

Italienisch-deutsches Doktorandenkolleg: Formen des kulturellen Austauschs (Trento – Augsburg)

Formen des Austauschs finden in beinahe jedem Kontext statt: als soziale Praktiken, als Verhaltensweisen und in Institutionen, in den Sprachen sowie in den Künsten.


Das internationale Doktorandenkolleg ?Forms of Cultural Exchange“ der Universit?t Trento in Kooperation mit der Universit?t Augsburg widmet sich seit dem Wintersemester 2019/20 diesen Zusammenh?ngen – aus synchroner sowie aus diachroner Perspektive.


Innovativ und interdisziplin?r ausgerichtet bietet das PhD-Programm Raum für Forschungsprojekte aus den Philologien, den Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften sowie der Geschichte.


Gegenstand der Kurse, die Teil des Programms sind und an den beiden Partneruniversit?ten stattfinden, ist sowohl der materiale als auch der symbolische Austausch, der Synergien oder Konflikte zwischen den Kulturen pr?gt, der über R?ume und Zeiten hinweg stattfindet und dabei auch Transformationen der konstituierenden Umst?nde bewirkt.


Seinem Leitmotiv Rechnung tragend, bietet das Programm den Promovierenden die M?glichkeit, kulturellen Austausch auch innerhalb der eigenen Forschungst?tigkeit zu verwirklichen: sowohl bei einem sechsmonatigen Aufenthalt an der Partneruniversit?t in Trento als auch beim Aufenthalt an einer weiteren internationalen Einrichtung oder Universit?t.


Promovierende, die zur Teilnahme am Doktorandenkolleg zugelassen sind, werden durch ein Stipendium finanziell unterstützt.


In Augsburg beteiligt sind derzeit folgende Disziplinen: Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft, auch mit dem Schwerpunkt Ethik; Sprachwissenschaft Anglistik; Literaturwissenschaft Anglistik; Romanistische Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft; Alte und Mittelalterliche Geschichte.


The University of Trento announces a public?selection procedure for admission to the 37th cycle (a.y. 2021/2022) of the International Research Doctoral Course in “Forms of cultural exchange”,?joint PhD with the University of Augsburg in Germany.


  • Announcement of selection: published on 27th?April 2021.
  • Application online: available starting from?29th April 2021?(go to the Application)
  • Application’s deadline to participate in the selection: 30th June 2021, 4:00 p.m. (Italian time).?

Candidates are warmly recommended to submit their application in advance. The University shall not be considered responsible for any dysfunctions due to technical problems and/or overload of the communication line and/or of the OS, for the loss of communication due to incorrect address details or late communication about possible change of address of the candidates, or for any other problem and delay due to third parties, unexpected cases or circumstances beyond one’s control.


  • Number of positions: 12
  • Number of 3-year-grants: 12
  • The grants are funded as follow:?7 grants funded by the University of Trento; 5 grants financed by the Centre of Advanced Studies in the Humanities (CeASHum) of the Department of Humanities, within the Project of Excellence - Law 232/2016.
  • Number of supernumerary positions: 2 (positions reserved to candidates fulfilling the requirements stated by art. 20, par. 3 of the University Regulations regarding PhD Programmes)
  • Start of the Academic Year: 1st November 2021
  • Duration of the PhD Programme: 3 years
  • Official language: Italian and German
  • Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Fulvio Ferrari
  • Co-coordinator: Prof. Dr.?Rotraud von?Kulessa
  • Coordinating Committee: composed of eight professors:?Fulvio Ferrari, Mathias Mayer, Ermenegildo Bidese, Francesca Di Blasio, Caterina Mordeglia, Sabine Schwarze, Rotraud von Kulessa and?Stephanie Waldow

The administrative seat of the Doctorate is the University of Trento, with an agreement with the University of Augsburg.


Further institutions may be admitted to participate in the Program as partner institutions, after verification of the possession of the characteristics of high qualification in the field of studies on the dynamics of exchanges, conflicts and interactions between cultures by the Academic Board.


