinamismo della Norvegia in epoca postmigratoria: identità e scontro generazionale da Pakkis di Khalid Hussain a H?r her’a! di Gulraiz Sharif”, Novecento transnazionale. Letterature, Arti e Culture,?6: 44–59, < https://doi.org/10.13133/2532-1994/17833>.


Checcucci, Edoardo, 2022, “Rappresentazioni di realtà ai margini di Oslo in Alle utlendinger har lukka gardiner di Maria Navarro Skaranger e Tante Ulrikkes vei di Zeshan Shakar: kebabnorsk, glocalità e gangster wannabe”, Altre modernità, settembre: 195-206, < https://doi.org/10.54103/2035-7680/18696>.


Checcucci, Edoardo, 2022, “L’islamofobia nella letteratura della postmigrazione in Norvegia”, LEA: Lingue e Letterature d’Oriente e d’Occidente, 11: 301-316, <https://oajournals.fupress.net/index.php/bsfm-lea/article/view/13481/13035>.


Checcucci, Edoardo, 2022, “Razzializzazione e bianchezza nelle opere norvegesi della postmigrazione di Camara Lundestad Joof”, NuBE. Nuova Biblioteca Europea, 3: 109-135, <https://rivistanube.dlls.univr.it/article/view/1262/1259>.?


Checcucci, Edoardo, 2020, “Linguaggio e identità ai confini di Oslo: ?Alle utlendinger har lukka gardiner? di Maria Navarro Skaranger e ?Tante Ulrikkes vei? di Zeshan Shakar”.?NuBE. Nuova Biblioteca Europea, 1: 55-81, <https://rivistanube.dlls.univr.it/article/view/838>.


Forthcoming: “Dag Solstad, modernista norvegese: traduzione di ?Det plutselige ?yeblikk? (Spiraler) e ?Vi vil ikke kaffekjelen vinger? (Svingstol)”, Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione.





Naqvi, Aon Raza & Checcucci, Edoardo, 2021, “Third Culture Kids. ? vokse opp mellom kulturer / Third Culture Kids. Crescere tra culture”,?NuBE. Nuova Biblioteca Europea, 2: 483-508, <https://rivistanube.dlls.univr.it/article/view/1084>.


Hussain, Khalid, 2022, Paki, Italian translation by Edoardo Checcucci, Trento, Forme libere. <https://www.forme-libere.it/libro/paki>





Checcucci, Edoardo, 2022, “Conflicts, ambivalences and negotiations in Norwegian postmigration literature”, NELK research day, Universit?t Augsburg, 09/02/2023.


Member of the organizing and scientific committee of the doctoral conference "Dialoghi sull'identità" organized by the PhD students of the 36th cycle of the doctoral course "Forms of cultural exchange" (Unitn) and held at the University of Trento on 05-07/04/ 2022.


Checcucci, Edoardo, 2022, “From Migration to Postmigration Literature”, ATTR Digital Spring Seminar 2022. Reception: Practices and Strategies for Interpreting Texts, UiO (University of Oslo), 14-17/03/2022.


Checcucci, Edoardo, 2022, “La stigmatizzazione dei sobborghi del Groruddalen nei romanzi di Zeshan Shakar”, ASTRI study day, 08/06/2022.


Checcucci, Edoardo, 2021, “Rappresentazioni di realtà ai margini di Oslo in Alle utlendinger har lukka gardiner (Tutti gli stranieri hanno le tende chiuse) di Maria Navarro Skaranger e Tante Ulrikkes vei (Via Tante Ulrikke) di Zeshan Shakar”, Vulnerabilità e resilienza: Voci e pratiche dai margini, doctoral conference (Unimi), 17-19/03/2021.


Contact Dr. phil. Edoardo Checcucci