The Programme is aimed at highly qualified candidates from all European and non-European countries. In order to guarantee an adequate academic quality, the Universities of Trento and Augsburg are committed to providing specific competences, teachings and supervisors for study and research activities. The international doctoral programme is fully integrated, also thanks to the compulsory mobility provided for the doctoral candidates both between the two partner universities (at least 6 months in the three-year period) and within the research network offered by the two universities (at least another 6 months in the three-year period).


Collaborations with Italian and foreign institutions: the Doctoral Course provides the possibility of internships, mobility and research collaborations with the following institutions (Doctoral thesis co-tutelle?with foreign universities):


The International Doctoral Course in "Forms of cultural exchange" has as its specific objective the training of figures with high professionalism and autonomy in the field of studies on the dynamics of exchanges, conflicts and interactions between cultures. The PhD students are required to participate according to the procedures indicated in the Manifesto of Studies. The seminars will be held in Italian, German, English or any other language appropriate to the subject matter of the seminars themselves. The didactic proposal is divided into the following types:

  1. research methodology courses in the specific areas covered by the doctorate;
  2. cross-curricular courses in the various disciplines for research training and research communication;
  3. thematic and disciplinary seminars;
  4. seminars for the presentation and discussion of research projects as they progress;
  5. courses and seminars at other institutions in Italy or abroad;
  6. participation in conferences, seminars and workshops, in-house and at other institutions.

During the three-year period, scientific conferences will be organized to prepare doctoral seminars; training activities will also be provided in the fields of language, information technology, research management, knowledge of research systems and funding systems, exploitation of research results and intellectual property.

The Course anticipates didactic and research activities will be carried out at the University of Trento and at the University of Augsburg. Teaching activities are organised as seminars in the following way:

  • first year: seminars totalling a minimum of 48 hours;
  • second year: seminars totalling a minimum of 12 hours;
  • third year: seminars totalling a minimum of 12 hours.

By the end of each academic year, each PhD student must submit a written report on all the training and research activities undertaken (courses and seminars, progress made in his/her own research, etc.) to the Coordinator. The report format will be decided by the Academic Board and these reports will be evaluated by the said Board. For admission to the next year, a favourable assessment by the supervisor, identified in accordance with art. 13 of these rules of procedure, is required as well as a positive evaluation of both research and courses attended.


PhD students must attend 12-hour seminars in their third year. The doctoral thesis is written in English or in another language, subject to the authorization of the Academic Board.


By the end of the third year of the course, they must submit their application for admission to the final examination, which will be assessed by the Academic Board, which, having obtained the opinion of the supervisor, approves the application for admission to the final exam and identifies two or more evaluators (referees), chosen from highly qualified teachers and researchers, external to both the Academic Board and the partner Universities of Trento and Augsburg.


The referees receive:

  • a copy of the PhD thesis;
  • the candidate's CV listing any publications.

Within 60 days of receiving the documentation, referees deliver a written analytical assessment of the thesis and recommend admission to the viva voce exam or postponement of up to six months should significant additions or corrections be necessary. Fulfilment of the requirements of the doctoral candidates admitted to the final exam.


The final exam for attaining the joint title of "Dottore di ricerca" in Italian and corresponding "Doktor der Philosophie" in German consists of a discussion of the thesis held in public in front of a special Panel that is proposed by the Coordinating Committee and appointed by the Rector of the University of Trento and by the President of the University of Augsburg.


The Commission formulates an opinion on the thesis presented by the candidate and on the outcome of the interview and also expresses an overall assessment. The Diploma, signed by the Rector/President of the two Universities, will show the logos of the Parties and the specific mention that the title is valid in each order with the name provided by the respective regulations on the subject. In case of negative judgment, the doctoral student loses the right to discuss the thesis again.

Further information can be found on the University of Trento’s website.

